“We will make it. Just tell us what you did.”
The words used to describe the flavors and aromas associated with semen vary dramatically from person to person. Moreover, not only there is a strong variation in taste between different people's cum, but the flavor is unique to each batch. Some tend to dismiss semen as food and describe it as bitter or salty. This is similar to a person who tastes wine for the first time says that wine tastes sour. Like all other foods, the tastes and aromas of semen open up and are better appreciated when you are able to compare and discuss the different tastes with other connoisseurs. Semen is a complex food and has numerous different olfactory nuances. Some common associations are: Brie cheese, cookie dough, almond, salty, spicy, sweet, bitter, yeast, alfalfa sprouts, fishy, cocoa, and fruity.
Normal semen parameters:
pH -- 7.2-8.0 (between distilled water and sea water)
Scent -- like chestnut blossoms (or crushed and smelled closely to the nose henna flowers)
Color -- grey-white, yellowish
Basic amines such as putrescine, spermine, spermidine and cadaverine are responsible for the smell and flavor of semen. Its scent can vary individually as much as the chestnut blossom scent varies from tree to tree and season to season. The semen of the same man may smell pungent after psychologically taxing events and spicy after physical exertion. Refined vegetarian diet, pure style of life, multiorgasmic seasoning and cooking nourish churning semen with the fragrant perfume of jasmine or the blue lotus. The flavor and odor of semen becomes less nuanced as it is cooked. When it is raw, it may have almond overtones, hints of cookie dough or even brie cheese, but when it is cooked it mostly just tastes like slightly salty/bitter egg whites.
White or off-white seems to be nature's color of men's semen. It can also take on a yellowish tinge due to pigments from the seminal\vesicles and age may influence the coloring as well. Shorter intervals between sexual encounters lead to a more translucent semen -- the cloudiness correlates with the amount of sperm in the ejaculate. Reddish coloring in the semen may mean it contains traces of blood.
In order to fully enjoy the wonderful taste of natural unadulterated semen we strongly recommend that you not intentionally attempt to alter the taste of the semen used in cooking. However once you have gained some experience of cooking with semen feel free to be more adventurous and begin experimenting with purposely taste altered semen. Altering your diet to provide for a more spicy recipe you were planning is half the fun. Once you know what you're normal day-to-day semen tastes like, you can start altering the flavor through diet. Start with citrus fruits, then try ginger or tomatoes, then garlic.
Chefs note: A drop or two of lemon can go a long way toward masking the flavor of lower quality cum.
Chefs note: The semen would appear both by smell and taste to be a mawkish kind of substance: but when held in the mouth it produced a warmth similar to spices.
• Make it tastier