Multiorgasmic Guestbook
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Thursday 07/06/2006 1:17:56am
No responsibility goes from the "Will is not free at all".
This is your thought. Not mine. What do you want to gain by a such methods of debate?
I had hoped that intelligent discourse might assist us both in understanding what seems a most dogmatic and destructive belief. However, as you feel mere belief alone trumps any possible logical discussion thereof, so be it.
As long as there exist those who, like you, believe that God wills upon His own children such horrors as the Holocaust and Islamic terrorism, this mindless fanaticism will continue to spawn those individuals ruthless, evil and bloodthirsty enough to commit such atrocities likewise believing all such to be "God's Will." This has been the foundational motive for all religious atrocities and terrorism from the very start... beginning, coincidentally, with that first ancient massacre of innocent wives and children guilty of no other crime than being loved by the "bene ha elohim," the Sons of God. And all this made possible only after first vilifying these heavenly beings as "fallen angels" and several centuries later further demonizing them as "Satan" and his minions. And if historical evidence is accurate, their surviving descendants would appear to have similarly been reviled and hunted as "vampires."
Lest it be forgotten, Hitler performed a similar feat in so successfully vilifying the Jews as vermin divinely destined for extermination that they, too, almost were.
Wednesday 10/18/2006 9:45:24am
Private Message 449
Tuesday 10/24/2006 7:18:51am
Nice informative site you have here. Although I must admit its hard for me to believe having multiple ejack orgasms is as rare as your evidence seems to say. I have been having MO for years now and I just thought it was because I spent way too much time masterbating when I was in my teens. The only thing that limits my multiple orgasms is that after 4 or 5 I am very very winded and tired. I just wanted to write in because I have a hard time believing I am so unique.
How rare this MRP-free capacity is continues to remain a mystery given that, unlike with female multiorgasmic response, there has been no research conducted beyond this initial case study. And were it not for this study documenting MRP-free capacity for the first time, sexologists would still be proclaiming as "physiologically impossible" such a male sexual capacity.
Were any scientific attention to finally be given this area of research, who knows what might be discovered. As it is, over a decade has passed since this unprecedented, professionally published case study and despite all our efforts there still has been no interest expressed by the sexological community in either documenting other cases of such, or in conducting any research whatsoever into the near-universal male sexual limitation of MRP, much less on those males born without same.
Most likely this is largely due to the conclusion arrived at by some of the world's most renowned sexual scientists that MRP " there for a reason" and that granting men such an unlimited male orgasmic capacity (though already possessed and enjoyed by females) would somehow pose an unacceptable risk of danger to society. Thus, as such attitudes apparently prevail within the otherwise scientific minds of the sex research community, no further interest in research has been forthcoming.
For this reason, it is our opinion that until the general Public is made sufficiently aware of this apparent professional stonewalling to successfully protest against such, this will continue to remain the case.