Sperm's facts

“Those handling food will walk on two legs.”

-- Before puberty, the body does not produce semen or sperm. So when a young boy masturbates and orgasmize, especially coming through his multiorgasmic draws, he can have only dry orgasms, meanwhile producing very strong waves of "testicular electricity" and very specific and subtle all-body sweeting sweating.

-- Sperm makes the best part of semen. Specially prepared, tuned, and seasoned by a man and in the man sperm is the most delicate part and top manufacturing secret of any semen-based cooking.
-- Just like a good wine, sperm take and luck time.

-- Each sperm is approximately 0.05 millimeters (0.002 inch) long.
-- Healthy developed sperm usually have oval heads. 70% of sperm in normally ejaculated semen is odd-shaped: heads longish or round, cigar-shaped, very small or oversized like a balloon on a string. Some sperm have two heads, no tail or a bent one, no mid-piece.

-- One human spermatogenic cycle requires 16 days. For the development and differentiation of an spermatogonium into a mature sperm at least four spermatogenic cycles are necessary. So the overall duration of spermatogenesis is at least 64 days in man (74 days are recommended by including time for spermatogonial renewal).
-- Process of spermatogenesis (development from a spermatogonium into a mature spermatozoon) takes close to 380 cell divisions in about 60-70 days to create a sperm.
-- The sperm then takes a further 10 to 14 days to pass through the ducts of each testicle and its sperm-maturing tube, the epididymis, before it can leave the body in the semen, during ejaculation.
-- The time for spermatozoa to pass through the epididymis lies between 2 and 11 days, depending on testicular sperm output. In the epididymis spermatozoa mature and are stored prior to ejaculation. In passing through the epididymis, spermatozoa from the testis not only acquire the potential for motility, but also develop the pattern of movement to a mature form. During ejaculation, spermatozoa are taken from the distal cauda epididymidis.
-- Totally, sperm production and maturation is perhaps one of the most complex processes in the body and lasts about 90 days.

-- Sperm production is no fly-by-night operation. Sperm development is a 24-hour, no vacation and no personal days off, sweatshop kind of job completed in accordance with a complex hormonal choreography.
-- The first spermatogenic cycle during puberty proceeds faster than in the adult age.
-- The duration of germ cell maturation can actually be manipulated by exogenous factors. In contrast, endocrine factors do not alter the duration of spermatogenic cycles.

-- Per testicle, the body produces about 1,000 sperm per second 60,000 per minute, 360,000 per hour. Every day, two testicles of a healthy adult male can produce around 140,000,000 to 300,000,000 sperm (actually about 150,000,000). In less than a month, a young man will have created more sperm than there are people on the planet. In their lifetimes, all men will each create about 2,000,000,000,000 sperm that be enough to populate 571 planet Earths.
-- Sperm concentration of 133 million sperm per milliliter of ejaculate was recorded the highest number in the last 50 years anywhere in the world
-- The semen from a single ejaculation may contain between 40,000,000 and 600,000,000 sperm, depending on the volume of the ejaculate and the length of time since the last ejaculation.
-- The number of spermatozoa per milliliter of semen differs between first and second ejaculates, collected 1 hour apart, by approximately 55%. There is a minimal reduction in gel-free semen volume for the second ejaculate.
-- 112 times a year a couple under the age of 30 have sex on average And on each occasion, around 400,000,000 sperm are released. Nearly all of them go the wrong way or don't swim well enough. Just 200 get to their destination. And out of these, only one is needed to fertilize the woman's egg. The rest are simply leftovers.

-- Every adult has around 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) cells. And as we're constantly generating new ones to replace the ones we use up or wear out, we'll make about 12,000,000,000,00,0000 (12 quadrillion) cells during our life.

-- A fertile young woman has a 25 % chance of becoming pregnant if she aims to conceive in prime time -- two days before ovulation. And if she is successful, just 13 weeks later, at her first ultrasound scan, she can see clearly her baby's development inside her womb.
-- At 12 years old, girl's ovaries already contain 300,000 egg cells, and now one of them will be released each month. The egg can develop into an embryo if it's fertilized. If not, it's replaced by another the next month. In her lifetime, a woman will release about 400 eggs.

-- Sperm cruise along at about 4 millimeters per minute.
-- To cover 1 centimeter, an individual sperm has to swish its tail 800 times.
-- Often, sperm get there faster due to strong muscular contractions of the uterus that propel the sperm upwards.

-- In the acidic environment similar to the one of the vagina sperm can only survive for a few hours; once they reach the vicinity of the cervix, their survival rate is extended to several days.
-- In the test tube, of the approximately 100-200 million sperm of the whole one ejaculate a select team of the fastest and most motile about 200 sperm enters the finals. But actually, under natural conditions, very few spermatozoa are present near the egg at fertilization, the sperm to egg ratio can be 1:1 or even less.

-- Over 500,000 women a year around the globe die from causes related to pregnancy and childbirth.

-- Vasectomy (surgical disconnection of vas deferens) is not a castration, problemically and costly may be reversed, does not affect sperm production; sperm are still produced but they are reabsorbed by the body. Libido is also unchanged as well as erectile functions and orgasmic abilities. Ejaculation still occurs as before and the only things missing are the sperm. They make up only a minute (1.7%) fraction of the ejaculate so neither man nor woman will not be able to readily detect a reduction in semen volume. Actually it will take around 20 ejaculations, and possibly more, to clear male system entirely of sperm.
-- Vasectomy is advertised as the most reliable method for a man to keep his sperm to himself and to take personal responsibility for contraception.
-- Vasectimized men may consider that the surgery helped them to make marital sex better, made sex more fun, and now they have a lot of fun. Do they? "Yup!" what else are they expected to say? Vasectomy never would solve marital and sexual problems a man has or make infected sex less unsafe.
-- The technically simple operation, usually performed under local anesthetic, only takes 10-20 minutes followed by a period of rest of about half an hour to an hour.
-- In Britain, approximately 90,000 men each year choose this method of contraception. In the US about 500,000 men a year have a vasectomy. New Zealand has the highest rate of vasectomized men, at 23% (502,000). In the US and Europe it is about 11% (17,0000,0000 + 45,000,000) and in China and India it is about 7-8% (56,000,000 + 48,000,000). Worldwide, in 202 million couples female sterilization is the contraceptive method of choice and an estimated 39 million couples have undergone vasectomy. Worldwide, however, only 2.7% (186,000,000) of men are vasectomized. For comparison, the use of condoms by men for contraception varies from country to country with a worldwide average of 5.7%.

-- HIV (AIDS) does not seem to infect sperm. HIV mainly infects white blood cells by docking onto proteins on their membrane. HIV can be transmitted by bodily fluids such as blood, semen, saliva, tears and vaginal secretions. During penetrative sex, the virus can reach the bloodstream of a sex partner though the vagina, mouse or rectum.

-- Taken from a penis sperm requires a special processing to become easy-to-absorbed, healthy and wholesome. Churning to dry, heating, dissolving in saliva are some of methods that hyperactivate sperm and help to destroy sperm membranes.

-- Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate.

     Chefs note: The body is a germ cell container, our precious heritage is in our germ cells.