
“Team three will be handling fish! Team four: roasted items! Team five: grill! Team six: sauces! Get to your stations, go, go, go!”

• Semen naturally enriches any sauce and makes it more exciting.
• The sauces should be of the "full fat" variety so don't even think about calories when making these sauces.
• Never use ejaculated semen, it would spoil all the feast.
• Do not add milked semen without some churning of it first.
• Good prepared semen in very small amounts will surely become the main attraction and may even steal the show.
• All these recipes do not require adding the real semen by itself. Although, thin and subtle substances produced by a glance and testis of multiorgasmically churned penis of any age are the must. Just put your favorite sauce on a perfectly tuned shaved testis of your choice and use its multiorgasmic penis as a shaker for your sauce's natural enhancer.
• All these sources are perfect also for Cooking with Balls.

     Chefs note: The heavier dishes that use semen in the sauce or gravy call for 1-3 drops, which is quite a bit less than the average man's milking production.

Special "S" BBQ Sauce
Hollandaise Sauce
Pungent Aioli
Béchamel Sauce
Homemade Tabasco Sauce
Hot Chilli Sauce
Cumberry Sauce