“Horst has done time. What for? No one know for sure. He changes the story every time you ask him.”
As a man is started to be stimulated, his feeling of pleasure starts to intensify. If sexual arousal is maintained, blood flows to the penis, muscle tension in the arms and legs increases, blood pressure rises, breathing quickens, the skin of the scrotal sack thickens and contracts, the testes increase in size -- in some cases up to 50% -- and they move upward. As sex play continues, muscle tension continues and so does penis rigidity as blood flow to the penis reaches a maximum level.
Erection is not caused by muscles -- it is entirely a blood flow event. The man must have this genital response before he can participate, which means that something in the time before eating, absorbing, and consuming of a man must have aroused him. His maturation is preceded by his visible awakening, an arousal, the birth of an appetency, ambition, desire, and intention. The male organ registers the intensity of this stimulation, rising to the occasion of its provocation, becoming at once the means of pleasure and culture’s sign of power.
"When it gets into erection, it lengthens out and stiffens itself to such an extent that one might think it would never go soft again. It lifts impudently the clothing of its master by raising its head fiercely and makes him ashamed while itself feels no shame. But when it has satisfied its passion, it goes to sleep. If swollen up, it stands erect and if not, it sinks down flaccid" (Sheikh Nefzawi).
Two types of erections usually work together to produce a firm and lasting erection. These are reflexogenic and psychogenic.
• Reflexogenic erections are coordinated by a reflex pathway in the spinal cord and do not require input from the brain. Direct stimulation of the penis activates sensory nerves that enter the spinal cord at S2-S4, thus delivering sensory messages to the spinal cord via S2-S4, and then messages return from the spinal cord to the penis via nerve pathways that activate and cause an erection. Reflexogenic erections can occur from direct stimulation of the penis or from internal stimulation such as a full bladder.
• Psychogenic erections require input from the brain and happen when sensory input, such as sights, smells, sounds, and sexual thoughts produce erotic emotions in the brain. The brain then sends messages down the spinal cord to the T10-L2 spinal nerves to stimulate an erection. Nerves from T10-L2 carry messages to the penis to activate an erection.
The man should be cooked the best obtaining the most out of his erectile pleasure, so nobody should hurry up. Time from time, half a minute of a break is needed to give a penis and an arm a rest. If all is being done right, the act of fondling his penis naturally makes the man feel more and more aroused. He starts to feel a flare within his pelvis that increases in intensity. He can feel as if he is about to pee, but don't worry, it's only the sensation of the semen entering the urethra (the conduit that runs through the penis). Here we shouldn't stop. The man is kept tightening and holding, and he should only relax and enjoy his feeling.
Chefs note: Obtention of man's semen, even multiorgasmically milked and churned, may be a fluid-intensive business. At some point things get wet, as semen gets on the sheets or seeps out of the woman's hands. Many women consider this OK or even sexy. But the experience, if it happens hours later, may be a bit unpleasant. Somehow it seems like a man's job, but that will be a private matter a woman can settle. Stains may not be much of a problem outdoors, although there are probably people who call outdoor ejaculation just another form of littering. But wherever the location, clean-up will be called for. And yes, it is poor manners to leave spots on her sheets or to wipe your penis on her quilt, curtains or her favorite scarf. Semen stains on sheets do often come out in the wash but some fabrics may be trickier than others. To remove fresh stains, soapy water should be sufficient. When the semen has dried up, one can try and brush it out, or wet it again and treat it with gall-soap or stronger agents. Baking soda seems to work pretty well, particularly on the more delicate garments.
Chefs note: The amount of cooking session should be adjusted so that the erection lasts no longer than four hours.
Chefs note: If the body’s autonomic nervous system cannot properly manage its reaction to the irritating stimulus that usually lead to sexual arousal, the reaction becomes exaggerated, leading to symptoms such as sweating, chills, and headache. In some chronic cases, arousal can lead to dangerously high blood pressure levels, and this complication can lead to stroke, seizure, or even death.
— Pre-orgasmic feelings
— Ejaculatory contractions
— Semen ejection
— Post-ejaculatory chill
— Multiorgasmic deal