Magic of balls

“He's the reason I can cook the foodthat's exciting everyone.”

     The two egg-shape organs in the scrotal sac below the penis are the testicles. The testes or balls are a primary sexual characteristic of a man and therefore an important part of the cookery experience. A handsome pair of balls, contained within their scrotal sac, can make an appealing sight. They are also very sensitive, and much pleasure can be obtained from attending to them during cooking and eating them. Tickling, licking, sucking and cupping them in the hand are all likely to be pleasurable experiences for anyone.

Testicles are responsible for quite a bit of action in the male body considering they are the place where both sperm and testosterone are produced. Body's testosterone production, sperm quality and the penis' ability tobecome erect, full-potential, tasty, healing, and multiorgasmic are utterly interfered. The word "testes" is derived from the Latin root that means "witness". Holding the testes was the Roman way to take oath, which also explains the word "testimony" -- and indeed the testes give witness to much about a man. That's why women prefer to grab men directly by testicles to make them cooked. To be cooked well the man should have two descend into scrotum testes. Cold and strong excitement make testicles retracted.

Like the penis, the balls come in many varieties. Some are small and close to the body, others are heavy and hang low, and swing most attractively when liberated by pelvic thrusts. The scrotal sac in pubertal men is usually hairy.

Healthy, tasty and quality testicles are felt like hard-boiled eggs without the shell and with the smooth surface. A testis should have a firm consistency. If it is very soft, we may consider possible hormone deficiencies, and if both testes are hard, or if one is very much harder than another, we may suspect that this could possibly, but not necessarily, indicate a tumor. Testis both feel about the same; the left one is usually slightly larger than the right and hangs a bit lower (the opposite is true of left-handed men). Running up the back of each testis is a mini spaghetti-like coiled structure, the epididymis, which feels like a fleshy mound on the back of the testis. It is best to explore the testicles after a warm bath or shower since the scrotum around the testicles is relaxed then. Matured testes are usually about 40-45 millimeters (1.5-1.8 inches) long and 30-35 (1.2-1.4 inches) millimeters wide. The right and left one may differ in size but, in general, volume is considered to be somewhere between 12-30 milliliters (0.4-1.0 oz), usually around 18 (0.6). Humans are different in testis, with size variations from man to man. As men age, their testes' size decreases slightly.

The testicles, more particularly the spaghetti-like seminiferous tubules which make up the testis, are the sperm production site, the witness of the mating system, the site of mutation and the engine of desire. Quite the power-pack. If rolled out, the tightly coiled seminiferous tubules in each testes would reach 300-360 meters in length. Within these tubules lie stem cells called spermatogonia -- the parents of all sperm in a man's body. If you were to peek at the seminiferous tubules in a cross-section you would see columns of developing sperm: on the outer edge are the 'beginners' and the more 'advanced' sperm are closer towards the center. The single duct of the epididymis (where spermatozoa mature and are stored prior to ejaculation) is also coiled into lobules forming the epididymis proper; the total length of the tubule in man is 5–6 m.

     Chefs note: Multiorgasmically developed testicles benefit not from increased sperm per ejaculation, but from increased stamina over time, allowing to have a greater rate of ejaculate production rather than producing extra-large ejaculates.
     Chefs note: Balls by themselves may serve as the very specific and favorable delicatessen for everyone. I know a lot of women who enjoy very much just licking and suckling of pretty seasoned multiorgasmic testicles while teasing and petting the penis with other hand. A woman also winds a soft lace behind the testicles to bind them tightly altogether, then inserts this toy into her vagina and enjoys by playing it around even much more than with a penis.
     Chefs note: Good balls are cooked over many weeks, months, all over the life of a man, and through many and many generations. In this sense, culinary qualities of grandsons should significantly exceed the properties of their grandfathers. But it doesn't always happens due to the reason that breeding work isn't always led with properly high-knowing approach.

Cool spot
Testicles and heat
Balls in an oven
Balls' cooking advises
Balls' eating advises