Four electrodes, attached to the head at different points, recorded four lines simultaneously. The three sets of lines are not continuous, but represent samples from three phases of the record. For example, the sample of phase 2 begins approximately half a minute after the end of the sample of phase 1. Read from left to right.
PHASE 1: With the beginning of sexual stimulation, rapid, low voltage (small) waves develop in the brain. Such waves are known to occur during excitement. These are subsequently obscured by spikes resulting from muscle contraction and tremor.
PHASE 2: With orgasm, very high voltage, slow (large) waves develop in the brain. These appear to be flat-topped only because the machine was not set to record waves of such height. Interspersed with and partially obscuring the large slow waves are spikes resulting from muscle spasm. This phase resembles petit mal epilepsy or the later stages of grand mal when the subject is passing from tonic rigidity to clonic spasms.
PHASE 3: Later, the large slow waves vanish and the low voltage, rapid (small) waves reappear. These are periodically interrupted by spikes from rhythmic clonic muscular spasm. |