“Change is nature, Dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.”
As an seven-year-old I did not really enjoy physical education class, but then I discovered I loved to climb ropes. I became better and better at it, and much happier. But nobody -- not even I -- really understood that sexuality fuelled these activities. When I climbed up a rope I had an orgasm. It always happened when I was right at the top -- there I was, at the top, probably with a blissful expression on my face embracing the strongest hard-on I ever had. For one-two minutes I induced and drew orgasmic waves up more and more, and obviously I would got it longer if I were alone. By the time I was on the floor everything of mine relaxed, nobody stirred anything suspiciously rigid in my pants, and I enjoyed all my body refreshed and energized. I kept my secret, and climbed as much as my arms and legs would carry me. When I didn't make it to the gym, I climbed up streetlight poles -- always with polyorgiastic pleasure. But when orgasm began to be accompanied by semen there was a problem. It was hard to gain entire control over all my body at the top of the rope, especially being in tight briefs. Once I had lost my temper, the liquid running down my legs gave away my precious secret and very soon I gave up climbing entirely. At least, in the class and not being totally naked.
First I ejaculated semen at age eleven. It was discovered by my elder sister who had found that periodically on multiple peaks of my orgasms I started to produce about half-a-drop of some viscous substance definitely different from urine. Surely, it was far not the semen yet, probably it were some new-born secretions of my urinal tract, prostate or seminal vesicles, although I decided that from now I had to be careful, because now I am a man, and I can get someone pregnant. Really, for other three or even four years I was absolutely safe and harmless for women and had all the chances to become very popular amongst them. I don't know all the reasons, but what I have heard that the first milky productions of a boy, multiorgasmically obtained and consumed, are highly valuated as an effective remedy, in particular, against acne, fatigue, and climacteric syndrome. Also all women noticed that I became excessively sweet, tender, desired, energizing, and fresh at that time. Anyway, as for me, I revealed myself as a man acquired some useful for females resources and properties, and I was too proud of my magic penis and testicles. Although their young friend of that age of mine isn't yet a great milky boy, the girls may do their utmost to be extremely endearing, caressing, sensitive, cautious, and patient to him, they shouldn't demand too fiercely or too much, and the boy would eagerly share his multiorgasmic exercising. If most of the time he doesn't lose his wholeness, charge, and joy, the nice chap wishes he keeps and elevates his practice forever, and little by little he would successfully bring and churn a bit of what he may be needed for. At least, as for me, I didn't notice that afterwards my sister or her girl-friends suffered from pimples.
Ejaculation and orgasm were not for me coincide at that time, I felt the two as separate events. I knew dry orgasms, without any sperm, and their intensity did not seem to be any less. I gave it a good rub and then had an orgasm. It was accompanied by just as intense a feeling as the one I had later which was accompanied by ejaculation. And though for me, as for all young boys, for a long time the distinction between the women's vagina and my anus wasn't yet recognized, I was very fond and proud of my penile capacity to bring me the most exciting bliss I ever had.
The only complains I had about my ejaculations that, if I had fallen into them, they became more and more messy and, what was the most annoying and oppressive, I couldn't endlessly ejaculate and have infinitive sex drive. Nature is -- for some mysterious yet sensible reason -- making men sleepy and orgasmically impotent after ejaculation. And my subsequent urge continuously to reveal, search, explore, and learn my multi-orgasmic potential was the explanation why. Every man is seeking quantity and quality in his sexual behavior to be fully satiated and satisfied. And he wouldn't unless his vitality would be fully awakened.
Well, at least three to five years before they go through noticeable symptoms of puberty and find out that the hair is growing on their pubic nearly all boys had experienced dry orgasms. Moreover, nearly all boys have experienced an powerful orgasm before their first birthday. How often nobody knows. Little factual information is available about orgasm in very little boys, since they cannot talk and are therefore in no position to satisfy the curiosity of sexologists. But the curve of excitement in the sex behavior of little boys can scarcely be interpreted in any other way. At least, as anyone who is used to change nappies can attest, even as infants, many boys easily by themselves experience hard-ons and enjoy to rub their fronts against their cradles with the very specific facial and body emotions. Though orgasmic and multiorgasmic experiences are different even for the smallest boy.
Usually boys begin to ejaculate involuntarily (during masturbations or nocturnal wet-dreams) not earlier than 13 years of age, or 3-16 months after noticeable symptoms of puberty (increased length and circumference of the penis and the circumference of the testis, marked pigmentation of the scrotal skin, pubic hair), although a lot of boys may be led to their tiny milk production one or two years earlier. When pubic hair just begins to grow it's a good sign that a dry boy is turning into the milky boy and some of his accessory sexual glands may be activated. Nevertheless, even the pre-ejaculatory boy may be led at his excitement to the point, forcing him to "ejaculate" in shot spurs some substance from his urinal bladder, very specific watery, colorless, odorless and slightly dimmed mixture, that is different from regular urine and after spurring elevates the excitement.
First involuntary ejaculation occurs when pubic hair is already substantially advanced and axillary hair just begins to grow. At this stage of growth, though boys show a notable difference in the degree of penile and testicular growth, size is not necessarily a sign of sexual maturity. To diagnose the degree to which spermatogenetic and hormonal functions of the testis are advanced, it is necessary to analyze semen and its biological quality.
First ejaculations, especially before the age of 13, are marked by very small volumes of ejaculate (below 0.5 ml). The rapid increase in the volume of ejaculate occurs approximately 5 months after the first ejaculation (up to 1 ml), and between 12 and 14 months it conforms to the standard (2.5-3 ml). The volume of ejaculate grows from the first to the twenty-sixth month. Later, the volume of ejaculate never exceeds the standard margin (3.5-4 ml).
In first seminal ejaculations, no normally liquefiable sample are obtained. Quite characteristically, the unliquefiable samples have a permanent jellylike consistency and, unlike semen from teenagers in the later stages of puberty or mature males, fails to liquefy. Until the eleventh month after the first ejaculation, semen is unliquefiable or partially liquefiable whereas from the fifteenth month onward liquefaction is normal in almost all cases.
A study of spermatozoa concentration reveals that in initial ejaculations spermatozoa are either absent or do not exceed 1 million/ml. The absence of spermatozoa is observed 80% of the examined initial samples. Prom the third to the twenty-third month after the first ejaculation spermatozoal concentration increases. The boys reach the standard spermatozoal concentration (50.0 m/ml) between 12 and 14 months after the first ejaculation that indicates that spermatogenesis originates in an increasing number of seminiferous tubule segments.
The first ejaculates contained either immotile spermatozoa (97.55%) or a fraction (2.5%) of abnormally motile spermatozoa. Later the percentage of normally motile spermatozoa rose and led to the attainment of the normal level between 21 and 23 months after the first ejaculation. After that time the percentage of normally motile spermatozoa conformed to the standard figure and is fairly stable.
Semen quality becomes normal after approximately 21 months from the first ejaculation. Therefore, first clinical indications of puberty and normospermia are separated by 29-33 months -- i.e., by 2.5-3 years on the average. The volume of ejaculate and liquefaction of semen and the number of spermatozoa and their morphology are on the average normal in the boys whose age was 15-16. Normal spermatozoal motility, however, is reached no sooner than 17 years of age.
As the quality of semen improves, more intensive hair growth is observed. Penile growth advances gradually and testicular size increases gradually with the improvement of semen quality too.
• Testosterone issues
• Learned potential
• Potential of every man
• Make your little one better