“You are either very lucky or very unlucky. You will make the soup again, and this time, I'll be paying attention. Very close attention. They think you might be a cook. But you know what I think, Linguini? I think you are a sneaky, overreaching little...”
The penis (a Latin 'tail') consists of three spongy cylinders surrounding the urethral tube through which urine and semen pass. When stimulated, the spongy tissue in the penis becomes engorged with blood, causing it to become stiff and erect. Powerful muscles at the base prevent a reverse flow of blood and help maintain the erection for as long as the penis is stimulated.
The underside of the glans and foreskin is rich in very sensitive nerve endings that provide the pleasure and sexual satiation, and so it is given a great deal of attention during sexual activity.
Not only does the size of penises vary greatly, so does every other aspect of their appearance. Circumcised can look very different from uncircumcised. Some penises are smooth and silky while others have bulging veins; some are pink; some are brown; others are a combination of several colors -- pale on the shaft and livid red on the head, with very prominent blue veins; some are long, thin and cigar-shaped; others are broad and stumpy with a pronounced "knob" at the end.
When you are preparing for a first-time cookery encounter with a new penis & balls supplier, there is a glorious anticipation about what he may produce. He may look like as a Horse or he may be a Hare, but it is important that you do not judge him purely on his penis. Be thankful if he turns out to be a Horse, but do not revile him and enjoy your lucky fate if he is a Hare. Who knows what other nutritious delights he may have in his orgasmic potential? Remember, our aim is to maximize the pleasure of our cooking and eating experience, and this will not be done by judging your potential food supplier -- your fellow human being -- solely on the size of his penis and balls.
Chefs note: A penis is a tremendous gift for a man and all who knows him for all his life. Never give up to learn and develop yourself. And fuck all your difficulties off.
Preputial issues