“Hi. Is that for me? Mmm! That's good. What did you put in this? Where'd you get that? Look, it's delicious. But don't steal. I'll buy some spices, okay?”
It is not just semen coming out of the penis, however, but also sexual energy -- the man's orgasmic breath. In analogy, a person may spit saliva from the mouth, but breath comes out as well. A woman attempts to absorb the sexual energy along with the properties of the semen. This is why it is important to watch the start of milking while he is restraining his ejaculation, as the mental imagery helps her in her powerful experience of absorption. If she is to hold the penis firmly against her face when the man starts to make milk, the imagery may be lost and his sexual energy may be blocked -- retreating back into the penis. Absorption merges sexual and spiritual energy, but it is also the doorway that leads the woman to higher spiritual states of energy and understanding.
The absolute requirement for absorption is the ability of a woman to achieve sexual hypersensitivity before and during the male's orgasm, so that the energy of his orgasmic breath is both visible and perceptible to her. Therefore, the greater the intensity meant the greater the sexual hypersensitivity. It is while in a sexually hypersensitive state that the woman can actually mentally absorb the male's essence. Just as sounds, smells, perceptions, tactile impressions, and tastes are greatly heightened during an intensive orgasm, so too are these mental perceptions during sexual hypersensitivity.
When her sexual energy finally becomes stimulated, developed, concentrated and strong enough to drive her energy upward, that may activate her to experience a higher kind of realm. The woman may reach total mental immersion and concentration on fellating her desired man, and she experiences such intensity inside her mind and body that she is fully aware of fellating a man and at the same time is mentally in another place going somewhere to very wonderful, beautiful, and peaceful mental world. When she opens her eyes she is there on her knees in front of her beloved man between his knees. When she closes them it is as if the entire top of her head opened up and she sees things that she knows inherently are always there but are seeing for the first time. Gradually her mental state of that wonderful world fades and she becomes aware of how swollen her breasts are. Her entire body is warm and tingling, and mentally she feels so light and calm.
However, no matter how enticing it may be or how many times she re-experiences that state, a woman should not allow herself to think she can stay there. This state of activated and accessed mind is just a quickening. There are realms far higher, and a woman or a man should not become attached to such things. It is still just imaginary flowers falling in the sky. A woman or a man should continue with their present practice and do not focus too much on their mental experience. If it happens again, that will be okay, if not, that will be okay too. All that is important is that you continue your multiorgasmic practicing as you have been.
1 healthy desired man, age doesn't matter
.........1. The woman successfully performs any kind of manual and oral stimulation of her man's penis. Sometimes she may apply vaginal stimulation if needed. The first criterion for absorption is to build up the intensity of the encounter until it became an experience of sexual hypersensitivity, the mental state of intense focus and longing needed to experience and sense the other's orgasm. Like a tigress ready to pounce on her prey, the knowledgeable woman is totally intent and fixated on both receiving and absorbing. While fellating a man, the woman periodically purses her lips over the urethra orifice making gentle inhaling and sucking actions as she visualizes his vital energy being drawn into her. It is important that she produces as much saliva as possible during her oral encounter, and she has no qualms about allowing it to freely flow out her mouth onto her body or when the time comes for swallowing it as well.
.........2. Laying nearby the man set on his back or from a kneeling position she brings a head of the penis closer to her eyes so that she actually gets to clearly observe his penis during its sexual excitations. At first, her face and the head of the penis are separated by about six inches (15 cm) or so. All the time she trying her best to draw out, ingest and absorb as much of the semen's energy from the man's heavily excited breath as possible.
.........3. The first process of absorbing occurred when she senses the man is getting near his ejaculatory orgasm and going through his first multiorgasmic ascension. She closes her legs together tightly to block the vagina and prevent any sexual energy from dissipating and escaping. In some cases she may even place a hand over her vagina to ensure that it is closed off.
.........4. Placing the head of the penis in her mouth, she draws in nine breaths, as if sucking in the man's sexual energy, and with each inhalation she draws her anal muscle in and up into herself. As she does this she visualizes a green vapor emitting from the penis and totally permeating the inside of her head. On the exhalation she simply releases the grip of her lips and contracts her lower abdomen focusing on feeling and sensing her naval area.
.........5. After nine such breaths she engulfs the head of the penis and circles her tongue several times clockwise around it. At this point she produces as much saliva as possible and extracts multiorgasmic emanations a male emits. When her saliva starts to flow, a woman may feel the heat welling up from her lower stomach and into her face and head. It may be so intense, as if her entire body is surging with power. She rinses the mixture in her mouth by sucking it up and down the length of the tongue eighteen times and swallows with hard gulping actions, sensing it drop into the lower abdomen. When performing this ingesting she firmly applies a downward pulling pressure at the base of the penis with one of her hands while her other hand stimulates his testicles and perineum. Eventually this process causes a physical vibration in her lower abdomen, a quivering-like reaction; it is an excellent sign of her progress when this occurs.
.........6. No matter what oral technique she is using, the woman performs the procedures of oral stimulation and ingesting several times (ideally a minimum of nine times) throughout an encounter -- as these methods not only create the best conditions for receiving, but absorbing as well.
.........7. Before the man's pending multiorgasmic milking (would it be with some fluid secretions or not), the woman excitedly begs and expresses her desire for all his ejaculation. Her audible expressions about desiring his semen strengthen and encourage his resolve and energy towards milking and multiple orgasms. She also does this as a precursor for making him comfortable with releasing his semen and assuring him that it is something she wants.
.........8. If the man first releases a clear fluid pre-ejaculate substance prior to ejaculation, she licks it up and ingests all of it in a very loving and passionate manner, mixing it with saliva and air.
.........9. From a laying or kneeling position the woman ensures that she visually observes the initial milking squeezings of the male's semen and perceives it as pure vital energy emitting from his phallus. At the moment of the first release of his semen the woman lets out loud expressions of satisfaction and desire for more. During her man's milking she focuses on sensing and feeling the heat of the semen upon her tongue or fingers in a contemplative and absorbed manner. She may also directly apply churning semen onto her face (or whatever selected body area she is receiving the semen on) or takes it into her mouse. On no occasion does she pull her face back or away from the head of the penis during his milking and churning.
.........10. After the first release of milk she starts churning the penis to dry or observes the the man being churned by his own hands, manually and orally stimulates and squeezes his penis and testicles further, forcing it to release his juices more and to churn with more erection and perfection. She is very gentle here because many men during milking experience a heightened sensitivity to having their penis touched and may ejaculate and spoil the fiesta very easily.
.........11. On subsequent milking releases of semen the woman sensuously thanks and praises him for each release as well as churning progress. She expresses her love of his enriching and seasoning semen and thanks him for milking into her mouse or on her face (or body area she selected).
.........12. After the completion of milking and churning it to dry, the woman then gently places the head of the penis back into her mouth, licks and sucks the penis, makes a mixture of her saliva and his churning semen, keeps it to mature in her mouse for a while before swallowing and quietly repeated draws of her breath through the nose. To do all of that she circles her tongue clockwise around the head of the penis, gathering and mixing her saliva and the man's secretions, again sucking and rinsing the fluids up and along her tongue 18-36 times or until she feels her mouth is full of salivary mixture. After that she swallows the solid substance with a hard gulp and her neck stretched slightly upwards, directing it down into her lower abdomen. With each exhalation she gently and slowly expires out her mouth, covering the head of the penis with her warm breath. She draws up her anal muscle with each inhalation and releases it with each exhalation. With each inhalation she visualizes a green vapor emitting into her from the tip of the man's pretty well churned and tuned penis, totally flooding her mind with greenness. She practices this breathing method and time of contemplation for at least three minutes before she may start to churn the penis again distributing the churning liquids over all the areas of her face with the head of the penis.
.........13. She may evenly spread and distribute man's churning milk, pure or mixed with her or his saliva, upon her face, breasts, hair, or chosen another body area using the head of his penis or her own fingers. She may leave the seminal elixir on her body as long as possible allowing time for the semen to dry and thus acquiring the additional amount of needed sexual energy. She may also use the churning head of the penis to gently rub the semen into her skin. She waits for the semen to dry so that it becomes more concentrated and she gathers all the benefits of the seminal fluids and sperm. If the situation allows, a woman may not remove the semen, no matter how many semen she receives, until after parting company with the man. Or she simply leaves the semen undisturbed until she returns home or even until her next morning shower.
.........14. Lastly, she quietly focuses all her attention internally by rolling back her eyes to visualize internally the upper inside portion of her head, the area of the sensory cortex, to sense and perceive a yellowish tinted gathering of lights swaying in her brain. With each exhalation, she brings her eyes back to the front.
.........15. When the woman achieves absorption she may see numerous small lanternlike lights swaying very gently inside her head. The feeling of joyous contentment in seeing this is an overwhelming experience, and it is difficult for her to detract from the sensations. Before this experience occurs she does not know the meaning of true tranquility and spirituality, but afterward she does. It is this illumination experience of absorption that many women may to achieve. Once a woman experiences the effects of One Hundred Returnings she would forever be mindful of it.
.........16. If this occurred and a woman did achieve absorption during the man's orgasm, she is to remain silent and experience the effects for as long as she can. If the man is hurry, he may quietly remove himself and leave her alone. Or it's best for him simply to lie back quietly. Especially if the woman performs the absorption well enough and the man becomes too energized after his multiple orgasms.
.........17. If the woman did not achieve the effects of absorption, she then allows the necessary time for accurate churning of the man and still performs with the churned man a minimum of nine gentle breaths, visualization, and swallowing methods absorbing as much of his enriched and seasoned testicular strength as she can.
.........18. Afterward a woman takes a cloth soaked in cucumber juice and pat her face, neck, breasts, and hair clean of any residual dried semen if she wants. She also uses this time, possibly a minute or so, to make positive remarks about the man's performance while using the wet cloth to clean and refresh his penis and groin, as well as help him redress. No matter how long she stays with her man, she always comments afterwards about how much she loves not only sucking and receiving it, but also that she is so happy he is willing to do it. After that she straightens her clothing, combs her hair, and reapplies her lip coloring. The encounter then is over and she finds reason to excuse herself.
.........19. After each sexual meeting with her man the woman tries to retire alone to a quiet place, sits in contemplation, meditates on the experience and attempts either to re-create the One Hundred Returnings experience or to bring it about on her own.
.........20. A woman is not always successful, she can not achieve the absorption of the man's orgasmic breath every time she is with a man. It is more the exception than the rule -- just as every meditator does not enter Samadhi on every occasion of meditation, nor every sports figure wins the competition engaged in. Therefore, exercising in watching of man's milking and churning semen is the norm for a knowledgeable woman and she approaches it with the attitude of both training for her absorption and for restoring her vital energy. She keeps reestablishing the mind-set for this through meditation. Just as although she can not always circulate her energy flow fully in every meditation session, she visualizes it each time to keep the mind focused on achieving it.
.........21. A woman takes all responsibility over her taming man. If they both fail to make him multiorgasmically milking, churning and drawing and the man ejaculates, the woman swallowed and soaked all the ejaculated semen. It's the best benefit she may get from such a man. After that she makes him churn all his boiled over juices dry.
.........22. When your performance is over, leave your glans penis open and with the pulled down prepuce, wait a minute or two until your strong erection fades and arousal starts to release you, lay as you lay and slightly stroke you testicles of erected penis downward. You may pull your prepuce back in 1-10 minutes or later. Before pulling back the prepuce you may lubricate your dry glans penis with your saliva. Then bow to your woman, smile and start to dress. Or you may stay naked and with open glans penis as long as you like. While dressing, take your underpants just before your pants. If your penis is still erected, gently put it aside in your underpants or press it with the underpants' elastic to you belly.
Chefs note: All these stages of receiving, absorption and illumination may be performed with an ejaculating man but are far much more effective to be done with a multiorgasmic man performing his tuning, milking and churning. The best man let his woman to suck him completely, up to the last drop, still retaining his potency in his testicles, multiplying and enriching his erection and benefits from him.
Chefs note: All these stages of milking, absorption and illumination may perform a man alone on his own.
Chefs note: If somebody has fears or some mental obstacle that prevented her or him from becoming totally engrossed in and enjoying the processes of accepting of milking and churning semen, then it may be certain that she or he would not properly be able to experience absorbing the multiorgasmic testicular breath that is rather mental technique than physical of the same process. Churning carries little hardness, but the absorption turns into the more powerful experience than someone initially assumes it may be.