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{657} Appendix: Other Species
      The following is a partial list of other species in which homosexual behavior has been documented, including reptiles/amphibians, fishes, insects and other invertebrates, and domesticated animals.

Abbreviations are used to indicate the general type of homosexuality (and in some cases, transgender) for each species:
      F = female homosexuality
      M = male homosexuality
      FTvM = female-to-male transvestism
      MTvF = male-to-female transvestism
      P = parthenogenesis

Common Name Scientific Name Type Sources
Reptiles and Amphibians
Common Ameiva Ameiva chrysolaema M Nobler Bradley 1933
Jamaican Giant Anole Anolis garmani MTvF,M Trivers 1976
Green Anole Anolis carolinensis M Jenssen & Hovde 1993; Noble & Bradley 1933
Brown Anole Anolis sagrei M Noble & Bradley 1933
Cuban Green Anole Anolis porcatus M
Largehead Anole Anolis cybotes M
Anole sp. Anolis inaguae M
Checkered Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus tesselatus P,F Cole & Townsend 1993; Crews & Fitzgerald 1980; Crews &: Young 1991; Young 1991; Crews et al. 1983; Eifler 1983
Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus uniparens P,F
Flateau Striped Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus velox P,F
Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus exsanguis P,F
Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard Cnemidophorus laredoensis P,F Paulissen & Walker 1989 {658}
Broad-headed Skink Eumeces laticeps F,M Moehn 1986; Noble & Bradley 1933
Five-lined Skink Eumeces fasciatus M Noble & Bradley 1933
Inagua Curlytail Lizard Leiocephalus inaguae M
Red-tailed Skink Eumeces egregius F Mount 1963
Mourning Gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris P,F McCoid & Hensley 1991; Werner 1980
Western Banded Gecko Coleonyx variegatus M Greenberg 1943
Fence Lizard Sceloporus undulatus M Noble & Bradley 1933
Side-blotched Lizard Uta stansburiana M,F Tinkle 1967
Wood Turtle Clemmys insculpta M Kaufmann 1992
Desert Tortoise Gopherus agassizii M Bulova 1994; Niblick et al. 1994
Tengger Desert Toad Bufo raddei M Liu 1931
Black-spotted Frog Rana nigromaculata M
Appalachian Woodland Salamander Plethodon (metcalfi) jordani M,MTvF Arnold 1976; Organ 1958
Mountain Dusky Salamander Desmognathus ochrophaeus M,MTvF Verrell & Donovan 1991
Common Garter Snake Thamnophis sirtalis MTvF,M Mason 1993; Mason & Crews 1985; Mason et al. 1989; Noble 1937
Pine (Gopher) Snake Pituophis melanoleucus M Hansen 1950; Shaw 1951
Water Moccasin Agkistrodon piscivorus M Shaw 1951
Red Diamond Rattlesnake Crotalus ruber M Shaw 1948
Speckled Rattlesnake Crotalus mitchelli M Klauber 1972
Western Rattlesnake Crotalus viridis M
Blackstripe Topminnow Fundulus notatus F Carranza & Winn 1954
Green Swordtail Xiphophorous helleri M Schlosberg et al. 1949
Southern Platyfish Platypoecilus maculatus M Schlosberg et al. 1949
Amazon Molly Poecilia formosa P,F Döbler et al. 1997; Schlupp et al. 1992
European Bitterling Rhodeus amarus F Duyvené de Wit 1955
Ten-spined Stickleback Pygosteus pungitius M Morris 1952
Three-spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus M
Bluegill Sunfish Lepomis macrochirus MTvF,M Dominey 1980
Guiana Leaffish Polycentrus schomburgkii MTvF,M Barlow 1967
Least Darter Microperca punctulata M Petravicz 1936
Jewel Fish Hemichromus bimaculatus F Greenberg 1961
Mouthbreeding Fish sp. Tilapia macrocephala F Aronson 1948 {659}
Char Salmo alpinus M,F Fabricius 1953; Fabricius & Gustafson 1954
Routing Whitefish Coregonus lavaretus M,F Fabricius & Lindroth 1954
Grayling Thymallus thymallus M,F Fabricius & Gustafson 1955
Clubtail Dragonfly spp. Trigomphus melampus M Utzeri & Belflore 1990, Dunkle 1991
Hagenius brevistylus M
Gomphus adelphus M
G. apomyius M
G. geminatus M
G. parvidens M
G. viridifrons M
G. dilatatus M
G. lineatifrons M
G. modestus M
G. ozarkensis M
G. vastus M
Broadwinged Damselfly sp Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis M Utzeri & Belflore 1990
Spreadwinged Damselfly spp. Lestes disjunctus M
L. sponsa M
L. barbarus M
L. viridis M
Sympecma paedisca M
Enallagma cyathigerum M
Narrow-winged Damselfly spp. Ischnura graellsii M
I. elegans M
I. senegalensis M
Ceriagrion tenellum M
C.nipponicum M
Nehalennia gracilis M
Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp. Sympetrum striolatum M
Leucorrhinia hudsonica M
L dubia M
L rubicunda M
L. caudalis M
Cercion hieroglyphicum M
Field Cricket sp. Acheta firmus M Alexander 1961
Migratory Locust Cockroach spp. Locusta migratoria M Mika 1959
Byrsotria fumigata M Barth 1964
Periplaneta americana M Simon & Barth 1977
P. fuliginosa M
Petasodes dominica M Matthiesen 1990
Nauphoeta cinerea M Rocha 1991 {660}
Henchoustedenia flexivitta M
Large Milkweed Bug Oncopeltus fasciatus M Loher Gordon 1968
Southern Green Stink Bug Nezara viridula M Harris & Todd 1980
Water Boatman Bug Palmacorixa nana M Aiken 1981
Creeping Water Bug sp. Ambrysus occidentalis M Constanz 1973
Water Strider spp. Limnoporus dissortis M Spence & Wilcox 1986
L notabilis M Spence & Wilcox 1986
Bedbug and other Bug spp. Xylocoris maculipennis M Carayon 1974
Alloeorhynchus furens M Carayon 1966
Latrocimex spectans M
Cimex lectularius M
Afrocimex sp. M
Embiophila sp. M
Hesperoctenes sp. M
Green Lacewing Chrysopa carnea M Henry 1979
Queen Butterfly Danaus gilippus M Brower et al. 1965
Monarch Butterfly Danaus plexippus M Leong 1995; Leong et al. 1995; Rothschüd 1978; Tilden 1981; Urquhart 1960,1987
Checkerspot Butterfly Euphydryas editha M Shah et al. 1986
Mexican White Eucheira socialis M Shapiro 1989
Cabbage (Small) White Pieris rapae M Obara 1970; Obara & Hi-daka 1964
Large White Pieris brassicae M David & Gardiner 1961
Glasswing Butterfly Acraea andromacha M Alcock 1993
Mazarine Blue Cyaniris semiargus M Tennent 1987
Spruce Budworm Moth Choristoneura fumiferana M Palaniswamy et al. 1979; Sanders 1975
Larch Bud Moth Zeiraphera diniana M Benz 1973
Grape Berry Moth Eupoecilia ambiguella M Schmieder-Wenzel & Schruft 1990
Silkworm Moth Bombyx mori M Berlese 1909
Blister Beetle spp. Meloe angusticollis F Pinto & Selander 1970
M. dianella F
M. proscarabaeus M,F Bologna & Marangoni 1986
M. violaceus M,F
Rove Beetle spp. Aleochara curtula M,MTvF Peschke 1987
Leistotrophus versicolor M,MTvF Forsyth & Alcock 1990
Stag Beetle spp. Lucanus sp., Dorcus sp.. M Mathieu 1967
Platycerus sp.. Ceruchus sp. M
Red Flour Beetle Tribolium castaneum M Castro et al. 1994; Rich 1989; Serrano et al 1991; Spratt 1980 {661}
Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer Phoracantha semipunctata M Hanks et al. 1996
Grape Borer Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus F Iwabuchi 1987
Alfalfa Weevil Hypera postica F LeCato & Pienkowski 1970
Bean Weevil sp. Callosobruchus chinensis F Nakamura 1969
Other Weevils Otiorrhynchus pupillatus F,P Pardi 1987
Diaprepes abbreviatus F Harari 1997
Southern One-Year Canegrub Antitrogus consanguineus M Allsopp & Morgan 1991
Japanese Scarab Beetle Popillia japonica M,F Barrows & Gordh 1978; Fleming 1972
Rosechafer Macrodactylus subspinosa M Bennett 1974
Southern Masked Chafer Cyclocephala immaculata M Hayes 1927
Other Melolonthine Polyphylla hammondi M
Scarab Beetles Cotalpa lanigera M
Pelidnota punctata M
Melolontha vulgaris M Gadeau de Kerville 1896; Laboulmène 1859; Maze 1884; Noel 1895
Parsnip Leaf Miner Euleia fratria M Tauber & Toschi 1965
House Fly Musca domestica M Schlein et al. 1981
Tsetse Fly Glossina morsitans M
Stable Fly sp. Fannia femoralis M Tauber 1968
Blowfly Protophormia terraenovae M Parker 1968
Midge sp. Stictochironomus crassiforceps M Syrajämäki 1964
Pomace Fly Euarestoides acutangulus M Piper 1976
Long-legged Fly spp. Dolichopus popularis M Qvick 1984
Medetera spp. M Dyte 1989
Reindeer Warble Fly Hypoderma tarandi M Anderson et al. 1994
Screwworm Fly Cochliomyia hominivorax M,F Fletcher et al. 1966
Mediterranean Fruit Fly Ceratitis capitata M,F Arita & Kaneshiro 1983; Prokopy & Hendrichs 1979
Other Fruit Fly spp. Drosophila melanogaster M,F Cook 1975; Finley et al. 1997; Gill 1963; McRobert & Tompkins 1983, 1988, Napolitano & Tompkins 1989; Schaner et al. 1989; Tompkins 1989, 1988; Vaias et al. 1993
D. affinis M
Other Fly spp. Fucomyia frigida M Bristowe 1929 {662}
Fucellia maritima M
Scatella sp. M
Hen Flea Ceratophyllus gallinae M Humphries 1967
Digger Bee Centris pallida M Alcock & Buchmann 1985
Southeastern Blueberry Bee Habropoda laboriosa M Cane 1994
Eastern Giant Ichneumon Megarhyssa macrurus M Heatwole et al. 1962
Ichneumon Wasp sp. Megarhyssa atrata M Heatwole et al. 1962
Australian Parasitic Wasp sp. Cotesia rubecula MTvF,M Field & Keller 1993
Red Ant sp. Formica suhpolita M O’Neill 1994
Spiders and Other Invertebrates
Hawaiian Orb-Weaver Doryonychus raptor M Gülespie 1991
Jumping Spider sp. Portia fimbriata M,F Jackson 1982
Harvest Spider sp. (not identified) M Bristowe 1929,1939
Box Crab Calappa lophos M Kazmi & Tirmizi 1987
Mite sp. Promesomachilis hispanica M Sturm 1992
Acanthocephalan Moniliformis dubius M Abele & Gilchrist 1977
Worms Acanthocephalus parksidei M Abele & Gilchrist 1977
Echinorhynchus truttae M Abele & Gilchrist 1977
Polymorphus minutus M Abele & Gilchrist 1977
Incirrate Octopus spp. (2 unidentified spp., family Incirrata) M Lutz & Voight 1994; Mirsky 1995
Domesticated Animals
Sheep Ovis aries M,F Banks 1964; Grubb 1974; Perkins et al. 1992,1995; Resko et al. 1996
Goat Capra hircus M,F Collias 1956; Schaller & Laurie 1974; Shank 1972
Cattle Bos taurus M,F Blackshaw et al. 1997; Hurnik et al. 1975; Klemm et al. 1983, Mylrea & Beilharz 1964; Reinhardt 1983; van Vliet & van Eerdenburg 1996
Horse, Donkey Equus caballus M,F Feist & McCullough 1976; Ford & Beach 1951; McDonnell & Haviland 1995
E. asinus M,F
Pig Sus scrofa M,F Craig 1981; Signoret et al. 1975 {663}
Cat Felis catus M,F Aronson 1949; Green et al. 1957; Leyhausen 1979; Michael 1961; Prescott 1970; Rosenblatt Schneirla 1962
Dog Canis familiaris M,F Beach et al. 1968; Fuller & DuBuis 1962; King 1954; LeBoeuf 1967; Vasey 1996
Guinea Pig Cavia porcellus M,F Rood 1972; Young et al. 1938
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus M,F Kawai 1955; Mykytowycz & Hesterman 1975; Ver-berne & Blom 1981
Rat Rattus norvegicus M,F Beach & Rasquin 1942; Grant & Chance 1958
Mouse Mus musculus M,F van Oortmerssen 1971
Hamster Mesocricetus auratus F Beach 1971; Tiefer 1970
Bengalese Finch Lonchura striata F Masatomi 1957,1959; Jefferies 1967
Zebra Finch Taeniopygia guttata M,F Burley 1981; Immelmann et al. 1982; Morris 1954
Turkey Meleagris gallopavo F Hale 1955; Hale & Schein 1962
Chicken Gallus gallus F Guhl 1948
Pigeon Columba livia M,F Craig 1909; Whitman 1919
Budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus M,F Brockway 1967; Kavanau 1987
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