“Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.”
Every man regardless of his age needs to stimulate, nourish, and develop his Three Peak Medicines on a regular basis. At first, some males may have difficulty producing The Three Peak Medicines so that they can be seen and tasted, but with continued practice any man can produce them, and it doesn't matter if he produces some visible secretions or some very subtle. To be effective, The Three Peak Medicines also need to be regulated. Dissipation of semen should be curtailed as well as frequent milkings and masturbations should be avoided. No matter the type of regulation a man adheres to it is important to apply stimulation techniques at least thrice a month.
• Upper Peak Medicine (The First Medication)
The cavity for this is under the tongue. To stimulate this medicine, a man is going through his peaks and drawings of multiorgasmic excitement induced by penile stimulation. A man should swallow his stimulated saliva or may apply it as lubricant to his penis. The Upper Peak Medicine can be abundant and easily retrieved, but this is not so with the Middle Peak Medicine, as it is much more difficult to stimulate its real production. It can be consumed during deep kisses with a tongue directed to the medicine's cavity or even just by licking of the front neck area of the pretty well multiorgasmically tuned and seasoned man.
• Middle Peak Medicine (The Second Medication)
Its cavities are in man's prostate, seminal vesicles, penile shaft, glans penis, and the area of frenulum of prepuce. To stimulate this medicine, he is going through his multiple orgasms induced by penile stimulation. It is squeezed from the orifice of the head of a penis during multiorgasmic milking of a man and is matured during his multiorgasmic draws and churnings. Ejaculated semen is rather a toxic poison than healing medication. It can be consumed during gentle and rich sucking of the head of the penis that was already multiorgasmically well-tuned and seasoned.
• Lower Peak Medicine (The Third Medication)
The cavity for this highest medication is directly in testicles, in their middle and bottom parts. To stimulate this medicine, it's necessary to tune perfectly a multiorgasmic man beforehand and then to repeatedly trace small clockwise circles over the testicular area with either a tongue or a fingertip. They may be very abundant in any male, noticeably going with milking, ejaculation, pre-ejaculation fluids and even with urine-like liquid substances come and squeezed from the orgasmizing as well as pre-orgasmizing penis. It's not their best, functional and main part, although. Well, obviously that the most effective form of this medication can be retrieved easily during any kind of gentle and competent multiorgasmic stimulation of a male man of any age. But the most valuable, concentrated and energizing part of this ambrosia is released in a form of subtle testicular sweet sweating. The highest medication can be consumed during slight oral lickings and tenderest sucklings of this doubled delicate medicine's cavity of the pretty well multiorgasmically tuning, cooking, processing, seasoning, drawing and writhing man.