Picture books on sublimation
Книги-картинки по сублимации
Детскiя сказочкi на новiй ладъ

Tips for kids

Matt 15.04.2012 23:21

The art of active and passive semen sublimation is vital for common people of any age no less than for grown professionals. This mastery may be taught to anyone from his or her early years. Personal examples, private individual lessons and classes, style of life in general, and not-restricted circle of communication with advanced friends and relatives are some of these guidelines provided to developing men by parents and guardians. Fine know-hows of multiorgasmic exercising complete only one side of sexual art. The real strengths, depths, alchemy and magic of his sublimation art a young man reveals when discovers the significance and deliciousness of his skillful non-masturbating practice as well as of his continent maturing in prolongation and continuation of his boyish nature and exquisite dainty of phallo-gymnastics. It's not a cruel fight up to the dead end with himself but just the other vital side of his testicular power, magnificence, and medal. Gracious balance of both sides replenish a man's life with light, vigor, elegance, harmony, authority, and wonder.

Books and especially picture stories become one of richest resources of such development and education for any age, too. Surely, it's better when parents are pretty experienced in sublimation by themselves so they know what is going on and about when they read or explain some educational materials to their son or daughter. However, if grown-ups are not familiar with these topic too much, sublimation picture books would help to learn and to acquire basic elements of phallologia along with little ones. We don't even need to explain anything to an intelligent  growing human, he or she gets the most by themselves intuitively. Nevertheless, healthy nudity and erection should be friendly excepted in that family and so nobody would be confused with delicate particulars in sublimation literature. Or we can print these books on a color printer and try not very much to hide precious pages from who needs them. Or we can put these books on a palm computer.

Good picture literature about sublimation is extremely rare. And when we find such books, they are often abundant in different biases, ambiguities, withholding facts, too complicated metaphors, and too sophisticated codes. Being boys and girls we are lucky and happy to have such delicious for our knowledge and fantasy books even if we are missing some specific details amongst reticences, incompletenesses, and uncertainties. For the sake of learning art some clarity should be specially restored in books for our sublimation maturing and nourishing.

In the Night Kitchen
На ночной кухне

Perfect picture book-introduction into semen sublimation for readers of all ages and cultural backgrounds as well.
Введение в искусство активной семенной сублимации для читателей всех фасончиков и возрастов. По мотивам одноименной книги Мориса Сендака. С русским подстрочником (*).

Where the Wild Things Are
Где бывают дикие штучки

The sequel of young man's adventures. Boyish phallic pranks are natural, regular, and essential in the life of every man. In the realm of his fantasies, a wishful guy learns to overcome himself, and he develops his conscience and perception, as well as his multiorgasmic and energetic skills.
Продолжение путешествий молодого человека. Мальчишеские фаллические проделки бывают естественными, повседневными и существенными в жизни любого мужчины. В царствиях своих фантазий полный своих возжеланий парнишка учится превосходить себя, развивает свои сознание и чуткость, равно и оттачивает свои мультиоргазмические и энергетические навыки. По мотивам одноименной книги Мориса Сендака и рисунков Отто Ломюллера. С русским подстрочником (*).

There are Nightmares in My Closet
В моей кладовке страхи ночи.
The confidence in his or her unsuppressed friendly nudity, tamed phallic strength and healthy playful sexuality is the only reliable way for anybody to get rid of his or her night fears. The art of sublimation turns all your life into exciting journey and marvelous adventures for every hour and day.
Что придает мальчику уверенность в себе, позволяет ему наиболее эффективно справляться с боязнью темноты и страхами ночи?.. Его бесстыжая мальчишья нагота, приручаемая фаллическая сила и игривые представления здоровой дрочливой сексуальности. Искусство сублимации превращает всю твою жизнь в восторженное путешествие и удивительные приключения во всякие день и час. Библиотерапевтическое издание на английском и русском языках по мотивам книг для детей о преодолении ночных неврозов и навязчивых страхов (*).