An older woman and a younger man

“Good thing the old lady is a food love...”

     Naturally, every man would so eagerly prefer to make love, to have love affairs, to marry, and to have children with women of his own age and even younger and much more younger than he is. However, an older and much more older woman is the only one with whom he can totally reveal, develop and utilize his healing, energizing and rejuvenating potential and by whom his powerful penis, testicles, and semen, especially multiorgasmic, well seasoned, enriched and tuned, are really and undoubtedly so hot desired, dreamt and needed for use and improvements. The need to fulfill thoroughly and share his testicle healthy might every day and every night is no less urgent and global to a man as the need to love, to be loved, to create a family nest full of warmth, children and caress. So the sexual drive of a man is pretty ambiguous. On the one hand, he reaches to give himself for young girl-friends, and, on the another hand, he strives after favor old women with his phallic and testicular strength, he dreams and masturbates so much of this subject.

Surely, a very well tuned and seasoned multiorgasmic man of any age would be extremely helpful, healthy and energizing for a woman of any age. He nourishes her spirit, soul, vital energy, and body. Meanwhile, a younger man would provide especially beneficial effect on a health of aging woman. The effect is stronger the older is a woman comparing to a man. An older woman is always attracted to younger men, their nude beauty and orgasmic revelation, she always shows her unabashed admiration for a good-looking young and very young male. She gets her rejuvenation by hot and gentle touching of all of his body, licking his multiorgasmically cooked testicles, fondling his penis and sucking his freshly churned multiorgasmic milk.

It's so simple and easy! When an older woman demands a love from a younger man she demands his milk and expects to get it completely seasoned, cooked and churned. If a woman rapes a man she just squeezes his ripe boyish milk out of his body. So, finding yourself under pressure of a woman do not complain, simply draw your orgasmic waves completely and satiate the needed woman with all the warmth, juices, youth and strength of your sublimable well tuned and learnt balls. That's all as for you.

To get all her healthy benefits from a younger man, in particular much more younger, an aging woman should be much more confident, independent, self sufficient, initiative, assertive, direct, and masculine than average woman. She gives a youngster a feel of not seeking as much from him as other women. Many women give a man a sense that they want his confidence to make them confident and they seem to need his initiative to lead them in some ways and they seem to require a lot of emotional assurance that stuff is okay and accepted. The confident older woman gives a boy very little sense of seeking these things from him, actually she seems to provide these things for herself and himself. An older woman literarily and actively just pick a younger man up to have a thing with him and achieves great success in the deal when it's her insistence and persistence to bring a youngster to her home, to relax him, to feed and charge, to undress completely, to wash thoroughly, to push to the bed, to prepare multiorgasmically, and to consume totally as she wishes for her health and best. Well, throughout history, all cultures have contained in deep woods and mountains a wealthy privileged class of very very old women that has had the time, the opportunity and the inclination to explore every avenue of rejuvenating cookery of a young, sexy and handsome man.

Because the older woman provides so well a lot of what a younger women seeks from older men, confidence, direction, security etc. she looks more for the qualities of younger men like energy, excitement, enthusiasm, optimism, playfulness, higher sex drive, being adventurous and having a hotter cute and handsome body with advanced multiorgasmic qualities to bring her more fun, satiation, and excitement with his young erected manhood.

When women approach 40, a lot of them will have encountered men with diminished sex drives and lot stamina because of lack of exercise and will really appreciate the sexual powers of a young man. They also complains that men their age are seeking younger women and don't seem to value what an older woman brings to a relationship, both in and out of bed. They appreciate a youthful admirer, express being extremely flattered at being desired by an very attractive by his youthfulness and boyish properties man.

In his turn, a young man is often incredibly hooked on an older woman, at least in his masturbatory dreams, he loves her maturity and knowledge, he finds her even more attractive and sexy as she gets older. In all honesty there is something about beauty of an older lady who is well versed, educated, smart, and mature that drives boy's testicles and sexual desire wild. He likes the stimulation of a sharp intellect. He enjoys sitting down to dinner with someone who has a level of conversation he can appreciate and enjoy. From his childhood he bears a life-long dream and can't help but fantasize of having an much more older woman who likes men around his age, appreciates him as a youthful admirer, dates him and doesn't say he is too young to have sex with her, who has enormous sexual experience, including a wider range of possible behaviors, takes his so lovely sacrificed virginity and wisely teaches him the right ways during amazing sexual pleasures.

"There lived here then, away at the North, a beautiful princess, who was also a powerful sorceress. All her magic was used to help the people, and she was never known to hurt anyone who was good. Her name was Gayelette, and she lived in a handsome palace built from great blocks of ruby. Everyone loved her, but her greatest sorrow was that she could find no one to love in return, since all the men were much too stupid and ugly to mate with one so beautiful and wise. At last, however, she found a boy who was handsome and manly and wise beyond his years. Gayelette made up her mind that when he grew to be a man she would make him her husband, so she took him to her ruby palace and used all her magic powers to make him as strong and good and lovely as any woman could wish. When he grew to manhood, Quelala, as he was called, was said to be the best and wisest man in all the land, while his manly beauty was so great that Gayelette loved him dearly, and hastened to make everything ready for the wedding" (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz).

He has a preference for women starting at about 10 years older than himself and up, only three-five years older isn't enough to produce the kind of emotional maturity and depth for which a youngster searches. Only then she is much sexier than anything else he can imagine. It's the feeling of that she has so much to teach him sexually, indoctrinate him into the magic and powerful world of sexuality, how to make love to a woman -- and he is just so happy to actually be doing the greatest job in the world by his endl
ess testicles, body and penis that he never thinks and has time to think about how, with whom, what's for and when. These dreams, intentions and intuition are started to be specifically strong from man's eleventh-twelfth birthday.

Even an one-time deal isn't for a youngster disappointed. For him it's a way to have sex, enjoy sex, learn about sex, and experience the whole thing in a sincere, loving way, in a stress-free atmosphere. It's so nice to make love and really infinitely bring health, energy, life, and youth to someone who is calm, like-minded, really warm, loving, enjoys the experience, can be trust and really starves for it, so much is in need of your semen, energy, multiorgasmic art, and penis. For a young man short relationships are absolutely normal with a 60-something-year-old woman when he is 13 or 15; with a 40-ish woman when he is 19; and a woman in her late 30's when he is 21. It's absolutely normal for a young man to lost his virginity to a brilliantly seductive woman who is old enough to be his grandmother and whom he knows since he was 5 or 6. These relations may last for 1-2-3 years and longer, though he wouldn't live with his women together and forever. He fully enjoys to be in his princely, visiting and studly role. He only worries, do older women even take men his age seriously and do they ever need something else from him besides his semen, body, warmth, youth, grace, and penis?

He has no problem getting dates with women his age and has confidence in his abilities with them. Open, upbeat and extremely handsome, he reveals the enormous love and respect he shares with his former and current partners. But with most young women, he is bored to death. If he looks at a girl in her twenties, he might find her attractive, but thoughts are only on sex. He can't really do anything with her. She's not formed yet. She's like a lump of cold clay -- very pretty clay, but still unshaped. Or there is a lot of frenetic energy with a younger woman that can be very exciting and very cute, but not for his serious personality. She frequently acts foolish and immature and has a very little degree of self-possession. He feels ridiculous trying to have meaningful conversation over blaring music at a dance club. His experimentation with younger females only reaps endless head games, confusion and immature behavior. He looks at a lot of his friends who have girlfriends their age and younger and the problems they have strike him as ridiculous. He feels that he doesn't have time for that behavior.

When the young man looks at an older woman, he sees the real woman. The main thing that attracts him is the overall calm of an older woman. The way a mature woman carries herself shows she knows who she is, she's usually very clear and focused. An older women is professional, very focused on her work life and extremely confident and sure of herself. It equates to emotional stability. She has already figured out who she is. She knows what she wants in life and it makes being with her so much easier. Maybe not all the time, but a lot more often than younger women. That's why she is all-around much more attractive to a youngster, in part for her clarity and substance and also her relaxed attitude about life.

An older women thinks differently on certain issues and she has got much more experience with life and is more sure of herself than the people young man's age or younger. She is able to see things in him that he can not see in himself. She offers a boy the opportunity to see another perspective on a lot of different issues. It is easy for a man in terms of the serenity and comfort, an emotional connection with an experienced, centered person, the growth opportunity and the honesty he is afforded.

Younger women just don't allow him to grow in the ways older women do. He grows up a lot with her, she helps him to grow up. She is a best friend who reflects back to him what a good person he is, which builds his confidence and self-esteem. She makes a boy realize how important he can be in making someone else happy. The ability to talk about anything with her is refreshing and engaging. Not only is she beautiful, but she has a wonderful sense of humor and is very giving. Also, there are levels of honesty unlike anything he has experienced even with best friends. He enjoys a confident attitude and an older woman definitely have the upper hand in that area.

She offers a youngster space, devotion and herself, which he can't find in anyone else. He takes better care of himself now. That is very attractive to the youngster. He has a better job and feel better about himself than ever before. Not that he is doing it for her, but just being with her. Just the fact that there's so much to learn from an older woman, that she has so many more life experiences to draw upon, is an adventure to a boy. Such relationship with an older woman makes the youngster feel great and be proud of who she is and what they have together.

An older woman is much more well rounded -- she knows what she feels and why she feels it. She feels like a woman. She is solid. Her body is solid. Her thoughts have solidified. She is more sure of herself and brings that to the relationship. She knows what she wants and how to communicate what she wants to her partner. You know this is the kind of person who's going to tell you exactly what she wants. It has a snowball effect all the way around. While a younger woman is sometimes too focused on starting families, that is rarely an issue with an older woman. She is not just looking for guys who will be good fathers and providers. She has so much more to offer and she is looking for different things. An older woman can be more playful. She is more relaxed. A youngster is not also having to worry about unwanted pregnancy and the lack of anxiety over that issue is relieving. He is really concerned about what she needs and desires. She takes over and goes from there. It makes things a hell of a lot easier, because a man and a woman are just there to have fun. It is like breaking through a major barrier that takes other people forever to figure out.

There is a 'click' sexually. And relationship with an older woman becomes for a young man very rewarding, because it's a whole new exciting sexual journey. Even when it's early in the relationship, it's still much deeper having an intellectual, grounding and a physical components that result the greatest sex. He cries, he laughs, he goes back for more, he has the most intense and phenomenal sexual marathon he has ever had.

The young lucky man gets more of a reaction from men than women. The men his age and older are jealous that he is with her. They would look at him as if he has something they wanted and didn't have and, because he is younger, they react more strongly. And women his age disapproved of the relationship.

Relationship between a younger man and an older woman are unique and age has nothing to do with it, when it's not just built on sex, but on trust, respect, many hard-working hobbies in common, preserved and developed good sexual mood and love. They are both very close and see each other regularly even after many years after. Not only do they have a tremendous friendship as the basis of their relationship, but an extraordinary sex life as well.

A benefactor of a Taoist hermitage asked one of the monks, "Do you ever engage in sex [rain and clouds] with women?"
"Only if asked," the monk responded.
"Why only when you are asked?" the benefactor questioned.
"Asking would be interfering with her life. It is better to wait for an invitation than to interfere."
The benefactor agreed, then said, "Have you ever been asked?"
"He who puts himself first ends up last. He who puts himself last ends up first," the monk answered. "I have been blessed by heaven and have been first numerous times." Pausing, he further stated, "It is the art of the presence of non-asking and the presence of noninterference that endears and attracts my good fortune."

But is the most important, if a young man personally isn't fancy the thought of going to bed with an older woman, can't bring himself to have sex with her, he should never participate in any kind of this sexual activity that he is not comfortable with -- there are many other ways to get his sexual thrills that will be more palatable to his personal tastes. Though fantasies about hot and wise older women may happen to be much more helpful for his development and self-understanding than real sex adventures with old ladies. Sensuality is as important for the well-being of the body as food.

     Chefs note: Surely, a man should be pretty well multiorgasmically tuned, cooked and prepared as premium-class baked bread. It's the only way to get something really worthy, healthy and rejuvenating from a man.
     Chefs note: A situation when a woman who has so many male men around and suffers from aging, cancer, menopause, osteoporosis and other illnesses and weaknesses is a nonsense, but this nonsense for some reasons becomes the reality of our lives.
     Chefs note: The only way to get all energetic benefits, health improvements and rejuvenative influences from a man is to teach, couch and handle him to be multiorgasmic. Neither eating his testicles, raping him or just being around would be so effective and help so much. To be a plentiful source of youth and life a man needs to develop, exercise and train his natural skills constantly.
     Chefs note: Being a knowledgeable and going through the stimulation and restoration practices keep a woman young, both in body and mind. All her friends, workmates, and family may be confused about how she keeps looking so young and maintain such a high level of energy. At first her decision to learn how to operate with rejuvenative power of man's multiple orgasms has more to do with wanting to stay young and beautiful than with spiritual matters. The full understanding of the spirituality of sex may be never very apparent to a woman, even though she may feel that sex makes her feel more spiritual than religious practices ever do.
     Chefs note: An aging woman playing by her hands and lips with the penis, body and testicles of a multiorgasmic man just intakes an healing essential procedure. Even just stroking with her palms the naked body of a seasoned young man a woman has a great relief and satiation. She should never be ashamed to play with his testicles, perineum, buttocks, and penis; these plays are the main resource of her energizing, she leads him bravely, firmly and knowledgeably through his stimulation, exciting, and multiorgasmizing. It should be considered just as a form of natural medication and rejuvenation, absolutely harmless and break-even for the man. The best choice for an old woman are her own multiorgasmic grandsons as well as husbands and boy-friends of her daughters and grand-daughters.
     Chefs note: Even the stimulatory tickling of tuned man's testicles may become the quick remedy against weakness. Or much more better just to put the pretty matured man on his back, to pull down his underpants, to open his knees widely and to lick his balls with all your heart and soul. However, the top-recipe and the most universal remedy is licking of testicles while the penis of a man is multiorgasmically masturbated.
     Chefs note: To obtain extremely effective rejuvenative session many women prefer to have a lonely vacation with their sweet lad from one week to one month. Ideal place for this everyday multiorgasmic practice is a house far away from cities and civilization in warm climate. All the time a man is naked. She caresses, seasons, cooks and eats him as much and as how she likes. She really loses her ages as the man develops his boyish strength, beauty, appeal, wholeness, and virginity indeed.
     Chefs note: Whatever resource it would be, the consumption process should be absolutely healthy, not-violent, and harmless for the depicted man. The more erection and potency he sustains after been used the more useful he becomes to a woman. Watching, inhaling, milking and fucking as well as all these cookery book's receipts are commonly used methods for revitalization and rejuvenation. That's why it's so essential and vital for every woman to be concerned to involve all her known men into skillful and multiorgasmic practice. Nobody knows who of all the known men happens to be the tastier and the best.

Milking boy
Taking virginity
Where to get the proper man