-- We're thieves, Dad. And what we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage.
-- It's not stealing if no one wants it.
-- If no one wants it, then why are we stealing it?
Semen (seminal fluid, penis milk, jism, fruit of balls) is the cloudy white (grey or even yellowish) body alkaline bases fluid that is emitted from the urethra of the penis during ejaculation or multiorgasmic milking when the man reaches sexual climax (orgasm). While the penis is erect, the flow of urine is blocked from the urethra, allowing only semen to be ejaculated at orgasm.
While it is a bodily fluid, semen is not a waste by-product. Semen is a natural source and a good balanced nutrient-rich soup of protein, natural fructose sugars, enzymes, vitamins and minerals whose main purpose is to nourish the sperm contained within. Semen is nutritious. One typical ejaculation contains 150 mg of protein, 11 mg of carbohydrates, 6 mg fat, 3 mg cholesterol, 7% US RDA potassium and 3% US RDA copper and zinc. When metabolized, protein yields 4 kcal/g, carbohydrate also yields 4 kcal/g, and fat yields 9 kcal/g. Hence the food energy in the typical ejaculation is 0.7 kcal (2.9 kJ), and you need 1 tablespoon of semen to get from 2-7 calories.
In other words, semen is already a form of food. The body digests semen just like any other food. On its own, semen meets the criteria for a low-carb food. In fact, semen would have been probably praised as an ideal food has it not been considered a faux pas.
Eggs come out of a chicken's bottom. Uddered milk comes out a cow /goat /horse /whatever's boobs. Seminal milk comes out of adult males, although only a few of them may make it appetitive, healthy, and revitalizing. Most of the people would be able to easily handle a bit of properly seasoned, milked and churned vegetarian-based cum. Just as with coconut water or mozzarella or olives or raw avocado or any exotic delectable, one can reveal a natural taste, need and appreciation for a little bit of high-quality semen.
Chefs note: Although seminal fluids carry the most nutrients of the ejaculate, exactly the sperm is the restorative and reproductive element, and subtle seminal potency is the core, the key and the know-how of it.
• What's male milk made from
• Quality of semen