Any Man Can
<< Our Study >>
In researching response patterns in the laboratory on a Beckman R411 dynograph, with both males and females, we found that males and females both responded in the same way. All parameters changed and physiograph records had to be identified not only by name, but also by sex, to differentiate male from female records.

Single Orgasm: A, B—female. C, D—male.

Single cardiac peak orgasms showing similarity of pattern.
A, C, D. Single orgasms are recorded at the cardiac peak of approximately 120 heartbeats per minute.

Discrete Orgasm: E—female. F—male.

E. Separate orgasms recorded one minute apart during continuous masturbation.
F. Three successive orgasms recorded in close proximity but with return to cardiac baseline between each orgasm.

Continuous Orgasm: G—female. K—male.

G. Three repeated orgasms recorded in less than two minutes with continual high heart rates of approximately 130 beats per minute.
K. Five orgasms recorded with no return to cardiac baseline between orgasms.

Combination Orgasm: L—female. M—male.

L. Two continuous orgasms followed by a return to baseline for several minutes and then a discrete orgasm.
M. Recording of single orgasm at cardiac peak with a return to baseline followed by two continuous orgasms with no return to baseline between them.

The early records made of females showed them to be singly and multi-orgasmic with variations of this pattern. If we looked at the heart rate, which is the clearest and easiest parameter studied, the single orgasm appeared to be similar to a bell-shaped curve. Normally the heart rate at base, or at rest, will be about 70 beats per minute, going up to 120 or thereabouts at orgasm and then returning to 70. Orgasm was usually reported and noted at the peak; there were variations on the theme, depending upon the anxiety and physical condition of the person. Pelvic contractions coincided with the elevation of heart rate at orgasm.

Some women had several of these peaks and valleys, which we call discrete multiple orgasms. That is, they started at a baseline, reached a peak, and returned to baseline before they returned to a peak again.

We encountered other women whose patterns differed: Their heart rate didn't return to baseline, but stayed high and reached a number of rapid peaks, which we and the women identified as orgasms. This we called a multiple orgasm, continuous.

Still other records combined a number of discrete orgasms and a multi-orgasm continuous combination phase.

We have studied thousands of female orgasmic responses, but the number is much smaller for men. The record for a single orgasm in a male looks very much like a single orgasm in a female. Although there is considerable consistency in the records of an individual, no two records will look exactly alike. We call that phenomenon fingerprinting effect.

In the sample of 455 females run in the Center laboratory, some were able to have orgasm fairly rapidly, the shortest being three minutes. The average time tended to be close to twenty minutes, and some took almost an hour before their first orgasm was>
Sex is a physical activity. It takes a great deal of energy, effort, and stamina to achieve orgasm. Those who don't achieve orgasm often give up. Achievement of orgasm is a learned behavior, and people who have difficulty doing so often have not learned the various road marks that get them there easily. Those that reach orgasm rapidly know what to do, and do it, so orgasms are easy for them.

While researching, our next thought was this: Since women are singularly and continuously multi-orgasmic and male and female genitalia develop from the same embryonic tissue, was it not possible that men could also be multiorgasmic? Physiologists and other experts we consulted with said no because a man ejaculates when he has orgasm —a finite amount of ejaculate puts a limit on number of orgasms. Mrs. Fithian felt that did not settle the matter since male and female function were so much alike and came from the same embryonic tissue; it seemed unlikely they would be so different in regard to multiple orgasms.

Several things then happened at approximately the same time. About 1970 a newspaper article said that males taking the drug Mellaril had retarded ejaculation. We encountered two atypical clients in therapy: one had ejaculation without having orgasm, and the other had the sensation of orgasm but didn't ejaculate. It became obvious that ejaculation and orgasm were not the same thing, and that you could then have one without the other. It stood to reason that males could be multi-orgasmic just as females were.

The subsequent ten years of research and working with more clients with these problems have shown this to be true. We have also found, in reviewing early literature, various references to Kinsey's work and his findings on the separation of orgasm from ejaculation.

In our own research on the subject of multi-orgasmic males we have observed 740 volunteer research subjects, 282 of them males. Of that number, 33 were multi-orgasmic.

This brings up an interesting point. In our report on Kinsey, we mentioned that in his 1948 studies he found that 14 percent of his female subjects were multi-orgasmic. Current studies today indicate that over 50 percent of the women studied are multi-orgasmic. As for men, Kinsey noted only that he had encountered multi-orgasms in prepubescent boys and in "a few older men." In this light, our research findings that 12 percent of the men we studied in the research laboratory are multi-orgasmic. This seems to indicate that, as sexual attitudes become more permissive, both men and women increase their ability to be multiorgasmic, with men following behind the women, since they started up "the ladder" of greater sexual expression later than did the women.

Our first multi-orgasmic subject was monitored in 1974. He had heard us lecture and he talked to us about his multi-orgasmic ability. At that time, we merely speculated that men should be able to be multi-orgasmic. Since then, we have found that 12 percent of our male subjects are multi-orgasmic, as we mentioned in the previous paragraph. This high percentage may be due to our known interest in the matter, since men who believe they are multi-orgasmic come to us seeking corroboration. We have no way of knowing whether it might not be, in fact, indicative of the number that exist in our culture.

We have monitored all of our multi-orgasmic subjects on a nine-channel recorder—a Beckman R411 dynograph. By early 1982, we had monitored the thirty-three subjects we have mentioned previously. One was studied and recorded on eighteen different occasions, and most of the others have been studied at least several times, both during masturbation and coitus.

Our most frequently monitored subject had twelve orgasms in close succession, then, after stopping, he decided to try again and had four more. These were actually two separate "events," with a loss of erection between them, and was not typical of his response or of the other men we studied. Nevertheless, like any exception to a pattern, it pleases us to have a record of it. The average number of orgasms a man had during our research is four. Some men had as few as two, and one had sixteen.

The multi-orgasmic males we have studied come from various cultures. We have recorded a multi-orgasmic Palestinian from Israel, an Englishman, a Chinese, a Spaniard, and an American black. We have also monitored a multi-orgasmic American who was born and raised in China, and two severely physically handicapped men. We feel that our sampling is reasonably representative of our larger group of research subjects, which also includes blacks, men from other countries, and some handicapped.

In comparing male function to that of the female the following records can be compared with the previous female patterns. The more typical male pattern of orgasm is the single orgasm, just as it is in females.

In those males who are multi-orgasmic, various patterns emerge just as they did in the female. The following male record shows a series of discrete male orgasms. With this particular subject, ejaculation did not occur at each orgasm, although ejaculation may occur with each orgasm or some orgasms and not others, depending upon the research subject.

As you can see, the multi-orgasmic male patterns are similar to that of the female. We know much more about female responses since we have so many more records of female orgasms to study, and multi-orgasmic male responses are fewer in number. We do have a sufficient quantity of records to realize that multi-orgasms are more common than has generally been considered. The fact that multiple orgasms are learned also makes them teachable.

Nick Konnoff, a student at California State University Long Beach, computerized data from our research records in 1978 on the psychosexual characteristics of three groups of men: multi-orgasmic males (MOM), non-multiply orgasmic males (NMOM), and sexually dysfunctioning males (SDM). The data came from male sexological forms on the subjects. Each group contained twelve men, for a total of thirty-six.

Konnoff defined the multi-orgasmic male (MOM) as "the male with the ability to have more than one orgasm and/or ejaculation during coitus or masturbation without detumescence of the erect penis with a brief or no refractory period at all between succeeding orgasms." The term multiple orgasmic implies that there may or may not be an ejaculation with each succeeding orgasm.

He found that multiple-orgasmic men were "more functional overall sexually than are non-multiple orgasmic men." They had less difficulty with premature ejaculation, had better self-concept if their partner did not orgasm, were able to maintain an erection for longer periods of time after penetration, and were less repulsed by all areas of their partners' bodies (which might indicate that they were less inhibited).

Drawing on his own experience in our laboratory, Konnoff wrote a second paper, as yet unpublished, on "How to Become Multi-Orgasmic." In it he suggests masturbation in the morning before rising and again in the evening. "Have coitus with a partner if that option is available to you. In all situations where there is penile stimulation, it is important that an attempt be made to go as long as possible. Lots of foreplay and nondemand pleasuring of the male will help to increase the sexual arousal and response."

Other suggestions he made are these:
       1.    Stand with legs eighteen inches apart and raise and lower the testicles with your pelvic muscles. Do this seventy to one hundred times a day. As with the exercises we suggest, he recommended that you begin with a lesser number and gradually increase it.
       2.    You can recognize the pelvic muscles by stopping the flow of urine. Do this by sitting on the toilet, not while standing. This way, he says, a man can learn to do the same exercise when sitting anywhere.
       3.    Masturbation should be done while lying down.
       4.    The erection should be maintained as long as possible.
       5.    Tensing the legs and lower abdomen, as well as the pelvic muscles, can extend the period of erection.
       6.    Use a vibrator during masturbation. (We also find a vibrator helpful. A man and woman can have fun with a vibrator, as well as its being valuable to a man when he is alone.)
       7.    Continue intercourse after ejaculation. It will work as a learning experience in becoming multi-orgasmic.
       8.    Learning to maintain a hard, fully erect penis for an hour or more and to bring the PC muscles under voluntary control helps in stopping or avoiding ejaculation.
       9.    The amount of foreplay is directly proportional to the number of orgasms a male can achieve. (This may be true for Konnoff, but we have not found any such relationship.)
       10.    Quantity of ejaculate in no way reflects the intensity of orgasm. (We tend to agree with this, though we feel that much depends on personal interpretation of the rating scale.)

What you can see from this report is that we may have the largest sampling of multi-orgasmic men on record, but we are certainly not the only researchers interested in the subject. The entire matter seems to us to be a concept whose time has once more arrived. After all, in a culture in which even the poorest man has time to experiment with sex, we should soon reach a new golden age in America, where extensive sexual pleasure is available to all.

A complete report on this research, with full scientific data, will be published later, in a more scientific manner than would be of interest to the general reader.
