MultiO Studies
Any Man Can >>
The Multiple Orgasmic Technique for Every Loving Man
by William Hartman and Marilyn Fithian
We are pleased to dedicate this book to the thirty-three multi-orgasmic men who were willing to be monitored in our research laboratory.
I What Are We Talking about?
II So Who Cares, Anyway?
II How Some Men Have Learned It
IV For Some, It's Natural
V It Takes Practice — and Exercise
VI The Solitary Player
VII You're Not Alone When You're Alone
VIII You Can Learn to Multiply Orgasms
IX Don't Be Afraid to Masturbate
X All Together Now!
XI The Rewards Are Great
XII Is All This So Very New?
XIII Has It Happened Recently?
XIV What Do Other Researchers Say?
XV Our Study
About the Authors
The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following persons in making this book a reality.
Our agent, Sandra Watt, went far beyond the call of duty to acquaint herself with our work and made perceptive suggestions on our written proposal.
Iris Bancroft polished, rewrote, and "popularized" our manuscript and made it acceptable to our publisher.
Ann Miller typed our original version of the manuscript.
Larry M. Davis, M.D., Beverly Deal, R.N., John Hartman, Earle M. Marsh, M.D., Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., M.D., Jeff Patterson, M.D., Bishara Shahin, Psy., D., J. Jones Stewart, M.D., Barbie Taylor, Ph.D., Delores Wilson, and James L. Young read all or parts of the manuscript with suggestions for improvement or reactions to it. Julius H. Winer, M.D., and Berry Campbell, Ph.D., were consulted for physiological information. Dr. Campbell worked with us in monitoring subjects and interpreting the physiological data.
Nick Konnoff utilized special skills in analyzing some of the data on a computer. References to his unpublished papers are made in the Bibliography.
The manuscript was improved substantially by the editorial suggestions of Tom Dunne and Lisa Wager.
This book would not have been possible without the information received from clients and research subjects at the Center for Marital and Sexual Studies. We respect their privacy and accordingly have changed names and other clearly identifiable personal or social characteristics and composites were made.