“Oh, please. I'm sick of pretending. I pretend to be a rat for my father. I pretend to be a human through Linguini. I pretend you exist so I have someone to talk to! You only tell me stuff I already know! I know who I am! Why do I need you to tell me? Why do I need to pretend?”
The foreskin:
-- is a birthright and and gives a man the option or to retract it either to pull it back when it's needed,
-- is important neural and vascular part of the penis and not a waste of skin,
-- is similar to flower petals, mouse lips, labia pudenda, nails and fingertips covering nail bones, mammary nipples, nostrils, eyelids, and the bodily skin,
-- has the same relation to the health as breasts' nipples, clitoral hood and labium of pudendum,
-- is a highly specialized region of mucous membrane and an integral part of the human penis, as it is of all mammalian penises,
-- promotes good penile hygiene,
-- makes a man cleaner,
-- helps a man to wash his penis less often,
-- isn't any more "dirty" or "smelly" then the vagina or vulva, quite the contrary much more clean and odorless,
-- is necessary for optimal sexual function, especially in young and old age,
-- helps accumulate a cheesy white material called smegma, that protects the penis and the urethral canal against infections as well as covers the glans penis with slippery layer, which significantly facilitates frictions and entering into a vagina,
-- naturally protects the glans (head) and urinary opening of a penis from feces and other sources of infection, makes a penis less exposed to bacteria causing infections of the urinary tract, decreases the risk of HIV, fungal infections, Sexually-Transmitted Diseases (STDs),
-- prevents the thin mucous membrane surface of the glans from thickening, meatal stenosis, meatal ulceration,
-- helps to keep and develop sensitivity, not only sexual,
-- increasing penile sexual sensitivity increases all body sensitivity,
-- is the main male pleasure zone with about 20000 fine touch and stretch nerve endings similar to woman's clitoris,
-- contains most of the erogenous tissue on the penis: about twenty small concentric, circumferential ridges, collectively called the frenar band, that carries specialized nerve endings back and forth across the corona of the glans,
-- provides a man with a degree of sexual pleasure not experienced without it,
-- helps to arouse, extent, intensify and prolong ecstasy,
-- provides dynamics of the penis, helps penis to accommodate a marked increase in diameter and length during erection, prevents tightness, discomfort, and penile curvature during erection,
-- significantly improves masturbation and obtaining pleasure from masturbation,
-- is a good start for better looking and further sexual improvements,
-- provides lifetime profound bodily self-improvement,
-- encourages a man for masturbatory self-pleasuring, learning and developing his sexual, multiorgasmic and revitalizing potential,
-- helps to control masturbatory insanity caused by the polluting practice of self-abuse,
-- significantly improves control over ejaculation, orgasmizing, milking and churning,
-- significantly increases absorptive capacities of a penis,
-- makes masturbation, multiorgasmic draws, milking, churning and absorption much more easier, accessible and pleasurable,
-- makes it easier for the male to enter the female,
-- incomparably improves frictions, makes sexual intercourses much more pleasurable and functional,
-- a natural source of pleasure for men's women, makes a penis significantly comfortable and pleasant for woman, makes sexual intercourses much less traumatic and painful for women, significantly increases satisfaction and satiation of a woman by a man,
-- reduces man's lustful thoughts,
-- doesn't convert the skin of the head of a penis into lifetime thick skin pretty ineffective condom,
-- doesn't convert a man into artificial phallic emulator and simulator,
-- doesn't convert a man into aggressive fucking and reproductive machine,
-- doesn't encourage a woman to limit her sexual intercourse with a man,
-- doesn't enforce a man to seek multiple sexual partners for vaginal and anal sex,
-- doesn't encourage polygamy,
-- may cause cancer of the penis in one in one hundred thousand (1/100,000) men,
-- is a bad option for incorrigibly dirty, sticky, stinking, corrupted, and lazy man of the sperm-production age,
-- its removal is genital mutilation,
-- in the overwhelming majority of cases (99,99%) its removal is unnecessary and contraindicated,
-- its removal produces circumcisers, the loss of masculine pride, and the preputium penis envy. The loss of this normal body part may be so profound that the person who has a scarred penis is unwilling to admit that anything is wrong and cannot stand that someone else might go through life intact, he tries to take reward and gain self-respect in other spheres of life,
-- its removal may profit ideological and medical business, becomes an issue of ludicrous ideological speculations,
-- its removal produces a marker for some kind of identity,
-- its removal simplifies conversion of a man into a life-time servant of certain spirits and may give access to their ancient mysteries reserved solely for the initiated,
-- makes circumcised guys have no clue what they are missing,
-- help to get access to highest levels of consciousness and mind.
Structurally, the penis consists of two main parts, the shaft and the head (which is called the glans). Urine and semen exit the body through a tiny opening at the tip of the glans. During intrauterine life, the foreskin completely covers and is inseparable from the glans penis. Before an infant is born, the process of separation from the glans begins. At birth, the shaft and the glans are covered by a single continuous layer of skin, and, in 96% of male infants, the foreskin is incapable of full retraction without damaging the penis.
In uncircumcised boys, the foreskin at first remains firmly attached to the glans, but gradually over time the attachments are broken (mostly by the stretching resulting from repeated normal erections and especially masturbatory practice). In 90% of boys the foreskin is loose and mobile by age 2, but the process can sometimes take five or more years. A high proportion of small boys are not able to retract their foreskin until six, and sometimes later. Usually by age five or six the little fellow is sufficiently interested in his anatomy to have done some exploring and to have found that he can retract. Not rare foreskins are still not fully retractable at puberty; a few continue to be non-retractable at the age of 17 years. If a young man is unable to retract this foreskin as a teenager, it is still, although less common, perfectly normal. Very rarely, the foreskin can cover the glans completely without ever being retractable all over the life. All the variations are perfectly normal, are no cause for alarm, have no harm on a man's health, and non-retractability is not sufficient reason to circumcise. Of course, it is more usual for the tip of the foreskin to gradually enlarge, and for the remaining attachment points between the foreskin and the glans to dissolve.
Never permit anyone to retract the uncircumcised foreskin in boys. While it remains attached, the foreskin is the skin of the glans. It is there to protect the glans. Numerous nurses and doctors, having failed to understand the normal penis physiology , have been known to retract the foreskin forcibly. When this is done, the beautiful mechanism that protects the glans is threatened, and the skin is literally torn off the rest of the organ. Forcibly ripping the foreskin from the glans in the name of hygiene tears the attachment, producing pain, scarring, and disfigurement. If circumcision is performed, the part of this skin that covers the glans is cut off. Mothers need to warn doctors, nurses, and others, before an intact child is examined, not to retract. Immediately after forcibly ripping the foreskin from the glans of a boy the glans appears swollen, tender, and vivid red, since the foreskin was firmly attached to the glans before it was forcibly separated. If forced retraction does occur, it should be treated with a topical antibiotics.
Do not try to forcibly retract the foreskin or to clean under an adherent foreskin with swabs, antiseptics, or even water. When left alone, separation occurs naturally. As long as the foreskin doesn't easily retract (even in a fourteen year old), only the outside of his penis needs to be cleaned and washed until his foreskin can come back by itself. If the foreskin retracts a little, it would be okay to gently clean the exposed part of the glans just with water. After cleaning, always pull the foreskin forward to its usual position. This is very important -- otherwise it can get stuck and lead to serious damage. But for the best, in the child smegma should be left alone.
When you are trying to clean you baby son's foreskin and glans and trying to pull it back, he would always lean forward to try and stop you. Be gentle with him. The foreskin of little boys does not retract very much or at all and you should not attempt to do it forcibly. After boy's first birthday, you might want to very gently pull back on the skin of the shaft to see if the foreskin retracts. If it doesn't at all, don't worry -- and don't force it! There is certainly no rush. If urine can flow freely, the hole in the foreskin is big enough.
By puberty, many boys have a fully retractable foreskin, which can easily be pulled back so the glans is fully exposed. There is no constriction, because the foreskin is now a wide channel. Regular erections and masturbation actually have enough practiced pulling the skin back so that it stretches across the head of the penis pretty well. Generally speaking, the masturbatory practice is the only one that fully promotes stretching and developing of the foreskin. So, at whatever age a boy is introduced into the art of skillful masturbation, would it be the age of two, four, eight, twelve, fourteen, or sixteen years, with every other time he pulls back his prepuce further and smoothly.
Once the foreskin has completely separated and retracts freely, begin to teach your son to retract his own foreskin and clean underneath it when he bathes, or at least once a week. At such time as the child is able to retract his own foreskin comfortably, he can let water run over the penis. That is the full extent of hygiene required for a child’s and for a teen's and for an adult’s penis, although smegma tends to increase at puberty. This hygiene is perfectly sufficient and normal.
For most little boys this personal cleaning will not become a habit unless you encourage it. Your son needs to be taught how to clean and handle his penis. Parents should taught a boy to pull the foreskin slightly back when he take a bath or masturbate. The boy learns to retract gently his foreskin preferably by himself. When the child can retract his own foreskin comfortably, he may begin to do so in the tub or shower. He learns also slightly to pull the foreskin up and back when he masturbates and learns multiorgasmic breathing of his testicles. During masturbation he should not retract his foreskin fully or forcibly, just on a comfortable distance back and forth. This helps keep the foreskin loose and also feel great. Your bathtimes together are precious now and you help your son develop the habit. Let the child retract his own foreskin over time, and, as it naturally becomes quite loose, hygiene will consist simply of running water over the glans and foreskin. Mentioning it positively and frequently throughout the years can instill an important sense of responsibility, prevention, and health that will benefit him for years to come.
Best of all is to practice puling back the foreskin while a penis is not erected or half-erected. Take care not to pull the still tight foreskin back beyond the base of the glans. If this is done, it acts like a tourniquet. Blood can get into the glans but it cannot easily get out. If this condition occurs, and is discovered promptly, the situation can easily be treated with gentle prolonged hand pressure using a well-lubricated palm, squeezing the glans gently until the blood is forced out of it, and the foreskin can be pulled over it.
At age 13-year-old, retracting his foreskin and cleansing the area is part of this routine, as well as habits of skillful multiorgasmic masturbation. Washing under the foreskin becomes more important at, and after, puberty when an accumulation of secretions can otherwise occur. Without doing this, there may be a buildup of the normal secretions found in increasing amounts as boys become teens and hormones are on the rise. If your son cannot retract his foreskin, this can become a problem with collection of material in the area. It may also be that he is not gentle enough when he is masturbating, and has irritated the area.
Chefs note: A circumcision is genital mutilation. It's the same good, healthy, hygienic, sexual, cosmetic and totally beneficial improvement as cutting off lips, eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes, ears, nostrils, nipples, a scrotum, a clitoral prepuce, labia pudendi, an anal sphincter, any part of skin etc.
Chefs note: Finishing the current multiorgasmic sexual session or the next batch of manual and oral multiorgasmic stimulation of a man, a hand is fixed at the bottom of his penis, leaving his glans penis naked of the pulled down prepuce and letting the last orgasmic or highly aroused wave expand freely all over man's body. His glans penis should be left opened until man's erection fades or 1-3 minutes have gone. The prepuce is not pulled down very strong, the glans penis is just kept fully opened or almost opened. Although, sometimes, the pulling down tension may be made strong.
Chefs note: The practice of staying with pulled off prepuce for 10-30 minutes or even some hours may be interesting and helpful at exercising sensuality, multiorgasmic skills and sublimation. An appropriate device may be simply constructed at home. It should provide reliable fixation of prepuce at the root of a penile shaft; it should be clean, light-weighted and non-irritative too. For example, you may separate accurately the wide rubber band from your old boxers, then you cut a suitable and comfortable, not too tight for you erected penis longitudinal slit at one side of the band, and that's it. You put your rubber band on your waist, pull your penis through the slit, pull off your prepuce, and fix it behind edges of the slit. The best way to explore this practice while you are naked at home or at open air alone.
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• Testicular Breathing
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