The Naked Child Growing Up Without Shame
<< Literuture >>
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Personal Interviews
Elysium Institute. Personal interview with subject #1, Aug, 1977.
Pirate’s Cove, Personal interview with subject #2 (Female, 21 years) September, 1977.
Lakewood, CA. Personal interview with subject #4 (Female, 31 years), June, 1978.
El Cajon, CA. Personal interview with subject #5 (Male, 19 years), July, 1978.
Samagatuma Park, Ramona. CA. Personal interview with subject # 6 (Female, 18 years), July, 1978.
Avila Beach, CA. Personal interview with subject #3 (male, 22 years), May 1978.
Berkeley, Calif. Personal interview with subject #7 (female, 48 years),. August, 1978.