<< High Frequencies of Outlet >>

Since most people have only average rates of sexual outlet, many of them will question the accuracy of the data on persons with high frequencies. Pearl, for instance (1925), considered high frequencies as “extremely rare,” although he emphasized the fact that “they do occur often enough to show that apparently there really does exist a small but definite ‘sexual athlete’ class of men, of which Casanova may be regarded as the classic prototype in literature.” However, our large sample shows that, far from being rare, individuals with frequencies of 7 or more per week constitute a not inconsiderable segment (7.6%) of any population.

Table 43. Social backgrounds of high-rating males
Group Populat.
in Total
7-13 per wk.
14-20 per wk.
21+ per wk.
Total with
High Rates
Cases % Cases % Cases % Cases %
Ages Involved
Adol.-15 4102 224 5.5 45 1.1 13 0.3 282 6.9
16-20 3836 209 5.4 45 1.2 17 0.4 271 7.1
21-25 2642 148 5.6 33 1.3 16 0.6 197 7.5
26-30 1405 76 5.4 21 1.5 10 0.7 107 7.6
31-35 950 27 2.8 12 1.3 6 0.6 45 4.7
36-40 690 16 2.3 6 0.9 4 0.6 26 3.8
41-45 473 9 1.9 6 1.3 0  15 3.2
46-50 320 9 2.8 3 0.9 0  12 3.8
51-55 206 3 1.5 1 0.5 0   4 1.9
56-60 117 2 1.7 0  0   2 1.7
61 + 134 2 1.5 0  0  2 1.5
Marital Status
Single 8159 545 6.7 113 1.4 35 0.4 693 8.5
Married 2665 179 6.7 56 2.1 30 1.1 265 9.9
Post-Marital 754 45 6.0 14 1.9 8 1.1 67 8.9
Educational Level
Grades 0-4 173 17 9.8 10 5.8 3 1.7 19 11.0
5-8 729 84 11.5 33 4.5 11 1.5 109 15.0
H. S. 9-12 724 88 12.2 19 2.6 9 1.2 99 13.7
College 13-16 1413 121 8.6 14 1.0 4 0.3 126 8.9
Professional 17+ 1063 100 9.4 11 1.0 6 0.6 109 10.3
Occupational Class
1. Underworld 81 31 38.3 15 18.5 7 8.6 40 49.4
2. Day Laborers 708 87 12.3 32 4.5 12 1.7 109 15.4
3. Semi-skilled 839 102 12.2 46 5.5 18 2.2 135 16.1
4. Skilled Laborers 287 34 11.8 8 2.8 0  35 12.2
5. Lower White Collar 1116 108 9.7 18 1.6 7 0.6 119 10.7
6. Upper White Collar 1288 106 8.2 15 1.2 6 0.5 115 8.9
7. Professional 595 72 12.1 7 1.2 5 0.8 74 12.4
Age, Onset Adol.
9-10 91 13 14.3 1 1.1 1 1.1 13 14.3
11-12 1161 147 12.7 43 3.7 16 1.4 175 15.1
13 1339 117 8.7 23 1.7 6 0.4 131 9.8
14 1093 94 8.6 17 1.6 9 0.8 103 9.4
15 281 30 10.7 2 0.7 1 0.4 31 11.0
16+ 104 7 6.7 1 1.0 0 0.0 8 7.7
Protestant, Inactive 2310 242 10.5 54 2.3 20 0.9 271 11.7
Protestant, Active 834 54 6.5 12 1.4 3 0.4 62 7.4
Catholic, Inactive 303 54 17.8 11 3.6 5 1.7 62 20.5
Catholic, Active 173 10 5.8 4 2.3 0 0.0 14 8!i
Jewish, Inactive 436 50 11.5 6 1.4 5 1.1 53
Total Inactive 3049 346 11.3 71 2.3 30 1.0 386 12.7
Total Active 1007 64 6.0 16 1.5 3 0.3 76 7.1
Every age and every educational, religious, and social background are represented
Higher percentages come from younger age groups, from religiously less active groups,
and from the underworld.

There are high-rating persons of every sort, including some who are scientifically trained, and other reliable individuals whose records cannot be doubted. This high-rating population is described in Table 43. In each age group under 30, there are more than four times as many males as in any group over 50. More or less equal percentages of the high-rating males come from single, married, and previously married groups. Every age, educational, and social group is included. It is important to realize that an individual may be very active sexually, and of considerable significance socially. All religious groups, Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish, are duly represented by both their inactive and devout members. Nearly half (49.4%) of all the underworld males who have contributed to this study appear in this high-rating group, and this is further evidence for believing that most individuals could be much more active sexually if they were as unrestrained as the group that openly and regularly defies the law and the social convention. Fewer high-rating males come from the college level, but a somewhat larger number comes from the group that has professional training. Upper white-collar classes are rather less often represented. The boys who are earliest adolescent, by age twelve at the latest, are the ones who most often have the highest rates of outlet in the later years of their lives.

In explanation of these high rates of outlet, it is to be noted that it is a common pattern for many persons to engage in intercourse every night or practically every night in the week; and there are many married persons, especially at lower social levels, who have intercourse quite regularly both in the evening upon retiring and in the morning upon awakening. Where the occupation allows the male spouse to return home at noon, contacts may also occur at that hour of the day and, consequently, there is a regular outlet of fourteen to twenty-one times per week. In the same fashion, masturbation, the homosexual, and still other sorts of sexual activities may acquire daily or more than daily frequencies.

An even larger portion of this high-rating group secures its outlet in multiple ejaculations during a limited number of sexual contacts. The existence of multiple orgasm in the pre-adolescent male has been discussed in Chapter 5. A similar situation occurs, although less frequently, in the adult (Table 48, Figure 36). Most males occasionally ejaculate more than once; but there are males who regularly do so, practically every time there is a socio-sexual contact. Of the white males who have contributed to the present study and who have had experience in intercourse, 380 have had a history of regular, multiple ejaculation at some period in adolescence or in adult years. Sometimes these ejaculations, totaling two or three or more, are spread over several hours in a single evening, with more or less continuous sex play; but in a fair number of cases it is habitual for a male to ejaculate two or more times in continuous intercourse and while maintaining a continuous erection (it is mentioned in Kahn 1939:110). Some physiologists have questioned the possibility of such a performance. Since multiple ejaculation in the male depends upon glandular secretion, there are complications which are not involved in the female, where multiple orgasm is better known. Nevertheless, scepticism over the possibility of repeated response in the male merely emphasizes the incapacity of even scientifically trained persons to comprehend that others may be made differently from themselves. Both the testimony of the performing husbands and the collaborative record obtained from their wives or other female partners, leave no doubt that multiple orgasm, usually with ejaculation, is the regular routine in a fair number of cases. Data from males with homosexual experience indicate that in such relations it is not at all infrequent for a younger male to proceed to a second or a third orgasm in a matter of five or ten minutes. Most of these multiple climaces occur in younger males, but not all of them do so, as the age distribution in Table 48 will show. Very few adult males are able to reach more than four or five climaces in any limited period of time; an occasional teen-age boy will reach six or more; and a quarter of the pre-adolescents for whom we have any record of orgasm were able to go beyond five, and in some cases to as many as ten, twenty, or more in a few hours’ time (Table 33). Wherever there is multiple orgasm, the total frequencies of outlet are multiplied, and these cases account for nearly 30 per cent of the population which lies on the higher portions of the curve.

Among the more active cases in our histories, there are male prostitutes whose capacity to perform may determine the level of their income. Male prostitutes may be involved in heterosexual prostitution, which is rare, or in homosexual prostitution, which is much more frequent. In male prostitution, the prostitute usually experiences orgasm. This is in contrast to the situation among female prostitutes, most of whom go into prostitution for the sake of the money that may be earned. In most cases the female prostitute is not aroused and does not experience orgasm during a professional contact. In male prostitution, on the contrary, in some of the techniques that are employed, capacity to achieve erection and ejaculate is a requisite part of the arrangement. Some male prostitutes ejaculate five, six, or more times per day with regularity over long periods of years. While the amount of semen per ejaculation is thereby reduced, there is usually emission, even with such frequent orgasms. The validity of the data on this point depends not only upon the records of the several hundred male prostitutes who have contributed their histories, but also upon the observations of persons who have had contact with them. In a few cases, there are records made by persons who have observed the actual performance of particular male prostitutes from hour to hour, over periods of time, and there is no question that there is frequent arousal and actual ejaculation of semen five or more times per day in some of these cases. One such set of observations concerns a 39-year-old Negro male who had averaged more than three per day from 13 to 39 years of age, and at the latter age was still capable of 6 to 8 ejaculations when the occasion demanded. The average frequencies of such an individual carry the curve of total sexual outlet to unusually high points.

The six white males with the highest long-time averages for a continuous 30-year period deserve further examination, although it should be understood that there is a continuous list of others who grade into these highest cases. The males included in this list all went to considerable pains to give details for each of the periods involved; one is a lawyer, one is an educator, three of them are scientifically trained persons, two of whom had kept diaries or other records; and we have had such extended contact with three of these individuals that we feel considerable reliance can be placed on their data. The six cases are strikingly different in regard to ages involved, in the variability of the rate during the 30-year period, and in the sources of most of the sexual outlet.

Six Most Active Males
Maximum frequencies during 30 continuous years,
in best authenticated cases
Marital status during maximum activity
Married Married Married Married Single Single
Educational level in years
3 16 17 20 20 20
and labor
Physician Physician Scientific
Educator Lawyer
Ages at onset of adolescence
11 11 12 13 13 14
30-year period involved
11-40 11-40 12-41 13-42 16-45 21-50
Years of maximum frequency (at ages)
 11-15 12-15 13-15 21-25 36-40 36-40
Average rates per week for 30-year period
10.6 11.7 13.6 14.0 17.8 33.1
Range in rate during 30-year period
5.3 - 19.6 11.6 - 31.6 9.0 - 13.0 14.7 - 15.7 10.0 - 21.5 25.6 - 37.8
Multiple ejaculation (in each coitus)
1-2 2 (when
2-5 3-4 never
Chief sources of outlet
    Masturbation, marital intercourse, and extra-marital intercourse
    Masturbation, marital intercourse, and homosexual contacts
    Masturbation and extra-marital intercourse
    Masturbation and pre-marital intercourse
    Masturbation and homosexual outlets
    Marital intercourse only

Outside of penal institutions and cloistered halls, there are ever-present stimuli to heterosexual response. For the educated portion of the male population, for instance, there are persons of the opposite sex, female wearing apparel which emphasizes and suggests sexual situations, the constant portrayal of these things in magazines, in moving pictures, on billboards, in decorative art, in the plots of printed fiction and stage drama, in the emphasis given to radio performances, in advertisements everywhere, in most poetry and songs, and, more subtly but even more effectively, in all those forms and ceremonies which are accepted as courtesies between the sexes, and in the social traditions connected with marriage. There is, in consequence, constant arousal and regular sexual activity in most males, particularly younger males who are conditioned by any experience, or by the vicariously shared experiences of their fellows. While all males must have known of the regularity of sexual activity in their own histories, the significance of the fact for the population as a whole has never been fully appreciated. The assumption that the unmarried male has only occasional outlet, or that he may go for long periods of time without any sexual activity, is not in accord with the fact. The assumption that there can be such sublimation of erotic impulse as to allow an appreciable number of males to get along for considerable periods of time without sexual activity is not yet substantiated by specific data. For most males, whether single or married, there are ever-present erotic stimuli, and sexual response is regular and high.
