The Naked Child Growing Up Without Shame
<< Appendix B >>
The protocol
Dennis Craig Smith

The questionnaire
[This questionnaire was mailed to participants in the investigation. Note the minimal explanation, designed to avoid influencing any particular form of response.]

    Subject Number__

    This survey is a structured attempt to gather data on the effects of exposing children to nudity. The questions are designed to provide information about the socio-sexual development of those children who have been exposed to nakedness as a part of their adolescent and preadolescent family relationships. Your participation in this study will not be revealed, and all answers given will be held in the strictest confidence. Thank you for taking part in this survey.

    1. Age__
    2. Sex__
    3. Marital status__
    4. Times married__
    5. Number of children__
    6. Occupation__
    7. Years at present job__
    8. Number jobs in last 10 years__
    9. Yearly net income__
    10. Highest grade or degree obtained__ (Ed.)
    11. Years since school__

Circle YES or NO

    12. Have you ever been treated for mental illness? YES NO
    13. Have you ever employed the services of a psychiatrist? YES NO
    14. Have you ever been arrested and jailed? YES NO
    15. If arrested, has it ever been for more than a minor crime? YES NO
    16. If jailed, has it ever been for more than two days? YES NO
    17. Have you ever contemplated suicide? YES NO
    18. Have you ever thought you might be insane? YES NO
    19. Have you ever wished you had different parents? YES NO
    20. Do you now live with your parents? YES NO
    21. Were you raised by your natural parents? YES NO
    22. Have you ever lived permanently at a nudist club or camp? YES NO
    23. Did your family participate in nudity at home? YES NO
    24. Was it common to dine in the nude? YES NO
    25. If no, did you ever? YES NO
    26. Did you ever participate in sex play with brothers and sisters? YES NO
    27. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with a member of your natural family? YES NO
    28. In preadolescent years, did you have sex games with children of your age (12 or less)? YES NO
    29. When you were 12 or less, did you ever with older children? YES NO
    30. If yes to either 26, 27, 28, or 29, did you feel any guilt later in life? YES NO
    31. Any at the time? YES NO
    32. Did you ever feel guilty about being nude in front of others when you were 12 or younger? YES NO
    33. After having been able to be nude around others, was there ever a time subsequent to that when you did not want to be nude publicly (that is at the camp or club)? YES NO
    34. Was there ever a time you regretted being a nudist? YES NO
    35. Do you remember being jealous of your parents? YES NO
    36. Was there ever a time you were jealous of your father’s penis (its size if you’re a boy, its presence if a girl)? YES NO
    37. Have you ever felt sexually attracted to either parent? YES NO
    38. Are you close to your natural parents now? YES NO
    39. Do you see them more than once a month? YES NO
    40. More than once a week? YES NO
    41. About once year? YES NO
    42. More than once a year, but less than once a month? YES NO
    43. Are you close to your brothers and sisters, if any? YES NO
    44. Are any of them no longer part of the nudist movement? YES NO
    45. Have you as an adult ever had a homosexual experience? YES NO
    46. If yes, do you regularly now? YES NO
    47. Do you think of yourself as heterosexual? YES NO
    48. Do you think of yourself as bisexual? YES NO
    49. Do you think of yourself as homosexual? YES NO
    50. If yes to 49, does your family know? YES NO
    51. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with your mother or your father? YES NO
    52. Would you if the opportunity presented itself? YES NO
    53. Do you attend church regularly? YES NO
    54. Do you ever attend church? YES NO
    55. Ever at the nudist park? YES NO
    56. Do you believe in an afterlife? YES NO
    57. Are you an agnostic? YES NO
    58. Are you an athiest? YES NO
    59. Do you think being a nudist has had any negative effects on you as a person? YES NO
    60. Do you plan to raise your children as nudists? YES NO

Circle the appropriate numbers

61. How would you characterize your sexual personality at the present time?
    Conservative 0
    Aggressive 1
    Flamboyant 2
    Well adjusted 3
    Timid 4
    Asexual 5
    Anxiety prone 6

62. How would you describe your sex life at the present time?
    Frustrating 0
    Non-existent 1
    Mildly satisfying 2
    Extremely satisfying 3
    Plagued with guilt 4
    Trouble free 5

63. How would you describe your attitudes about sex?
    Common 0
    Normal 1
    Healthy 2
    Uninhibited 3
    Problem causing 4
    Perverted 5

64. How do you think others would describe your sexual attitudes?
    Normal 0
    Destructive 1
    Sick 2
    Healthy 3
    Weird 4

65. How often do you see pornographic films?
    Very often 0
    Fairly often 1
    Rarely 2
    Never 3

66. If other than Never, how do you feel when you do?
    Greatly aroused 0
    Somewhat aroused 1
    Not aroused 2
    Don’t know 3
    Repulsed 4
    Aroused at times 5

67. If answer to 65 was Never, how would you feel at the prospect of seeing a porno film?
    Disinterested 0
    Interested and curious 1
    Repulsed 2
    Not sure 3
    Never thought about it 4

68. How do you feel when others see you nude?
    Nothing in particular 0
    Free and natural 1
    A little aroused 2
    Depends on who it is 3
    Good about who I am 4
    Slightly embarrassed 5

69. Why are you a nudist?
    For health reasons 0
    My spouse wanted me to 1
    It’s the excitement 2
    I was raised as one 3
    I don’t know 4
    I enjoy being naked and being with others who do 5
    The friends I’ve met 6

70. How did you feel as a preadolescent nudist?
    Don’t remember 0
    Like a normal child 1
    Like I was doing wrong 2
    Didn’t understand why others wore clothes 3
    Embarrassed 4
    Sexually confused 5
    Full of anxieties 6
    Unsure of myself 7

71. How would you describe your grades through elementary school?
    All A’s 0
    A’s and B’s 1
    Mostly C’s 2
    Below C’s 3
    Mostly failing 4

72. How would you describe your adolescence?
    Rebellious 0
    Emotionally troubled 1
    Normally stable 2
    Normally unstable 3
    Very happy 4

73. How would you describe your sex life as a teenager?
    Non-existent 0
    Experimenting at times 1
    Active in early teens 2
    Inactive in early teens, very active in late teens. 3
    Very active throughout 4
    Open with parents 5
    Embarrassed about it around parents 6

74. Did seeing your parents nude cause any of the following?
    Excitement 0
    Anxiety 1
    Frustration 2
    Intimidated 3
    Anger 4
    Arousal 5
    Fear 6
    None of the above 7

75. Did you sleep with your parents until:
    You were three 0
    You were five 1
    You were ten 2
    As a teenager 3
    You were an adult 4

76. How would you characterize yourself in your career?
    Very successful 0
    Somewhat successful 1
    Unfulfilled 2
    Unsuccessful 3
    Respected 4
    Not fully respected 5

77. How would you characterize your present marriage?
    Very successful 0
    Somewhat successful 1
    Destructive 2
    Not good 3
    Could be worse 4
    Could be better 5

78. How would you describe yourself as a sex partner?
    Very tender and good 0
    Very masculine 1
    Very feminine 2
    Aggressive 3
    Passive 4
    Unsure 5
    Intimidated 6
    Concerned for my partner 7

79. How would you describe yourself as a friend?
    Loyal 0
    Kind 1
    Popular 2
    Caring 3
    Selfish 4
    Unselfish 5
    Non-judging 6

80. What do you like to do most if given the chance?
    To lie in the sun 0
    To read 1
    To meet new people 2
    To socialize with friends 3
    To create something 4
    To play sports 5
    To have sex 6

Rate each statement with the number and circle one that best describes your feeling:
Strongly Agree = 0, Agree =1, Disagree = 2, Strongly Disagree = 3

    81. Seeing the father nude many times will cause a boy to feel inadequate since his penis is smaller. 0 1 2 3
    82. Actually, the parent who parades around nude in front of his child is, in a sense, unconsciously seducing the child. 0 1 2 3
    83. The nudist home environment may place so much emphasis on sex that a small child could easily become preoccupied with his body and the bodies of others. 0 1 2 3
    84. When children are surrounded by nudity, their home environment suffers and their emotional attachments to their parents are apt to increase and produce guilt and frustration. 0 1 2 3
    85. When people are nude they are less likely to be dishonest about themselves to others. It’s harder to fool people when you’re naked. 0 1 2 3
    86. The rivalry between a small girl and her mother, psychoanalysis has shown, inclines the child to blame her mother for somehow depriving her of a penis. 0 1 2 3
    87. The normal feelings of attachment children have and feel for their parents are heightened by them seeing their parents nude. 0 1 2 3
    88. There are certain areas of our bodies that should be covered. 0 1 2 3
    89. Masturbation is a normal part of adolescent development. 0 1 2 3
    90. Masturbation fantasies about the parents will increase if children see their parents nude. 0 1 2 3
    91. The chances for a sexually well-adjusted individual are increased when a child has grown up thinking of the body as something other than evil and dirty. 0 1 2 3
    92. Nudists have happier marriages. 0 1 2 3
    93. Seeing animals naked can be harmful to very young children. 0 1 2 3
    94. Children learn about themselves and sexuality better when they can see what the body is all about. 0 1 2 3
    95. The child’s curiosity about sex is never satisfied by just seeing, and the next step is touching. 0 1 2 3

    96. Being raised a nudist has caused me to:__
    97. Describe the most noticeable things about yourself in no more than ten words.__

    98. How have you felt about taking part in this survey?__
    99. What is the name of the nudist organization you belong to?__

    100. May I use your answers in an article? YES NO

Personal interview form
Nudity Research
Smith, Bolton, Sparks and Kurstin, 1978

Ss Descriptors

    A. Age__
    B. Sex__
    C. Place of birth__
    D. Age at first nudist experience__
    E. Marital status__
    F. Number of children__
    G. Occupation__
    H. Years at present job__
    I. Yearly net income__
    J. Highest grade or degree__

Parental and Family Background
    1. For the sake of this research we are classifying family body exposure into three categories: Open Family, Extended Family, and Club Family.
    An Open Family limits its physical openness to members of that family and does not include others in these activities or does not share this level of intimacy with others outside the family unit.
    The Extended Family participates in clothesless activities outside the home and does so in the presence of persons not belonging to that family. It does not, however, belong to an organization that has as its purpose nudist social activities.
    A Club Family participates in clothesless activities and belongs to an organization that defines its members as nudists.
    Which of of these categories did or does your family fit into?
    As a family, how much of your time was spent in this kind of activity or situation in terms of number of days per month (on the average)?
    Would you say this activity and involvement was:
    (A) Not very important, (B) Very important, or (C) Of no consequence?

    2. Could you tell us more about your family?
    Are there any other children?
    If there are, are they your natural brothers and sisters?
    What do you remember most about your mother and father?

    3. Did you tend to move a lot or stay in one place throughout your childhood?
    Do you remember at what age you became aware that yours was an Open, Extended, or Club Family?
    How did it first happen?

    4. Did either or both of your parents work?
    What did they do? Please describe the role of each parent.
    Did your parents let the people they worked with know of your nudist or open attitudes and activities?
    Do you know of your parents’ income (yearly net) at the time you came into nudism?

    5. How would you characterize your relationship with your parents as you were growing up?
    How would you characterize their relationship with one another during that time?
    Is there any difference at the present time in either of those two relationships; theirs to each other, or yours to them?

    6. Do you know how your parents became nudists?
    Where were they raised?
    Were their parents nudists?


    7. Could you describe a typical day for you?
    Would you describe a typical day of leisure?
    Do you spend much of your time around the house nude; cooking, dining or doing housework?

    8. Do most of your current friends share your attitudes about openness regarding the body?
    Do those that don’t share these convictions know of your nudist activities?
    How do you feel about them knowing?

    9. Did you ever withdraw from nudist activities and if you did, was it due to embarrassment, disinterest, other more important activities, reaction against your parents’ ideas, or outside peer pressure?

    10. Could you trace the sequence of events or situations that led to this change in attitude?
    Why do you think this withdrawal came about?
    How long did it last?

    11. At what age did you become sexually active?
    Sex games with more than one other person?
    Did you participate in oral sex? When?
    Did your awareness influence above ages?

    12. Could you describe what kinds of sex games you played as a child (not in a dating situation)?
    Did these games differ in your nudist experience from those in your non-nudist experience?
    Did you participate in group sex games with other children when you were in your teens?
    Could you give specific examples?

    13. Were most of your friends during your childhood from nudist or non-nudist backgrounds?
    Did you let your friends from outside nudism know of your family’s attitude or involvements in nudity?

    14. Do you have any idea of the approximate age when most of your nudist friends first experienced sexual intercourse?
    Could you give examples of what makes you think so?

    15. Did you ever masturbate as a child?
    Did you ever include others in this activity?
    Ever with members of the opposite sex? Do you masturbate now?
    How many times (approximately in one month) do you currently masturbate?

    16. Incest is not unknown in families today.
    Did you ever have sexual intercourse or participate in sex games with either or both of your parents?
    Ever with your brothers or sisters?
    Did you know of any nudist children that did have parental sexual contact?
    Any children from your non-nudist backgrounds?

    17. Have you ever had a homosexual experience?
    Do you consider yourself a heterosexual, a bisexual, or a homosexual?

    18. Could you relate your most vivid sexual memories as a nudist that occurred any time during your childhood?

    19. Did you notice any difference in the sexual behavior of your nudist peers with that of your non-nudist peers?

    20. Could you give your reaction to this statement and explain why you have reacted as you have?
    “It is common in nudist camps for boys and girls in preteens and early teens to take part in group sex orgies that involve older children and adults in a ’teaching’ role.”


    21. Did you ever feel uncomfortable being raised a nudist or about your family and its customs regarding body exposure?
    If so, could you describe those situations and explain as well as you can exactly how you felt at the time?
    What was it that made you feel uncomfortable?
    Did you resent your parents for it?

    22. How do you feel about having been raised a nudist?
    Can you recall any vivid pleasant memories that stick out in your mind concerning your childhood as a nudist?
    Any unpleasant one that you can remember?

    23. How do you perceive yourself as a person?
    How do you feel about the person you have become?
    How do you think being raised a nudist, or with the openness that you were a part of, has affected the kind of person you now are?

    24. Using the designations: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree, or No Concern, would you give your feelings and attitudes on the following opinions:
    (A) The Equal Rights Amendment will take rights of women away. It should not be passed.
    (B) Nuclear power presents too great a danger for a dependable energy source.
    (C) I believe everyone should be treated equally.
    (D) I feel the races should be kept separate and interracial marriage is wrong.
    (E) There is but one God and He created heaven and earth.

    25. Politically, would you describe yourself as a Democrat, a Republican, an Anarchist, a Communist, a Socialist, etc.?

    26. Please respond to each of the following quotations:
    (A) The nudist home environment places so much emphasis on sex that a child could easily become preoccupied with his or her body and the bodies of others.
    (B) The normal attachment a child feels for his or her, children feel for their parents is heightened by them seeing their parents nude.
    (C) Seeing the father nude many times causes boys to feel inadequate since his penis is so much smaller than his father’s.
    (D) Seeing her father nude can heighten the rivalry between a small girl and her mother, because she tends to blame her mother for somehow depriving her of a penis.
    (E) Parents who parade around nude in front of their children are unconsciously seducing them.

    27. Can you recall what your attitudes were on the following subjects when you were an adolescent:
    (A) Masturbation,
    (B) Incest,
    (C) Sexual intercourse,
    (D) Homosexuality?

    28. What are your attitudes now on the following:
    (A) Incest,
    (B) Homosexuality,
    (C) Bisexuality,
    (D) Swinging,
    (E) Oral sex,
    (F) Adolescent sexual intercourse?

    29. Do you have strong feelings about how many children should be raised? How do these compare with the way you were raised?

    30. Why do you think people equate sex and nudity?
    How do you respond to that notion?

    31. Are you still a nudist?
    If so, why?
    If not, why not?

    32. Is there anything that was not asked that you think should have been or is there anything you would like to say about this study or add about raising children as nudists?

