“I'm just familiarizing myself with, you know, the vegetables and such.”
The lovely penis may be easy used by a woman for her pleasure, massage, health and vitality. This receipt would help her to enjoy penis without thrusting motions. The only very slight and delicate motions are provided by the woman who contracts and relaxes the muscles of her vagina. She uses just her toned vaginal muscles to squeeze and massage her man’s penis repeatedly, as if milking it. Testicles are helpful for easiness of removal of the penis or for applying internal pressure. This recipe also helps to enhance man's own sexual sensation and gives him a stronger erection.
5 minutes per day of practice to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles create more positive results than 1 hour every week. Aim for fifty times, twice a day. Consistency is the key She may try around with her one or two fingers to learn what it should feel like. She may practice with some sex-toy penis-shaped resister. Although penises of young men provide the most effective tuning. She thinks of her man as a wonderful, rejuvenating dish. A woman values her own inner knowing and wisdom. If the receipt doesn’t feel right she experiments to create a special version for herself.
1 multiorgasmic man, age doesn't matter, although it will be better if he is younger the woman for at least 6 years
.........1. A woman washes man's penis in warm and then cold water before each practice. She may also rinse it in a solution of tee tree or grapefruit seed oil in water.
.........2. She rubs her hands vigorously -- and massages around her breasts, belly, mound of Venus, groin, inner thighs, perineum and genitals. Any time in the future the woman feels any discomfort, she massages that area with her loving hands. Any time in the future
the woman wishes rest, she still keeping the penis inside rubs her hands warm, massages her belly and ovaries, brings her hands up to her heart centre and massages around the breasts in both directions.
.........3. She multiorgasmically masturbates, pets and sucks man's penis for about 20-60 minutes to tune it up. The penis shouldn't be very hard, half-erection is preferable.
.........4. She feels the warm loving energy opens and melts away any tension, pain, blockages and starts internal lubrication. If
the woman is not lubricated enough, she massages the nipples or uses a lubricant of her choice with the penis.
.........5. Her top position accommodates the penis for easy removal as well as makes it available for applying internal pressure. Her practice can be done lying down, seating or standing. This technique works well if
the woman lays or sits astride her man, either facing toward him or away from him. She also may lift one of his legs.
.........6. The woman takes the foreskin if available and pulls it down.
.........7. She lubricates the head of the penis with her saliva. If the woman likes, she applies a non-toxic gel onto it before insertion.
.........8. She squats and gently places the head of the penis, just the top first, inside the inner labia and moves it in slow circles until she feels it rest in a comfortable angle. The woman remembers to take slow, deep breaths. She imagines breathing in to the ovaries. She focuses her mind on the bud and her sexual energy. She visualizes bringing it down through the uterus to the clitoris and holds it there. She learns the skill by throwing her will into the part affected, just as she endeavors to sharpen her hearing.
.........9. The woman gently feels the inner labia sips or sucks the penis upon the inhale, and feels the vagina yawns or opens on the exhale. This takes time to feel, so the woman simply smiles and imagines this happening.
.........10. She continues the sipping exercise and adds a gently pelvic rock -- tail-bone rocks toward the ceiling on the inhale and presses into the floor on the exhale.
.........11. The woman makes a big squeeze on the inhale and pushes down and out on the exhale. The penis moves in and out. She uses the same muscles that come into play when she is about to urinate, she squeezes and then relaxes them.
.........12. The woman makes a big squeeze on the inhale and pushes down and out on the exhale with her pelvic rock.
.........13. She applies gentle pressure on the base of the penis and its testicles with the holding hand to encourage the penis to move into the vaginal canal.
.........14. She gently and slowly pulls on the testicles and contracts her vaginal muscles to keep the penis inside. Applying stronger pulls she is increasing the suction used to get the penis in.
.........15. The woman isolates and slowly contracts the muscle groups which close the vagina (as if stopping urination). She squeezes and releases several times and feels the build-up of internal sensation.
.........16. She experiments now with squeezes and angles of pull until satisfied. She varies the angle of pull and observes the different sensations as the penis presses on different internal parts.
.........17. She inhales and squeezes her vaginal canal with the penis inside and presses her pelvis as high off the floor as possible. She exhales and relaxes, melts vertebrae back down to the floor.
.........18. The woman opens the legs a little, flexing both feet simultaneously, and keeps them flexed the whole time. She rotates them away from each other and squeezes the buttocks, then rotates inwards -- all the time her big toes touch each other. She feels the front and back of the genitals work.
.........19. In seating position she grabs the penis with the genitals and relaxes. She inhales -- and grabs, she exhales -- and relaxes.
.........20. She grips the penis with the genitals and moves it up and down. She keeps breathing slowly and smiling.
.........21. She pulls up and squeezes with the inhale, pushes down with the exhale. Penis moves up and down, the woman does not let it completely go out, just down to the opening.
.........22. At any step of her practice her man may also accompany his woman by contracting his own urine-flow muscles on his breathe out and relaxing them on his breathe in. He feels those muscles as a pulling up just behind his testicles and before his anus.
.........23. The woman removes the penis by contracting the vaginal muscles to expel it.
.........24. Day after day the woman exercises her skill. She closes and constricts the vagina until it holds the penis as with a finger, opening and shutting at her pleasure, and finally acting as the hand of the Gopala-girl who milks the cow. She develops a rippling movement in the vagina, draws him in and up, tones and strengthens her as well as his orgasms and even acts as a penis ring to keep him erect after his first orgasm and to lead him through his infinitive multiple climaxing sensations. Any her beloved man values her above all women, nor would he exchanges her for the most beautiful queen in the Three Worlds.
.........25. Being well trained, the woman apply her skills while she is milking, churning and absorbing multiorgasmic elixir and testicular-phallic breath of a man.
Chefs note: Smiling helps keep the sexual energy in the body -- allowing a woman to cultivate more and more energy without losing it. She keeps smiling.
Chefs note: If a woman has difficulty at first holding the penis in, she tries sleeping with it. The genitals continue to work with the penis as she sleeps -- she has vivid dreams and a firming of the muscles.
Chefs note: If s woman feels emotional or any pain, she stops and rests. It is also recommended to rest from her practice while menstruating.
Chefs note: If a woman does not feel comfortable for the practice, time from time she just pets the naked man around the house, and he gives her a lot of cheer, health, and fun.