MultiO Studies

Multiple Orgasm in the Human Male
by Alfred C. Kinsey, Ph.D1, Wardell P. Pomeroy2, Clyde E. Martin3, and Paul H. Hebhard4

1Professor of Zoology, Indiana University.
2Research Associate, Indiana University.
3Research Associate, Indiana University.
4Research Associate, Indiana University.

Excepts from: Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., and Martin, C.E. Sexual behavior in the human male [Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1948]
 & Kinsey, A.C., Pomeroy, W.B., Martin, C.E., and Gebhard P.H. Sexual behavior in the human female [Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co., 1953]

    The existence of multiple orgasm in the human male has been discussed in the rich context of human sexual responses. Most males occasionally ejaculate more than once; but there are males who regularly do so, practically every time there is a socio-sexual contact. Of the white males who have contributed to the present study and who have had experience in intercourse, 380 have had a history of regular, multiple ejaculation at some period in adolescence or in adult years. Very few adult males are able to reach more than four or five climaces in any limited period of time; an occasional teen-age boy will reach six or more; and a quarter of the pre-adolescents for whom we have any record of orgasm were able to go beyond five, and in some cases to as many as ten, twenty, or more in a few hours’ time.

Scope of the Study
The Scientific Objective
Problems of Marital Adjustment
Sexual Problems of Unmarried Youth
Sexual Education of Children
Social Control of Sexual Behavior

Erotic Arousal
Tactile and Pressure Responses
Pulse Rate
Blood Pressure
Increased Peripheral Flow of Blood
Reduced Bleeding
Female Genital Secretions
Male Genital Secretions
Nasal and Salivary Secretions
Reduction in Sensory Perception
Relieving of Blockages
Neuromuscular Tensions
The Build-up
Speed of Response
Orgasmic Response
Muscular Spasms and Convulsions
Genital Spasms and Convulsions
Other Readjustments
Conscious Satisfactions
Comparisons of Female and Male
Statistical Analyses
Learning and Conditioning
Early Sexual Growth and Activity
Pre-Adolescent Sex Play
Homosexual Play
Heterosexual Play
Animal Contacts
With Adult Males
Pre-Adolescent Orgasm
Total Sexual Outlet
Frequency of Total Outlet
Individual Variation
Factors Effecting Variation
Low Frequencies and Sublimation
Females Without Orgasm
High Frequencies of Outlet
Age and Sexual Outlet
Adolescent Sexual Activity
Sexual Aging
Capacity to Reach Repeated Climax
Old Age and Impotence
Masturbation and Age
Nocturnal Emissions and Age
Petting to Climax, and Age
Pre-marital Intercourse and Age
Intercourse with Prostitutes and Age
Marital Intercourse and Age
Female Orgasm in Marital Intercourse
Significance of Sexual Element in Marriage
Extra-marital Intercourse and Age
Homosexual Activity and Age
Heterosexual-Homosexual Balance
Animal Contacts and Age
Post-marital Outlets and Age
Age of Adolescence and Sexual Outlet
Onset of Sexual Activity
Frequencies of Total Outlet
Factors Involved
Sources of Outlet
Pre-marital Intercourse
Homosexual Outlet
Other Outlets
Aging Versus Early Activity
Among Females
Among Mammals
Pre-adolescent Activity
Adolescent Activity
In Various Groups
Religious Backgrounds
Social Implications
Transmission of Sexual Mores
Learning To Masturbate
Sources of Erotic Arousal
-- -- Nudity
-- -- Preferences for Light or Dark
-- -- Place
-- -- Time Involved
-- -- -- Speed of Male Orgasm
-- -- Sexual Fantasies and Sex Dreams
-- -- Playing around
-- -- Promiscuity
Erogenous Zones
-- -- Penis and Clitoris
-- -- Scrotum and Labia
-- -- Vagina and Cervix
-- -- Other Body Surfaces
-- -- Other Sense Organs
-- -- Entire Nervous Body
-- -- Brain
Hormonal Factors
-- -- Gonadal Insufficiencies
-- -- Extra Supply of Gonadal Hormones
-- -- Other Hormones
Techniques of Masturbation
Techniques in Petting
-- -- Mouth Stimulation
-- -- Breast Stimulation
-- -- Genital Stimulation, Manual
-- -- Genital Stimulation, Oral
Coital Techniques
-- -- Positions in Intercourse
-- -- Anal Eroticism
Techniques with Prostitutes
Techniques of Female Homosexual Contacts
Nature of Animal Contacts
Correlations with Other Outlets
Nocturnal Emissions and Other Outlets
Significance of Masturbation
Significance of Fantasies
Significance of Petting
Significance of Pre-Marital Coitus
Significance of Marital Coitus
Significance of Extra-Marital Coitus
Significance of Prostitution
Significance of Homosexual Responses
Significance of Animal Contacts

Orgasmic Experiments
Concerning Man's Basic Drive
Anticipating Masters and Johnson
Kinsey's Myth of Female Sexuality
Designated Discussion
The Child Experiments
Kinsey and Children
Ethics of Sex Research Involving Children
The Man They Called a Monster
Chester the Molester
