The Child Experiments
<< Kinsey's Personal Motive >>

Kinsey's personal motive for his research was no mystery. He hated the way America’s Christian-based law constrained America’s sexual and moral life. All nations are inherently religious, even under the mask of atheism. The “Grand Scheme” shared by Kinsey and like-minded eugenic and legal elites, would do no less than gut the Old and New Testaments as America's founding common law order. Kinsey's closeted cadre were at war. They would deconstruct the common law, anointing science as the nation's religion and scientists as the new priest class. But, the renowned Jewish authority Rabbi Daniel Lapin, author of America's Real War has summarized what is at risk when the Christian roots of this nation are destroyed: “I desperately want my children, and one day (God willing) my grandchildren and their descendants, to have the option of living peacefully and productively in the United States of America. I am certain this depends upon America regaining its Christian-oriented moral compass.... American Jews in particular, owe a debt of gratitude to Christians for the safe haven America has been since its founding.”10-150
      10-150. Rabbi Daniel Lapin, America's Real War, Multnomah Publishers, Sister, OR, 1999, pp. 2-3.

Goddamn stupid, antiquated sex laws of this state
should be repealed.

Playboy, June 1971, John Dempsey, p. 189

Kinsey was, no doubt, proud of his key position in the science clergy. In the end, it is not surprising that an official finding of Reece’s Congressional Committee was that the Foundation-sponsored Kinsey Reports were “deliberately designed as an attack on Judaic-Christian morality.” Crick rightly noted at the 1962 London symposium on genetics, “I suspect that through the results of science, we will in time become less and less Christian.” As what is known as science has increased in influence in America, Biblical Christianity has decreased. This chapter further documents our movement back to the dark, “where everything is permitted” or “anything goes.” In 1828, Noah Webster, like Mary Shelley, issued a warning to the nation when he coined only one original word for his new, uniquely American Dictionary of the English Language. The word was “demoralize” (“to undermine the confidence or morale of; dishearten; to corrupt”). Our national morality and self-government, hence our confidence and morale, have been our only historical defense against powerful external and internal invaders. Given the “scientific” and materialistic influence upon our nation's moral compass, we are no longer “One Nation, Under God.” As man does what he will, with no honor to the sacred and no limit to the profane, all Americans are in peril in our now unwalled cities.

Please do what you can to help!

I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything, But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
—Edward Everett Hale10-129
      10-129. Edward Everett Hale, “Lend a Hand,” in James Dalton Morrison, Ed., Masterpieces of Religious Verse (1948); also, John Bartlett, Familiar Quotations, Emily Morison Beck, Ed., 14th Edition, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 1968 [1855], p. 717.
