Dialogues on Divans: 6

jabey 29.04.2015 10:00

    – Penis energy moves us, brother.
    – Penis helps us to accumulate and transform energy in our testicles, I would say. They are our real super-nuclear reactor ;)
    – Cold fusion :) Testicles when auto churning can feel orgasmic.
    – Yeah... What would we do without our testicles?.. Magical jewelries.
    – Brother mine churn now, as I stroke my hard on.
    – Really?.. What is your brother?.. A buddy or a real?..
    – You, ho ho.
    – Oh, thank you, bro!..
    – We understand the need for riding the edge of an uncummed penis.
    – Riding, riding, riding, riding... Then milking, milking, churning, churning, churning, churning dry... Riding, milking and churning dry again and again... Without milking and churning dry as for me no great masturbation...
    – Oh, brother, yes that is the way we are of similar mind of similar awareness.
    – You know what, thanks to other guys with their memories from their childhood, I discovered that even small boys are able to milk their juices... Previously I was sure that before our puberty we were able to experience only dry orgasms and multiorgasms... It's so amazing!..
    – They were the true bliss uncomplicated by ejaculation.
    – Yeah, not real ejaculation (they can also have a long refractory period), but I didn't even imagine that at that age males can produce their juices too.
    – So now you are truly non-ejac multiorgasmic.
    – I wouldn't say "truly". I can go through multiorgasmic fly, milking and churning without stop, but if I would allow myself to have a full ejaculation, I would have an usual refractory period anyway.
    – Understand, I am 6 weeks uncummed.
    – Are you milking and churning too?..
    – Fuck, yes brother. You fuel me. Daily edging is required :)
    – Oh, an addicted man too :o} At what age did you discover your masturbation?
    – Yes addiction is the only way forward. Late starter not until 15 and half did I learn to masturbate myself.
    – Your are right, some noble skills and schedule are required to be a noble man.
    – Your are noble my friend. You have learnt the true purpose of a male.
    – Did you think at the age of 15 that you were the first man all over the world who invented masturbation?
    – Ho-ho, no as I learnt it from seeing a painting called me masturbating.
    – What painting did you teach to masturbate?..
    – Can't remember now, it was a TV program – the guy had his hand in his cock and I realized you must have to rub it a lot. I had wet dreams since I was 12!
    – So, you had wet dreams from the age of 12, but were unable to figure out how to masturbate up to the age of 15?..
    – Yes it is rather amazing – I'm actually quite intelligent otherwise!
    – How did you first discover your wet dream?.. Do you remember it?..
    – Blood, it was scary, I had to go to the doctor, and now I realize he implied I had been abusing myself. I did not understand what he meant at the time as I wasn't masturbating.
    – Did you really go to the doctor?..
    – In retrospect that probably out me off exploring and thus why I took so long to working it out. Opening up the ducts caused a lot of blood in the first months of wet dreams beginning, so no option but to see the doctor just in case something bad was happening. When did you first masturbate?
    – First I had an ejaculatory masturbation at the age of 14. However, I played with my genitals without knowing that I could have orgasms too as far as I remember myself... I do not understand you. You said that your first wet dream had blood? Why?.. I think, if you really had blood in your first pollution, your had some infection/cold and inflammation somewhere in your urinary tracks. Maybe, it happened because you exposed your pelvic area to excessive cold, for example, by sitting at the ground...
    – Masturbatory empowerment.
    – Yes, very helpful thing. I wish I knew it when I was a boy :(
    – But now you have accepted your destiny. Embraced it – now you can cultivate cock beyond most men's wildest dreams of self pleasuring.
    – I agree that at least now I know much more what to do with my cock than ever. But don't we pity that we would economize so much vigor and time if we were learned it by our fathers?..
    – But did yours know?.. Perhaps we have to discover it ourselves to really understand and become truly skilled.
    – Yes, we were to discover it by ourselves. And I think that the best way we can deal with our pities about our previously waist time is to share our experience and know-hows with others.
    – Through connecting to each other we share the encouragement to accept our true natures as ecstatic beings.
    – Absolutely agree. The older we become, the more profound feeling and knowledge of our real boyish nature we obtain. It's amazing, but we keep our boyish nature all over our life. Any man really is a boy deeply in all his essence, does he?..
    – I felt I knew the world so well at 12 before puberty really kicked in –now at 52 feel I am returning to that boyhood state where every sensation was erotic, my whole body was alive to an ecstatic frequency.
    – The older we are, the more we appreciate that we are still boys. When we were young, sometimes we were ashamed of our boyish nature. The older we are, we have less misunderstanding and more proud and wonder.
    – My penis is so heavy, the boy in me loves how it has developed, how wondrous an entity it has become to be celebrated in its daily hardness and grasped with delight to be enjoyed.
    – Wow, I enjoy your words!.. :) What we do -- we really celebrate that we are boys every day of our lives!.. Can we imagine a man who doesn't grasp and exercise his hard penis with great delight?.. For sure, probably, such human males are existed... But for us, it's almost impossible to think about such human beings because we are different. Every day we celebrate the phallic boyishness of our mankind.
    – Yes for as long as we are able, for now we have found the true path to constant personal bliss – with no effort or expense :)
    – Yes, it's so simple. Our boyishness never left us. It's always our hard-on blissful treasure, destiny, art, alchemy, and magic.
    – The hardest thing to accept is that we have the capacity for access to unlimited pleasure.
    – It's true. But from the other hand, because of our unlimited pleasure we may forget about very important things that we were born to make on the Earth.
    – How do we balance our dilemma, my brother?.. My thighs spread so wide – my cock urgently hard...
    – Everything is good in its season. Our life is a sort of recipe. To get a medicine we need to take ingredients in a certain proportion. The only problem is to know what exact recipe do we need at a certain period of our life.
    – I find I need more masturbation now.
    – Yeah, it's your exact recipe for the moment. Will you cum?
    – It just keeps feeling better and better... No rarely cum – 9 days now.
    – Do you finish your masturbatory session with a final cum?.. How did you come last time? You decided to cum or it happened involuntarily and occasionally?
    – I came after 54 days voluntarily. Not for weeks usually though edging for hours each day.
    – How long was your refractory period after your last cum?
    – I was edging the next day as usual.
    – But after you had cum you lost your interest in masturbation until the next day?
    – Instantly depressed for 2 hours, went to sleep, when woke up hard.
    – Do you mean that after your last ejaculation your body by itself kept your erection for a long time?..
    – Ah, no lost immediately, but then after a sleep woke up hard. Often wake in the night erect and just lay there enjoying the feeling of total untouched hardness.
    – So, after your last ejaculation you kept your erection but it was painful to touch your penis, right?..
    – Not painful, just didn't need to touch it to keep it erect.
    – But why did you stop your masturbation then?.. You lost all the interest in stimulation?..
    – So horny, bro.