“CongratuIations. You were able to repeat your accidental success.”
What's about continuous jerking all the time and getting all the good things of the world instead? Isn't it unbelievable? Well, it's the real deal hardly to be denied. The only you wish to know is how. Let us go than to our recipe of sublimation.
The conception of sublimation comes from alchemistry which nature we are practicing during our multiorgasmic exercising as well as all over our life. Just as alchemists use some magic stone to convert any metal into pure gold, we are seasoning our testicular and vital force all over the body to clarify and extend our conscience and understanding.
Sublimation means making something melt, boil and finally evaporated becoming so light that it's capable to elevate to be transformed under controlled circumstances into what is being looked for or into one of steps leading to a certain purpose, wish, dream, and goal. Dealing with our sexuality we mature and season our sexual impulses, strength and energy and convert them into so many deals of our life. Usually we perform this kind of sublimation partly unconsciously and partly by using as tools different levers of our conscience such as our will, perception, aiming, and desire. Practically, all the life is a masterpiece of the sublimation just as a baby who is not just an offspring but also a result and a fruit of visible and invisible processes of his parental sublimation.
If we make approaches to our seminal force without active involvement of penis job and its back-and-forth stroking rushes, we may call this process the passive semen sublimation. On the other hand, during our multiorgasmic draws and churnings of milked semen we perform the active semen sublimation.
It's a deal of life that a man stocks his possessed and transformed testicular energy at surrounding space. Amongst his belongings and acquisitions are his gained goods and possessions, his children and family, his cultural and spiritual luggage, his success, health, destiny and circumstances of life. He also changes these variables of his relatives as well as of all other creatures in the world. Although, these materialistic structures may not only provide a firm background to his further undertakings and enterprises but also surprise him with plenty of unexpected failures and fates. So we should be careful what we are breeding, rising and holding.
With continuous practice of sublimation flows and intensities of energies going through us increase. Well, the process of sublimation means unlimited accumulation of our transforming testicular energy. Surely, not really unlimited, we put our limits by our ability to keep our energy and share it. So, we need to develop our physics and mentality to be able to handle our new demands with precise and flexible perfection.
By more active and accurate participation in sublimation practice of their boys adults may achieve more significant influence on their own prosperity, harmony, happiness and good luck in their own lives as well as present and future lives of their boys. Undoubtedly, long before their birthday children participate in lives of their prospective parents a lot and as much as they could determine future conditions of their embodiment from cell to universe scales. What is much more important for us that we may also make a lot of helpful participation, consciously approaching and coaching our small children even a long before they are conceived. After their birth knowledgeable caresses and warmth help a lot to stimulate gently boyish vitality as well as teach them to accommodate and sublimate their sexuality.
All this cookery book is designed to be helpful and incentive in your art of handling and mastering of your sublimation. At this recipe we just refresh some essential notes.
1 healthy multiorgasmic man, age doesn't matter
.........1. The purpose of your sublimation exercises is to become the best all-the-world fucker, multiorgasmically improved and constantly developing. Providing your fucking job to the world, you transform hard and destructive energies of creatures into clarified and enlightened vitality, you easily satiate the hunger of the world with your joie de vivre and make the world healthier, stronger, fresher, wholesomer, cheerfuller, and childisher. As for you, you have a splendid further exercising at your multiorgasmic art, that's the only fee you intend to get for all your job, and it's fare.
.........2. During your sessions of skillful masturbation you learn, handle, and master your power to manage your energetic flows, draws, transformations, accumulations, and sharings; this sublimation art you extend all over your life and practice regardless of a real situation. You surely concentrate your attention on your boiling testicles, pleasurably evaporate your seminal essence, steadily run it through your body and successfully return it clarified and enriched into your testicles. Don't be taken up with masturbatory frequencies in your life, take it easy as much as you wish; with developing pf your multiorgasmic practice you regulate its presence in your life naturally, like as drinking and breathing, and you are less tied and attached to your masturbation or other kind of your sexual behavior.
.........3. Master your art of active semen sublimation while you are not masturbating too. At your excitation pull the foreskin down to the base, unsheathe as much as possible your glans penis and hold a few minutes, do not start to masturbate, just keep the foreskin drawn. You surely concentrate your attention on your boiling testicles, pleasurably evaporate your seminal essence, steadily run it through your body and successfully return it clarified and enriched into your testicles. All this circulation may take just a minute or two.
.........4. You get an outstanding help at your sublimation practice if you have an older woman or a man whom you may entirely entrust, who needs you, who is totally interested at your multiorgasmic mastering and in front of whom you are absolutely comfortable, confident and natural to take off all your dress, to uncover yourself opening widely your legs and to masturbate. Let her or his eyes, ears, hands, tongue and lips absorb, touch and fondle all of your body; being gently kisses, licked and sucked, you multiorgasmically perform your most productive break-even sublimations. Let your needed priceless helper to practice all the recipes of this cookery book with you. If you don't have such a woman or a man, you find out that Baba Yaga and other fantastic creatures of your imagination are no less helpful at your multiorgasmic development.
.........5. Master your art of active semen sublimation during your sexual abstinence too. Just stroke gently upward several times your testicles and penis by one or both palms. You surely concentrate your attention on your matured testicles, pleasurably evaporate your seminal essence, steadily run it through your body and successfully return it clarified and enriched into your testicles. All this circulation may take just a moment or two. Be accustomed to make your home work naked, to sleep naked, to swim in a river as well to take sun bathes naked, and, if circumstances permit, being naked at front of your relatives and acquaintances. And surely take it easy and naturally if anyone wishes to pet, kiss and stroke any part of your naked body, caresses of youngster's penis and testicles, gentle catching, grasping, pulling, stroking, licking and sucking them are as natural and important also for his health and vivifying energetic tuning and exchange as patting his head.
.........6. When you fell appropriate and comfortable, keep abstinence from masturbation for 2-3 and more days. You may stroke gently upward several times your testicles and penis by one or both palms after taking shower, or awakening in the morning, or being ready to sleep. Or just put your palm on your glance penis, your fingertips on your balls slightly shifting your prepuce down. Other time sublimation processes are running in your body automatically; to tune your energetic flow you need sometimes just an instant attention to your testicles, to yours uprising energy along your spine and to yours recollection it back into your balls.
.........7. You get your sublimation practice, wisdom and integrity not only by going through direct chains of events and its transformations, but also from modeling and overcoming those events in your perception and imagination as well as from restraining yourself against approaching yourself into realization of your obsessions, temptations, and fantasies. If you get one of them, you surely concentrate your attention on your seasoned testicles, pleasurably evaporate your seminal essence, steadily run it through your body and successfully return it clarified and enriched into your testicles.
.........8. You continuously increase your sexual might and simultaneously your ability to undertake these energies by practicing their draws, transformations and returnings back purified and established. You combine intensive levels of simulation and sublimation. You are not getting rid varieties of difficulties in your life, you like them, work with them, resolve then and transform into light and pure energy.
.........9. As your potency and wholeness grow you may find yourself much more common to boys rather than to regular men because of your awakening boyish nature. You don't just inspired by boys, but also learn a lot by their live examples. Children and especially boys just by their being around show us their great examples of involuntarily passive sublimation as well as inspire us on further progress from wasting virtue to creative steps beyond our testicular shell and forth. Well, perchance, adult men may have much more impressive achievements based on their testicular sublimation in all spheres of life -- in business, painting, politics, sports, humiliation and so on. Although, boys teach inspiredly us a lot how to maintain our pure and cheer boyish nature. The more progress you make at your sublimation art the more splendid, lovely and handsome boys for inspiration you meet in your life, the more close and friendly you know them. Don't be ashamed or afraid of or embarrassed by some impulsive and involuntary dreams and thoughts you may have about boys, all those foamy obsessions are natural and even vital during your sublimation practice; you are clarifying and even do not notice your possible obsessions during direct communication with boys. Just keep on your sublimation practice, commune open-heartily with boys, help them on their way, teach them and share your experience, wisdom and warmth, enlighten and inspire them, and you would get your own enlightening, overcoming and inspiration.
.........10. For successful sublimation practice you are nourishing, developing and enriching your creativity from all your opportunities, at every step of your life. No less important is your continuous developing, enriching and clarifying, extending of your mentality, perception, heart, spirit, and conscience. You not just consume arts, you produce arts too, trying to get perfection at any spheres you are touching with. This intention to get perfection is your main art.
.........11. All your life turns into your continuous stimulation, masturbation and sublimation.
.........12. You uninterruptedly have the deepest intercourse with the world, even if the only one who notice that is you. Feel your nakedness anywhere and enjoy be licked, petted and sucked by all invisible universe from all the sides. Enjoy your sublimation.
Chefs note: In the processes of active and passive sublimation women use their breast forces just as men use their testicular ones. So during multiorgasmic draws and other sublimation practices women may concentrate their attention on the breast just as men concentrate their mentality on their testicles. Licking and sucking of breasts of young innocent women may be no less effective as of testicles of young innocent men.