“If you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Why do you wait and mope?”
Nobody would argue that it may be very natural and normal for a handsome young man to take aside his pants, to sit down, to open his knees and to let a needed woman to suck him off how and as much she wants. The other question does a woman needs and wants him, the problem is about male man's seminal quality.
Early or later a woman notices that she gets too little from any sort of intercourse with a man. Sexual intercourse is good for the male to generate more male energy by gathering the female's sexual energy, but it is not good for her in gathering and absorbing his masculine energy, nor for him to be eaten, licked, and sucked the best. It's he who usually has pleasant and positive feelings of wellbeing along with a state of calmness, mental and physical relaxation after sex with a woman, and it's she who is usually squeezed, anxious, melancholic, tearful, restless, irritable, depressed, sad, despondent, and despaired after sex with a man just as a male masturbates after his third ejaculation in succession.
It's much more less problematic for a woman where to get a man rather than what to do with a man. Any man of any age is a real stud, he may be easy taken by a woman from anywhere, all his secret dreams and wishes are about to be eaten, sucked and consumed by a woman hot and long, so she just starts a talk the first, invites and lures him, and he dogs her steps by himself hoping of bedhopping; but what to do with him then? It's much more less worry a woman to catch a man easily, eagerly and exigently for his privates parts rather than how to jack him off the most rightly, directly and beneficially. It's much more less disturb a woman to jerk, to suck and to fuck a man rather than how to season, to prepare, to serve and to eat him the better way she has ever done.
A male's orgasm is ascending, as it seeks to rise upward and out the penis. A man's sexual energy naturally begins in his testicles stimulated through penis, rises upward from the penis and testicles into the prostate and seminal vesicles (seen in the expansion and hardening of the sexual tension all over his body), and after that goes up into the mouse (seen by the increased saliva secretions). These ascending Three Peaks -- testicles, prostate, and mouse -- signal the order and process in which man's sexual secretions are produced.
A woman's orgasm is descending, as it pulls downward in through the vagina, a natural biological function of her body to aid in becoming pregnant. A woman's sexual energy naturally begins in her mouth stimulated through kissing, flows downward from the tongue and mouth into the breasts (seen in the expansion and hardening of the breasts and nipples), and after that goes down into the vagina (seen by the increased sexual secretions). These descending Three Peaks -- mouse, breasts, and vagina -- signal the order and process in which woman's sexual secretions are produced.
This downward descent of her sexual energy is one of the most important secrets of a woman's ability to restore her youthfulness. If the stimulation is predominantly induced through sexual intercourse, thus reverses the natural movement of a female's sexual energy by initiating it in the vagina rather than the mouth. Because common sexual intercourse often changes the natural tendency of a female's energy, she benefits very little from such exercises. She is actually losing her youthfulness by practicing sexual intercourse techniques with males.
Since a female's sexual energy develops in the mouth, the knowledgeable woman follows her feminine nature and necessarily prefers the use of oral sex. Oral sex creates a bringing down of his energy into the female, which, again, is more beneficial to her because her sexual energy travels downward. The female's use of oralism is also so beneficial for her because it creates the best conditions for consuming, absorbing and milking male semen and sexual energy the ways she needs and likes.
A man accumulates more sexual and vital energy in his body the more frequently and successively he prevents ejaculations and goes through all-body orgasmic contractions without ejaculating. An experienced female usually is very sensitive to this man's nature. She helps the male prevent his ejaculation and experience dry orgasms the number of times needed to collect and to strengthen a longed-for amount of vital energy in his testicles, but after that she is not concerned about preventing ejaculation anymore and causes him to ejaculate for her needs to take off all his testicular harvest. So, the man anyway is forced by a female nature to ejaculate, whether it be after his two or two dozens sensations of ejaculation.
The only worthy moments for a woman from an exited man -- when he is boiling and bursting on the very edge of ejaculation or devastating orgasm without falling down into it. And what if she manages him to long his sacred instants without coming to his ejaculatory end infinitely? Magnificent powers are coming into her hands. She may forge with his phallic hammer on his testicular anvil and synthesize in a melting pot of his body any wondering elixirs and events she wants. So, even just for a woman, discovering and strengthening multiorgasmic skills of her man is like discovering and mastering the Promised Land of youth.
During her sexual activity and discipline with a man a woman successfully combines regulated sexual stimulation, breathing techniques, and intense, focused, visualized sexual activity. A woman draws in the male essence from her man through her eyes, hands and mouth, imbuing her mind with the breath of a man so that her mind's eye is awaken. Then the experienced woman may stimulate her mind's eye by using and even increasing the energy of male sexual intensity so that it fills her entire being with a thousand multihued lights. Lastly, after an encounter, lonely and in deep contemplation, her spiritual embryo returns from her head into her naval area refining, revitalizing, rejuvenating, and transforming all her being.
Getting an appropriate man a knowledgeable woman first of all cultivates the proper semen in his body and likes to enjoy its deliciousness very much. The proper semen attracts the proper everything else. She makes and seasons him without any mercy for his age and refinements. An unaccustomed man may be very confused by this apparent purely exploitative treatment of his testicles, penis, and body. Is she interesting just in his highest grade multiorgasmic semen? Does she pay no heed to anything else? Is he a kind of some domestic animal in her household? Does he come to this world just to be a cow? But one day he awakes. It's not a semen makes his destiny and body, it's him who makes his semen and attracts everything else.
Chefs note: A woman never needs ejaculated semen by itself, she just needs the accumulated testicular energy. She appeals for male's semen, but really she desires the properly rich and seasoned seminal energy of his extremely intensive and developed total-body orgasm. Ejaculated semen turns to be a highly waste, allergenic, toxic, disgusting, and garbage for woman's body inevitable by-product. Without man's ejaculation her female nature never feels herself being energetically satisfied and satiated. Wildly hungry female nature is the first and the only who so fiercely and inexorably demands a man to ejaculate and to be exhausted. Only a man by himself has a power to become multiorgasmic, making and the wolves sated and himself as the sacred sheep intact. If his beloved destiny is to be a sacred cow for energizing and rejuvenation of the whole world, why not to learn it into his really professional, harmless, healthy, and infinitive play and joy?
Raw man
Intensifying a man
Natural born vampires
Levels of orgasmizing