<< Bibliography >>

The following bibliography includes items which are cited in the text, and some additional references to the more important general studies on sex. It does not purport to be a general bibliography on human sexual behavior.
     Anon. (Madame B——le.). 1707. The fifteen plagues of a maiden-head. London, F. P., 8p. [reprint].
     Anon. 1772. The fifteen plagues of a maidenhead. In: Anon., comp. The merry Andrew, pp. 136-142.
     Anon. (Buck, M. S., ed.). 1916 (orig. 6th cent. A.D.). The Greek anthology (Palatine ms). The amatory epigrams. Priv. print., 142p.
     Anon., comp. (Paton, W. R., trans.). 1917, 1918 (orig. 1st cent. A.D.). The Greek anthology. In five volumes. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, V. 3, 456p. v. 4, 422p.
     Anon. (Tomita, K., trans.), ca. 1845. Hikatsu-sho. Ms, typed, 1 + 83p.
     Anon. (Alix (Petrus)). n.d. Histoire et psycho-physiologie du vice à travers les siècles et les êtres. Paris, Librairie Mondaine, 160p.
     Anon. (Azama Otoko, pseud.) (Tomita, K., trans.), ca. 1845. Ikkyū zenshi shoskoku monogatari. Ms, typed, 1 + 24p.
     Anon. (Tomita, K., trans.), ca. 1850. Jiiro haya-shinan. Ms, typed, 10p.
     Anon. (Tomita, K., trans.), ca. 1840. Makurabunko. Ms, typed, 11p.
     Anon. (?Carrington, Charles). 1896. Marriage, love and woman amongst the Arabs. Otherwise entitled The book of exposition . . . Translated . . . by an English Bohemian. Paris, Charles Carrington, 1 pl. + xlviii + 285p.
     Anon., comp. (Ferdinando Funny, pseud.). 1772. The merry Andrew: being the smartest collection ever yet published . . . to which is added . . . The fifteen plagues of a maidenhead. London, P. Wickes, 1 pl. + 144p.
     Anon. [Burton, R. F., and Smithers, L. C. trans.]. 1888. Priapeia, or the sportive epigrams of divers poets on Priapus now first completely done into English prose from the original Latin, with notes . . . to which is appended the Latin text. Athens, Erotika Biblion Society, priv. print., xxxiv + 238p.
     Anon. (Tomita, K., trans.). ca. 1885. Takarabunko. Ms, typed, 20p.
     Anon. 1829. Über die Behandlung der Unarten, Fehler und Vergehungen der Jugend. Graudenz, C. O. Röthe; Berlin, Enslin, [6] + 116p.
     Anon. 1772. The virgin's dream. In: Anon., comp. The merry Andrew, pp. 143-144.
     Abernethy, E. M. 1925. Correlations in physical and mental growth. J. Educ. Psychol. 16:458-466, 539-546.
     Abraham, K. 1948 (orig. 1927), (Bryan, D., and Strachey, A., trans.). Selected papers of Karl Abraham, M.D. London, Hogarth Press and Institute of Psychoanalysis, 527p.
     Achilles, P. S. 1923. The effectiveness of certain social hygiene literature. New York, American Social Hygiene Association, 116p.
     Ackerson, L. 1931. Children's behavior problems. A statistical study based upon 5000 children examined consecutively at the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research. I. Incidence, genetic and intellectual factors. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, xxi + 268p.
          1942. Children’s behavior problems. A statistical study based upon 2113 boys and 1181 girls examined consecutively at the Illinois Institute for Juvenile Research. II. Relative importance and interrelations among traits. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, pp. xix + 570.
     Adams, C. R. 1946. Building for successful marriage and family living. In: Chivers, W. R., ed. Successful marriage and family living, pp. 30-35.
     Adams, C. R., and Packard, V. O. 1946. How to pick a mate. The guide to a happy marriage. New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., pp. 215.
     Adler, O. 1911. Die mangelhafte Geschlechtsempfindung des Weibes. Anaesthesia sexualis feminarum. Anaphrodisia. Dyspareunia. Berlin, H. Kornfeld, xiv + 231p.
         1912. Die frigide Frau. Sexual-Probleme 8:5-17.
     Aeschines. 1919 (orig. 4th cent. B.C.). (Adams, C. D., trans.). The speeches: against Timarchus, on the embassy, against Ctesiphon. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, xxiii + 528p.
     Ahlstrom, E. H. 1937. Studies on variability in the genus Dinobryon (Mastigophora). Trans. Amer. Micro. Soc. 56:139-159.
     Alibert. n.d. [ca. 1900?]. Onanism. Onanism amongst men. Its causes, methods, and disorders. Masturbation amongst women. Its causes. Different methods of masturbation. Symptoms. Consequences. Treatment. Paris, Medical Library, 95p.
         1926. Tribadism and saphism. Paris, priv. print., 86p.
     Allbutt, T. C. 1921. Greek medicine in Rome. London, Macmillan & Co., pp. xiv + 633.
     Allen, C. 1940. The sexual perversions and abnormalities. London, Oxford University Press, pp. xii + 193.
     Allen, C. 1949. The sexual perversions and abnormalities. A study in the psychology of paraphilia. London, Oxford University Press, x + 346p.
     Allen, E., et al., ed. 1939. Sex and internal secretions. A survey of recent research. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., xxxvi + 1346p.
     Allen, F. L. 1931. Only yesterday. An informal history of the nineteen-twenties. New York, Bantam Books, 413p.    
     Allendy, R., and Lobstein, H. 1948. (Larsen, E., trans.). Sex problems in school. London, New York, Staples Press, 182p.
     Alpert, L. M. 1938. Judicial censorship of obscene literature. Harvard Law Rev. 52:40-76.
     Allport, G. W. 1942. The use of personal documents in psychological science. New York, Soc. Sci. Res. Council, Bull. 49, pp. xix -|- 210.
     American Association of Marriage Counselors. 1952. Premarital sex relations: The facts and the counselor’s role in relation to the facts. (Report of a round table meeting held by the Section on Marriage and Family Counseling of the National Council on Family Relations at Lake Geneva, Wise., Aug. 30, 1951.) Marr. & Fam. Liv. 14:229-238.
     American Social Hygiene Association. 1930. From boy to man. Amer. Soc. Hyg. Assoc. Publ. 626:1-20.
     Ananga-Ranga (A.F.F. and B.F.R., transl.). 1885. Ananga-Ranga; (stage of the bodiless one) or, the Hindu art of love. (Ars amoris indica.) Cosmopoli, Kama Shastra Soc., pp. xvi + 144.
     Ananga-Ranga. 1935 (orig. 12th cent. A.D.?). (Burton, R. F., trans.). The secret places of the human body. Known as the Ananga-Ranga, or the Hindu art of love. Priv. print., 218p., 10 pl.
     Andrews, F. N., and McKenzie, F. F. 1941. Estrus, ovulation, and related phenomena in the mare. Columbia, Mo., University of Missouri (Agricultural Experiment Research Bull. 329), 117p.
     Andrews, T. G., ed. 1948. Methods of psychology. New York, John Wiley & Sons; London, Chapman & Hall, xiv + 716p.
     Angus, S. 1925. The mystery-religions and Christianity. A study in the religious background of early Christianity. New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, pp. xvi + 359.
     Anthropophyteia (Krauss, F. S., ed.). 1904-1913. Jahrbücher für folkloristische Erhebungen und Forschungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der geschlechtlichen Moral. Leipzig, Deutsche Verlagsaktiengesellschaft & Ethnologischer Verlag, v. 1-10.
     Apfelberg, B., Sugar, C., and Pfeffer, A. Z. 1944. A psychiatric study of 250 sex offenders. Amer. J. Psychiat. 100:762-770.
     Apuleius. 1822 (orig. 2nd cent. A.D.). (Taylor, T., trans.). The metamorphosis, or golden ass, and philosophical works. London, Robert Triphook etc., xxiv + 400 + 10p.
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         1923. (Adlington, W., trans.). The golden ass, London, John Lane, xxxv + 282p., 8 pl., 8 col. pl.
     Aretaeus. 1856 (orig. 2nd and 3rd cent. A.D.). (Adams, F., trans.). The extant works of Aretaeus, the Cappadocian. London, priv. print., Sydenham Society, xx + 510p.
     Arey, L. B. 1924. Developmental anatomy. A text-book and laboratory manual of embryology. Philadelphia, W. B. Saunders Co., pp. vii + 433.
          1946. Ed. 5. Developmental anatomy. A textbook and laboratory manual of embryology. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders Co., ix + 616p.
     Arieff, A. J., and Rotman, D. B. 1942. One hundred cases of indecent exposure. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis. 96:523-528.
     Aristophanes. 1912 (orig. 5th-4th cent. B.C.). Aristophanes. The eleven comedies. London, Athenian Society, priv. print., 2v. v. 1, 392p. v. 2, 476p.
         1924. (Rogers, B. B., trans.). Aristophanes. In three volumes. I. The Acharnians. The clouds. The knights. The wasps. II. The peace. The birds. The frogs. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 2v. v. 1, xvi + 555p. v. 2, 1 pl. + 443p.
     Aristotle. 1910 (orig. 4th cent. B.C.). (Thompson, D. W., trans.). The works of Aristotle. Volume IV. Historia animalium. Oxford, Clarendon Press, xv + n.pag.
         1936. (Hett, W. S., trans.). Problems. London, William Heinemann, 2v. v. 1, x + 461p. v. 2, vi + 456p.
     Armitage, R. B. 1913. Private lessons in the cultivation of sex force. Chicago, Franklin Publ., pp. 202.
     Arregui, A. M. 1927. Summarium theologiae moralis, ad recentem codicem iuris canonici accommodatum. Bilbao, El Mensajero Del Corazón de Jesús, xix + 665p.
     Asayama, Sin-iti. 1949. Gendai gakusei no seikōdō. (Sex. behavior of present-day Japanese students.) Kyoto, Usui Shobo, 346p.
     Asdell, S. A. 1946. Patterns of mammalian reproduction. Ithaca, N. Y., Comstock Publishing Co., xi + 437p.
     Aurand, A. M., Jr. 1938a. Little known facts about bundling in the New World. Harrisburg, Penna., priv. print., 32p.
         1938b. Slants on the origin of bundling in the Old World. Harrisburg, Penna., priv. print., 32p.
     Azama Otoko. See Anon. Ikkyū zenshi shoskoku monogatari.

     Baber, R. E. 1936. Some mate selection standards of college students and their parents. J. Soc. Hyg. 22:115-125.
         1939. Marriage and the family. New York and London, McGraw-Hill Book Co., xii + 656p.
     Back, G. 1910. Sexuelle Verirrungen des Menschen und der Natur. Berlin, John Pohl, 2v. v. 1, 7 + x + 544p. v. 2, 545-973p.
     Backhouse, E., and Scott, W. B. 1888. Martyr scenes of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. London, Hamilton, Adams & Co., 86p., 12 pl.
     Bailey, F. R. 1948. Ed. 12. (Smith, P. E., and Copenhaver, W. M., ed.). Textbook of histology. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Co., xix + 781p.
     Baker, J. R. 1926. Sex in man and animals. London, George Routledge & Sons, xvi + 175p.
     Baldwin, B. T. 1916. A measuring scale for physical growth and physiological age. Yrbk. Nat. Soc. Study Educ. 1916:11-22.
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          1928. The determination of sex maturation in boys by a laboratory method. J. Comp. Psych. 8:39-43.
     Baldwin, B. T., Busby, L. M., and Gatside, H. V. 1928. The anatomic growth of children. A study of some bones of the hand, wrist, and lower forearm, by means of roentgenograms. Univ. Iowa Studies in Child Welfare 4, pp. 88.
     Ball, Josephine. 1937. Sex activity of castrated male rats increased by estrin administration. J. Comp. Psychol. 24:135-144.
         1938. Partial inhibition of sex activity in the intact female rat by injected estrin. Endocrinol. 23:197-199.
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         1940. The effect of testosterone on the sex behavior of female rats. J. Comp. Psychol. 29:151-165.
     Ball, J., and Hartman, C. G. 1935. Sexual excitability as related to the menstrual cycle in the monkey. Amer. J. Obstet. & Gynec. 29:117-119.
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     Banay, R. S., and Davidoff, L. 1942. Apparent recovery of a sex psychopath after lobotomy. J. Grim. Psychopath. 4:59-66.
     Banning, Margaret C. 1937. The case for chastity. Readers Digest 31: (Aug.), 1-10.
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         1940. The hypothalamus and sexual behavior. In: Fulton, J. F., et al., ed. The hypothalamus and central levels of autonomic function, pp. 551-579.
         1942. Neural mechanisms in emotional and sexual behavior. Psychosom. Med. 4:171-172.
     Barker, R. G., and Stone, C. P. 1936. Physical development in relation to menar-cheal age in university women. Human Biol. 8:198-222.
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     Barton, R. F. 1938. Philippine pagans; the autobiographies of three Ifugaos. London, George Routledge & Sons, pp. xxi + 271.
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