Look, this works. It's crazy, but it works.
A milking factory is a special facility designed to obtain, multiply and stock in the male's body the highest grade human seminal and vital energy of his own. The factory provides a man with a sufficient playground for developing his multiorgasmic skills, for clarifying his fantasies and for seasoning and enriching his energetic possibilities. The milking factory never collects human semen just as semen banks or deprives a man his vital strength, but for exercising purposes it may create and cultivate the theatrical illusion that a man is valued here only as some sort of a farm cow and a lot of his milk he is supposed to leave at this milking place.
Well, at a milking factory a man is encouraged all-round to maintain the elevation of his arousal level, to draw and to spread his multiorgasmic waves all over his body and environment, to milk, to churn and not to come to the ejaculatory end. The more potential strength is awakened, accumulated and cleansed by a man at his body -- the more he is beneficial, nourishing, healing, supportive, pleasant and for all his relatives, and for other people, and for his society, and for the nature, and for the world. The more he has been able to keep and maintain his sexual potency in his body, the more his energetic illumination is lossless and stable -- the more he satiates and revitalizes by himself and all the seniors, and all the women, and all his surroundings. So, all the community is much more interested not only in continuous sexual teasing and stimulating of a male man all over his life, but also in continuous teaching and training him at his art of multiorgasmic behavior and active sexual sublimation rather than in dragging, draining, and sucking him up to the last drop of his masculine force. The more rich is a man at his male's potency capital and the more he is flexible and developed at applying and enriching of his energetic reserve -- the more valuable profit and sour-cream are made by all the world on such a man.
A man of any age pretty enough willingly and often comes to his milking factory to be milked around. There he is glossing and boiling with all his utter lust and secret immodest wishes. And through active semen sublimation he clarifies and improves himself. Well, he finds here the outstanding place for exercising himself not only at managing his male's tail and multiorgasmic tension, but also at all his human perfection. Perchance, every time he is balancing on the verge of his ejaculation and it's a hard although also a blessing job. Each of his victories and successes, even the smallest one -- in battling with himself and handling of himself -- turns to be the next in the infinitive line of his the most valuable acquisitions.
Contrary to man's masturbatory imagination, his value at his milking factory is determined exclusively by his multiorgasmic art rather than by milked volume. The more he gains, enjoys and steps up his control over his ejaculatory urges -- orgasmically heightening and soaring beyond them -- the more precious he is as an endless milch bull-calf for sucklers all over the universe. So, man's importance is valued sooner by his worked experience and skills rather than by the volume of his milked juices. Not liquid arrival but energetic background, not the milked semen but the accumulated potency are appreciated most of all. So, even the smallest of all the men, well-known and well-powering with his dairy cockerel, would be an incomparably greater master at a milking factory rather than anybody else with a lusty, big but helplessly and hopelessly transient hose pipe. So, would a billy goat be as much good in milking as a proficient kid depends only on that billy goat by himself from the time he was a goatling till the time the old sticky jerker turns up his toes.
The milking factory may be recreated in any private apartment. Surely, the more efforts are invested into this project the more sophisticated, tempting and technically as well decoratively rich may become the constructed facility; so community, state and individual achievements are widely welcomed at this educational and training field. Meanwhile, every man, small or big, should consider the fact that only by his own gentle hands, skillful multiorgasmic body and enlightened fantasies he creates the most effective and creative training and playing ground whoever ever had known.
Chefs note: All sorts of milking devices (included artvaginal, vibro, electro, anal etcetera) may be presented, learnt and explored by a man at a milking factory. Although, they should be used very gently, occasionally and only in purposes of slight stimulation, not for obtention the milk, which should be induced and churned only manually. Special precaution should be given to any anal insertions because they may significantly weaken multiorgasmic tonus and possibilities of a body, decline resistance to ejaculatory reflex, diminish accumulated potency, depress the quality of male milking juices and churning elixirs.
Chefs note: Breast pumps as well as cow and goat milking machines may be successfully used as practicing and entertaining units at a milking factory for a man. Certainly, even the most modern equipment would never replace his own magic hands and skills.
Chefs note: Somewhere it turns into a game and a gym and somewhere it's ruled a labor camp. Rapists and sexual offenders -- real and potential -- may be easily corrected in such facilities. The army is also a right place to start with milking factories. Males learn to understand and govern and perfect their bodies, wishes, and sublimation. If you didn't have a good school and a good teacher for active semen sublimation when you were a young, you have to learn yourself and pass your classes and have all your PhDs and MDs at this science later. The earlier you starts, the more you gains and achieves at your art of sublimation.