“Food is fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage.”
From 3 to 8 of bliss spurts happens quickly, but the man doesn't pay attention -- he feels better than ever. After 5 or 10 seconds, the ejaculation stops and the man returns to the Earth. After the ejaculatory orgasm the penis becomes very sensitive, so it's pretty painful to continue rubbing, and suddenly the man feels fewer warms up.
He can sometimes underestimate how compelling his climax is and how lost in sensation he can get -- he feels sidelined. He can sometimes underestimate how withdrawn from anything he can seem in the throes and hence how much he may need connection afterwards, it may help him to realize that male ejaculatory orgasm triggers the same brain areas as those triggered by heroin use; for him, the experience is literally an all-engrossing high.
Man's participation in his cooking, tuning, enriching, seasoning, and consuming generally ceases with the ejaculation that signals the end of his arousal. After ejaculation most men cannot be used in further seminal culinary and cooking. The male factor may be erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction, impaired semen quality, or a combination of these conditions. His phallic energy, aroused into expectancy, takes its course toward significant discharge and shrinks into a state of quiescence and ordinary satisfaction that, minutes before, would have been a sign of impotence. His experience of afterglow is the only energetic finality the usual man orgasmically reaches.
Nearly all men experience a kind of resting phase (a refractory period) immediately following an orgasm, during which time they are unable to achieve another erection, and a longer period again before they are capable of achieving another ejaculation, subsequent sexual stimulation does not produce subsequent orgasm. Further orgasm and ejaculation are only possible after a while, even if the penis stays erect. Really, some men are actually slow, not fast, responders, when ejaculatory tired they may get an erection that lasts indefinitely and become sexual athletes, but anyway they can't reach orgasm.
A humoral factor is released in relation to ejaculation, which exerts a antispastic (general muscle relaxant) effect. This effect lasts for about 3 hours, but longer-lasting effects may be observed when ejaculation is repeated. The general attitude toward ejaculation or multiorgasmic milking is that it is not an acceptable comfortable method to use as a treatment of physical problems, especially amongst children, despite the fact that it could be an alternative to spasmolytic drugs.
Like a flashbulb, the mechanics take time to come back into play again. During this time a male feels a deep and often pleasurable sense of relaxation, usually felt in the groin and thighs, he is absolutely satisfied, peaceful and sleepy. Blood pressure and pulse return to normal, the testes return to their usual spot, the penis grows flaccid and the blood can flow out. Post-coitally the man couldn't be wide awake and clear as a bell, he doesn't want to chat and cuddle, all he wants is to chill out and snooze.
The refractory period can last only 30 seconds in Syrian hamsters, several minutes in some rats and can last for hours or even days in other species. So the human male and his post-ejaculatory drowsiness is no exception to the animal rule.
Amongst men the duration of the refractory period varies considerably, even for a given individual. Age affects the recovery time. Except for ejaculation, the orgasms in boys from the birth to adolescence are comparable to those of sexually mature males. However, the most remarkable aspect of the pre-adolescent population is its capacity to achieve repeated orgasm in limited periods of time. This capacity to recover faster definitely exceeds the ability of teen-age boys, who, in turn, are typically much more capable than older males, though not universally so. Some men may have refractory periods of less than 15 minutes. A short recovery period may allow them to seamlessly continue sexual play from one ejaculation to sexual stimulation in preparation for the next. However, other men are averse to stimulation during the early part of the refractory period.
Chefs note: Orgasmic potential of pre-adolescent men shouldn't be exaggerated. Their regular orgasmizing also turns into very exhausted energetic process. For example, if an average boy without special multiorgasmic training would easily come 3 or more times in succession, after which he requires approximately an hour to restore his erectile ability, it doesn't mean that the boy doesn't waste and lose a lot of his vigor affected all the mental, sensual and physical aspects of his boyish life. Even the most potential young man needs to develop his multiorgasmic skills and learn how to masturbate as well not masturbate healthy, nobly and rightly.
— Multiorgasmic deal