-- He seems very happy.
-- How do you know?
-- You know how he likes it. Thanks, Little Chef.
For experienced chiefs seeing a pretty handsome and seasoned multiorgasmic naked lad, it's really hard to resist temptation and not to hook, cook and eat delicate male plums under their own sauce. For a skilful man it would be very natural to expect such culinary approach to his male treasure olives and to fully satisfy all addressed to him intensions. As one of many boys of all ages told, he was seldom truly surprised and embarrassed when a woman that kept him in her hands and disposal suddenly started covering his bollocks with yogurt, mustard or ketchup. He simply knew and predicted that she would just try to jam all his juices he had onto his testicles and to gulp and chew them in their absolute deliciousness. He simply relaxed and prepared to be totally eaten in all of his blossom and glory. He simply tuned himself to be ready to produce a lot of his tender juice overcoming his ejaculatory reflex, exciting and wondering his continuous boyish being and flourishing in his magic bone bigger, stronger, and more magnifying.
One multiorgasmic man
Optional flavouring
.........1. A chosen man should be carefully washed (and shaved if needed) all over his genital, perineal and anal areas beforehand.
.........2. The milking man is accurately forced to produce and deliver up his cream of highest-grade quality. No hash and no violence. The more intensively, kindly and longer he is fondled and aroused the better will be his milk. His anus shouldn't\t be penetrated by a finger, a tongue or something else.
.........3. At the same time the man is forced by all means not to ejaculate.
.........4. When the time is come and milk is going it is licking and sucking from testicles, penis, buttocks, perineum, anus, pubis and abdomen. All these places may be flavored according to the woman or women.
.........5. The man may not be forced to churn all his semen to dry, it may be completely licked and sucked to the last drop and stroke. The man is required not to ejaculate the rest of time too.
.........6. After the feast is over the man should masturbate at least for 5-10 minutes to be sure that no semen is leaking and he is completely clean and dry. Or the man may be engaged into massage by his phallus on regular basis.
Chefs note: During consumption milky tuned testicles and penis may be relaxed, but they shouldn't come through ejaculation and would easily restore the generous bloom of continuously bringing up male erection and potency.
Chefs note: If a woman wants she may force her man to ejaculate and then taste and peer the big difference. A skilful multiorgasmic man should be able to provide his eater this opportunity if required especially as long as his women force him to ejaculate in educational and learning purposes and to make quality comparisons.