“No! You waste energy and time!”
The average ejaculation of a human male aged from 17 to 60 is about 1 teaspoon of semen (approximately 2.5-4 ml, existing range between 0.1 and 10 ml).
Volume of single ejaculate (ml), most common value and normal variations:
Bat -- 0.05 (?)
Turkey -- 0.3 (0.2-0.8)
Cock -- 0,8 (0.2-1.5)
Rabbit -- 1.0 (0.4-6.0)
Ram -- 1.0 (0.7-2.0)
Fox -- 1.5 (0.2-4.0)
Man -- 3.0 (2.0-6.0)
Bull -- 4.0 (2.0-10.0)
Dog -- 6.0 (2.0-15.0)
Bottlenose Dolphin -- 30.0 (10.0-50.0)
African Elephant -- 93.0 (20.0-425.0)
Ass -- 50.0 (10.0-80.0)
Stallion -- 70.0 (30.0-300.0)
Boar -- 250.0 (150.0-500.0)
Blue Whale -- 7570.0 (?)
Different species have bewilderingly different sex gland structures and also different semen volumes. Sperm can be helpful for health and fertilization and without semen but they apparently work best in a fluid vehicle which can either be exuberantly supplied, as in the boar and zebras reaching on average about 300 milliliters, or more concentrated, as in the human male with his average 3 milliliters or so.
Sometimes every man really would like to have a lot of come. Well, if a man were a boar, he would made exactly enough milky juice for all-purpose cookery. But he is just a man, and semen quality enhancing methods should be urgently taken into gastronomical considerations. Perhaps, thanks to some of these ancient and new-found technologies the human male would discover some alluring perspectives to gain incomparable advantages over boar. Increasing the volume we also shouldn't forget to enhance and its quality.
Semen volume varies from one ejaculation to the next. Consciously influencing the amount of semen expelled is not so easy. It depends on such factors as hormones, frequency of ejaculation, length of stimulation and the function of the participating muscles.
An increasing of prolonged interval between ejaculations doesn't resolve the volume problem as it causes mainly an increase of the sperm count in the semen but not an increase of its amount. After a period of abstinence, the semen volume of an ejaculate will have increased slightly. From the fifth day of continence the semen quantity becomes relatively stable, the amount does not continue to collect, semen quality does not increase, but starts to decrease. From the mature man we would get the same volume an quality of semen, milking him once every four days or once a week. Sperm just don't keep. After longer phases of abstinence, sperm begin to dissolve and are resorbed by the body. The older models are put away and the body replenishes the supply. So, he best quality and quantity ejaculated semen may be obtained from a man once every 4-5 days. Sperm banks request about 2-3 days of abstinence before delivering a sample.
Every man has several methods to enhance his semen volume. The surest way is to collect semen after a restful nights sleep since this is when semen volume is at its peak. It's not too hard. A man ejaculates in his lifetime an average about 7,700 times, wasting for that joy about 7 gallons of semen (27 liters). Why not to bank a little bit for cookies? So, if you prefer this method, plan your semen dinner in advance and collect your priceless food ingredient in the morning and then again just before it is called for in the recipe. That way you will probably have enough savings for most of the meals in your honorable intentions. Just remember to refrigerate the semen to keep it fresh.
Or we may use as semen donors comparatively younger men, because younger males tend to produce larger quantities and it is normal for the amount of semen to diminish with age. Normally, with rather sufficient nutrition and healthy style of life the largest amount of semen (volume), nutritious elements (in percentage) and sperm (concentration) a man produces at age of his 40-49 years. However, the highest reproductive quality (motility of sperm) would be just a little bit higher at age of 18-29 years. So, an older man (30-50 years) naturally is supposed to produce more semen than a younger one. Although, quantity doesn't equal to quality. An infertile man may manufacture a large volume, whereas a young man may hardly squeeze out just a small drop, but its gastronomical attractiveness, delicious smack, sweetish pleasantness, fertile strength and healing efficiency would be incomparably higher than of the milk factory with a pendulous abdomen.
The texture of raw semen runs the gamut, from runny to clumpy. As it cooks, it usually becomes more textured. Texture, on the other hand, is not a factor that is very controllable; but making sure that the semen producer remains properly hydrated is the key to both high volume and consistent texture. Another words, our semen donor should eat, drink, rest, and be masturbated the best.
Chefs note: Ejaculated semen is the highest in volume, but the worst in its cooking and healthy properties.
Chefs note: It's not a big deal to produce ejaculated semen. Much more complicated, healthy, promising, and interesting is to get semen from an multiorgasmizing man while he starts his milking. The volume may be regulated by prolonging and intensifying of his stimulation, special diet as well as by his own conscious intent. Depending on the purpose from a drop or less to 2-3 tablespoons or more of multiorgasmically milked high grade semen may be obtained. Giving his semen the multiorgasmic man doesn't lose his penile erection and male potency. After that he churns the rests of his milked semen to dry and repeats his churnings with saliva until semen doesn't ooze out any more. His phallus looks well-grounded, huge and magnificent, although.
• Universal volume enhancing