Balls' cooking advises

“But the only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.”

Any harm or pain should be done to a man and his testicles. While cooking the testicles we never intent really to cook, boil, bake, fridge, stew this delicious man's part. Contrarily, the more healthy, sexy, potent and strong the man, his testicles and semen becomes after women cooked and ate him, the more health benefits and energetic profits they have of him. From other hand, for all their health achievements based on male sexuality women do not need the best for conception quantitative and qualitative parameters of his semen. Actually they need the best its generous easy-to-absorb, nutritive, seasoned, purified, enriched qualities. That's why wise women use to tune and clean and feed and cook their favorite man perfectly well for a long time and beforehand. Sensations of pressing, stroking, and caressing should carry him away to another world, the world of multiorgasmic being, magic, infinity, and power.

The mistaken belief amongst humans seems to be that cooking of the balls involves one long stay in the hot oven, only. The conventional preparing of a man consists of several hot-cold cycles. The duration of a suitable stay in the heat varies from one individual to another, depends on age and health and usually falls between 5 and 20 minutes. The heat exposure is followed by a cool-of: an immersion in ice-water, a cool shower, or a mere rest period at room temperature. A cool-off by ice-water immersion much more helpful for cooking of testicles than by a 5-minute rest at room temperature, where sweating is more profuse. The number of repeated cycles is totally a matter of personal chef's preferences, but usually encounters 2. The number of repeated cookings a week is also totally a matter of personal chef's preferences, but usually encounters 2-3. A sufficient recovery period, about 30 minutes, after the hot-cold cycles allows for normalizing the body temperature and cessation of sweating.

Dry heat at temperature 80-100°C (176-212°F) is recommended for cooking of a man with his balls. Before cooking a man should rest naked and masturbate in the kitchen for about 20 minutes. The first dry heat exposure lasts 15-20 minutes. After that 5-minutes cooling pause is followed. The second dry heat exposure lasts 10-15 minutes. If it's humid heat exposure it lasts 10 minutes. Post-cooking cooling last 30 minutes. The cooking shouldn't override subjective discomfort or exhaustion of a man.

If a man with his balls is cooked in hot water or porridge or amongst vegetables the temperature of 42-45°C (108-113°F) is recommended. Before cooking a man should rest naked and masturbate in the kitchen for about 20-30 minutes. The first boiling lasts 15-20 minutes. If the temperature is 47-48°C (116-118°F) just 2-3 minutes are recommended. After that 5-minutes cooling pause is followed. The second boiling lasts 10-15 minutes. Post-cooking cooling last 30 minutes. The cooking shouldn't override subjective discomfort or exhaustion of a man.

The greater body surface to body mass ratio of small men causes greater heater flux into the body in a hot environment. The sweating matures only at puberty. So cooking of men under the age of 10 should be shorter and more moderate.

Many men, especially young and new, will squeal, flinch, and withdraw the scrotum up close to the body. Their testicles recoil involuntarily if anyone makes sudden grabbing movements towards them. So, it is important, especially with a new man, always to let him know, either by word or gesture, that you intend to fondle his balls. Also, by remaining in contact with the man's body, and by moving the hand slowly, most men tolerate the teasing reasonably well.

Once a man trusts you and has relaxed, he gives you complete access to this area of great pleasure, and his flinching will stop, and both hands can be used for manual palpation of the scrotal contents. Some men have a greater tolerance for rough handling of the balls than others. Experienced well-handled men are usually more tolerant but gentleness should always be considered. Only by gradually increasing the strength of your grip will you discover his tolerance level. Always relax your hold if he shows any sign of pain, discomfort or anxiety.

     Chefs note: Please note that for each recipe testicles have to be multiorgasmically tuned, churned and marinated at least overnight. A man should be masturbated pretty well while his testicles from time to time are shortly been coating with or seasoning in marinade sauce before go to dish. The marinade sauce may consist of 2/3 water, 1/3 vinegar, bay leaf, and a little bit of peppercorn.
     Chefs note: During cooking keep adding a bit of saliva on the drying head of the penis so that this meaty rib would be cooked well and does not burn.
     Chefs note: Best to serve a meal with balls at a large party on a separate table amongst fruits, juices, and vegetables. Sauces and pickles also adorn balls quite enough well.

Balls' eating advises