Common Name | Scientific Name | Type | Sources |
Reptiles and Amphibians |
Common Ameiva | Ameiva chrysolaema | M | Nobler Bradley 1933 |
Jamaican Giant Anole | Anolis garmani | MTvF,M | Trivers 1976 |
Green Anole | Anolis carolinensis | M | Jenssen & Hovde 1993; Noble & Bradley
1933 |
Brown Anole | Anolis sagrei | M | Noble & Bradley 1933 |
Green Anole | Anolis porcatus | M |
Largehead Anole | Anolis cybotes | M |
Anole sp. | Anolis inaguae | M |
Checkered Whiptail Lizard | Cnemidophorus tesselatus | P,F | Cole & Townsend 1993; Crews & Fitzgerald 1980; Crews &: Young 1991;
Young 1991; Crews et al. 1983; Eifler 1983 |
Desert Grassland Whiptail Lizard | Cnemidophorus uniparens | P,F |
Flateau Striped Whiptail Lizard | Cnemidophorus velox | P,F |
Chihuahuan Spotted Whiptail Lizard | Cnemidophorus exsanguis | P,F |
Laredo Striped Whiptail Lizard | Cnemidophorus laredoensis | P,F | Paulissen & Walker 1989 {658}
Broad-headed Skink | Eumeces laticeps | F,M | Moehn 1986; Noble & Bradley 1933 |
Five-lined Skink | Eumeces fasciatus | M | Noble & Bradley 1933 |
Inagua Curlytail Lizard | Leiocephalus
inaguae | M |
Red-tailed Skink | Eumeces egregius | F | Mount 1963 |
Mourning Gecko | Lepidodactylus
lugubris | P,F | McCoid & Hensley 1991; Werner 1980 |
Western Banded Gecko | Coleonyx
variegatus | M | Greenberg 1943 |
Fence Lizard | Sceloporus undulatus | M | Noble & Bradley 1933 |
Side-blotched Lizard | Uta stansburiana | M,F | Tinkle 1967 |
Wood Turtle | Clemmys insculpta | M | Kaufmann 1992 |
Desert Tortoise | Gopherus agassizii | M | Bulova 1994; Niblick et al. 1994 |
Tengger Desert Toad | Bufo raddei | M | Liu 1931 |
Black-spotted Frog | Rana nigromaculata | M |
Appalachian Woodland
Salamander | Plethodon (metcalfi)
jordani | M,MTvF | Arnold 1976; Organ 1958 |
Mountain Dusky Salamander | Desmognathus ochrophaeus | M,MTvF | Verrell & Donovan 1991 |
Garter Snake | Thamnophis sirtalis | MTvF,M | Mason 1993; Mason & Crews 1985;
Mason et al. 1989; Noble 1937 |
Pine (Gopher) Snake | Pituophis
melanoleucus | M | Hansen 1950; Shaw 1951 |
Moccasin | Agkistrodon piscivorus | M | Shaw 1951 |
Red Diamond Rattlesnake | Crotalus
ruber | M | Shaw 1948 |
Rattlesnake | Crotalus mitchelli | M | Klauber 1972 |
Western Rattlesnake | Crotalus viridis | M |
Fishes |
Blackstripe Topminnow | Fundulus notatus | F | Carranza & Winn 1954 |
Green Swordtail | Xiphophorous helleri | M | Schlosberg et al. 1949 |
Southern Platyfish | Platypoecilus
maculatus | M | Schlosberg et al. 1949 |
Molly | Poecilia formosa | P,F | Döbler et al. 1997; Schlupp et al.
1992 |
European Bitterling | Rhodeus amarus | F | Duyvené de Wit 1955 |
Stickleback | Pygosteus pungitius | M | Morris 1952 |
Three-spined Stickleback | Gasterosteus
aculeatus | M |
Bluegill Sunfish | Lepomis macrochirus | MTvF,M | Dominey 1980 |
Guiana Leaffish | Polycentrus
schomburgkii | MTvF,M | Barlow 1967 |
Least Darter | Microperca punctulata | M | Petravicz 1936 |
Jewel Fish | Hemichromus bimaculatus | F | Greenberg 1961 |
Fish sp. | Tilapia macrocephala | F | Aronson 1948 {659}
Char | Salmo alpinus | M,F | Fabricius 1953; Fabricius
& Gustafson 1954 |
Whitefish | Coregonus lavaretus | M,F | Fabricius & Lindroth 1954 |
Grayling | Thymallus thymallus | M,F | Fabricius & Gustafson 1955 |
Insects |
Clubtail Dragonfly spp. | Trigomphus
melampus | M | Utzeri & Belflore 1990, Dunkle 1991 |
Hagenius brevistylus | M |
Gomphus adelphus | M |
G. apomyius | M |
G. geminatus | M |
G. parvidens | M |
G. viridifrons | M |
G. dilatatus | M |
G. lineatifrons | M |
G. modestus | M |
G. ozarkensis | M |
G. vastus | M |
Broadwinged Damselfly sp | Calopteryx
haemorrhoidalis | M | Utzeri & Belflore 1990 |
Spreadwinged Damselfly spp. | Lestes
disjunctus | M |
L. sponsa | M |
L. barbarus | M |
L. viridis | M |
Sympecma paedisca | M |
Enallagma cyathigerum | M |
Narrow-winged Damselfly spp. | Ischnura
graellsii | M |
I. elegans | M |
I. senegalensis | M |
Ceriagrion tenellum | M |
C.nipponicum | M |
Nehalennia gracilis | M |
Common Skimmer Dragonfly spp. | Sympetrum striolatum | M |
Leucorrhinia hudsonica | M |
L dubia | M |
L rubicunda | M |
L. caudalis | M |
Cercion hieroglyphicum | M |
Field Cricket sp. | Acheta firmus | M | Alexander 1961 |
Migratory Locust Cockroach spp. | Locusta migratoria | M | Mika 1959 |
fumigata | M | Barth 1964 |
americana | M | Simon & Barth 1977 |
fuliginosa | M |
Petasodes dominica | M | Matthiesen 1990 |
cinerea | M | Rocha 1991 {660}
flexivitta | M |
Large Milkweed Bug | Oncopeltus
fasciatus | M | Loher Gordon 1968 |
Green Stink Bug | Nezara viridula | M | Harris & Todd 1980 |
Water Boatman Bug | Palmacorixa nana | M | Aiken 1981 |
Creeping Water Bug sp. | Ambrysus
occidentalis | M | Constanz 1973 |
Water Strider spp. | Limnoporus
dissortis | M | Spence & Wilcox 1986 |
notabilis | M | Spence & Wilcox 1986 |
Bedbug and other Bug spp. | Xylocoris
maculipennis | M | Carayon 1974 |
Alloeorhynchus furens | M | Carayon 1966 |
spectans | M |
Cimex lectularius | M |
Afrocimex sp. | M |
Embiophila sp. | M |
Hesperoctenes sp. | M |
Green Lacewing | Chrysopa carnea | M | Henry 1979 |
Queen Butterfly | Danaus gilippus | M | Brower et al. 1965 |
Monarch Butterfly | Danaus plexippus | M | Leong 1995; Leong et al. 1995;
Rothschüd 1978; Tilden 1981; Urquhart 1960,1987 |
Checkerspot Butterfly | Euphydryas
editha | M | Shah et al. 1986 |
White | Eucheira socialis | M | Shapiro 1989 |
Cabbage (Small) White | Pieris rapae | M | Obara 1970; Obara & Hi-daka 1964 |
Large White | Pieris brassicae | M | David & Gardiner 1961 |
Glasswing Butterfly | Acraea andromacha | M | Alcock 1993 |
Mazarine Blue | Cyaniris semiargus | M | Tennent 1987 |
Spruce Budworm Moth | Choristoneura
fumiferana | M | Palaniswamy et al. 1979; Sanders 1975 |
Larch Bud Moth | Zeiraphera diniana | M | Benz 1973 |
Grape Berry Moth | Eupoecilia
ambiguella | M | Schmieder-Wenzel & Schruft 1990 |
Silkworm Moth | Bombyx mori | M | Berlese 1909 |
Blister Beetle spp. | Meloe
angusticollis | F | Pinto & Selander 1970 |
dianella | F |
M. proscarabaeus | M,F | Bologna & Marangoni 1986 |
M. violaceus | M,F |
Rove Beetle spp. | Aleochara curtula | M,MTvF | Peschke 1987 |
Leistotrophus versicolor | M,MTvF | Forsyth & Alcock 1990 |
Stag Beetle spp. | Lucanus sp., Dorcus
sp.. | M | Mathieu 1967 |
sp.. Ceruchus sp. | M |
Red Flour Beetle | Tribolium castaneum | M | Castro et al. 1994; Rich 1989; Serrano
et al 1991; Spratt 1980 {661}
Eucalyptus Longhorned Borer | Phoracantha semipunctata | M | Hanks et al. 1996 |
Grape Borer | Xylotrechus pyrrhoderus | F | Iwabuchi 1987 |
Alfalfa Weevil | Hypera postica | F | LeCato & Pienkowski 1970 |
Weevil sp. | Callosobruchus chinensis | F | Nakamura 1969 |
Other Weevils | Otiorrhynchus
pupillatus | F,P | Pardi 1987 |
abbreviatus | F | Harari 1997 |
Southern One-Year
Canegrub | Antitrogus consanguineus | M | Allsopp & Morgan 1991 |
Japanese Scarab Beetle | Popillia
japonica | M,F | Barrows & Gordh 1978; Fleming 1972 |
Rosechafer | Macrodactylus subspinosa | M | Bennett 1974 |
Southern Masked Chafer | Cyclocephala
immaculata | M | Hayes 1927 |
Other Melolonthine | Polyphylla hammondi | M |
Scarab Beetles | Cotalpa lanigera | M |
Pelidnota punctata | M |
Melolontha vulgaris | M | Gadeau de Kerville 1896; Laboulmène
1859; Maze 1884; Noel 1895 |
Parsnip Leaf Miner | Euleia fratria | M | Tauber & Toschi 1965 |
House Fly | Musca domestica | M | Schlein et al. 1981 |
Tsetse Fly | Glossina morsitans | M |
Stable Fly sp. | Fannia femoralis | M | Tauber 1968 |
Blowfly | Protophormia terraenovae | M | Parker 1968 |
Midge sp. | Stictochironomus crassiforceps | M | Syrajämäki 1964 |
Pomace Fly | Euarestoides acutangulus | M | Piper 1976 |
Long-legged Fly spp. | Dolichopus
popularis | M | Qvick 1984 |
Medetera spp. | M | Dyte 1989 |
Reindeer Warble Fly | Hypoderma tarandi | M | Anderson et al. 1994 |
Screwworm Fly | Cochliomyia hominivorax | M,F | Fletcher et al. 1966 |
Mediterranean Fruit Fly | Ceratitis
capitata | M,F | Arita & Kaneshiro 1983; Prokopy & Hendrichs 1979 |
Other Fruit Fly spp. | Drosophila
melanogaster | M,F | Cook 1975; Finley et al. 1997; Gill 1963; McRobert & Tompkins 1983,
1988, Napolitano & Tompkins 1989; Schaner et al. 1989; Tompkins 1989,
1988; Vaias et al. 1993 |
affinis | M |
Other Fly spp. | Fucomyia frigida | M | Bristowe 1929 {662}
Fucellia maritima | M |
Scatella sp. | M |
Hen Flea | Ceratophyllus gallinae | M | Humphries 1967 |
Digger Bee | Centris pallida | M | Alcock & Buchmann 1985 |
Southeastern Blueberry Bee | Habropoda
laboriosa | M | Cane 1994 |
Eastern Giant
Ichneumon | Megarhyssa macrurus | M | Heatwole et al. 1962 |
Ichneumon Wasp sp. | Megarhyssa atrata | M | Heatwole et al. 1962 |
Australian Parasitic Wasp sp. | Cotesia
rubecula | MTvF,M | Field & Keller 1993 |
Red Ant
sp. | Formica suhpolita | M | O’Neill 1994 |
Spiders and Other Invertebrates |
Hawaiian Orb-Weaver | Doryonychus
raptor | M | Gülespie 1991 |
Jumping Spider
sp. | Portia fimbriata | M,F | Jackson 1982 |
Harvest Spider sp. | (not identified) | M | Bristowe 1929,1939 |
Box Crab | Calappa lophos | M | Kazmi & Tirmizi 1987 |
Mite sp. | Promesomachilis hispanica | M | Sturm 1992 |
Acanthocephalan | Moniliformis dubius | M | Abele & Gilchrist 1977 |
Worms | Acanthocephalus parksidei | M | Abele & Gilchrist 1977 |
Echinorhynchus truttae | M | Abele & Gilchrist 1977 |
Polymorphus minutus | M | Abele & Gilchrist 1977 |
Incirrate Octopus spp. | (2
unidentified spp., family Incirrata) | M | Lutz & Voight 1994; Mirsky 1995 |
Domesticated Animals |
Sheep | Ovis aries | M,F | Banks 1964; Grubb 1974; Perkins et
al. 1992,1995; Resko et al. 1996 |
Goat | Capra hircus | M,F | Collias 1956; Schaller & Laurie
1974; Shank 1972 |
Cattle | Bos taurus | M,F | Blackshaw et al. 1997; Hurnik et al. 1975; Klemm et al. 1983, Mylrea & Beilharz
1964; Reinhardt 1983; van Vliet & van Eerdenburg 1996 |
Horse, Donkey | Equus caballus | M,F | Feist & McCullough 1976;
Ford & Beach 1951; McDonnell & Haviland 1995 |
E. asinus | M,F |
Pig | Sus scrofa | M,F | Craig 1981; Signoret et al. 1975 {663}
Cat | Felis catus | M,F | Aronson 1949; Green et al. 1957;
Leyhausen 1979; Michael 1961; Prescott 1970; Rosenblatt Schneirla 1962 |
Dog | Canis familiaris | M,F | Beach et al. 1968; Fuller & DuBuis
1962; King 1954; LeBoeuf 1967; Vasey 1996 |
Guinea Pig | Cavia porcellus | M,F | Rood 1972; Young et al. 1938 |
Rabbit | Oryctolagus cuniculus | M,F | Kawai 1955; Mykytowycz & Hesterman
1975; Ver-berne & Blom 1981 |
Rat | Rattus norvegicus | M,F | Beach & Rasquin 1942; Grant & Chance
1958 |
Mouse | Mus musculus | M,F | van Oortmerssen 1971 |
Hamster | Mesocricetus auratus | F | Beach 1971; Tiefer 1970 |
Bengalese Finch | Lonchura striata | F | Masatomi 1957,1959; Jefferies 1967 |
Zebra Finch | Taeniopygia guttata | M,F | Burley 1981; Immelmann et al. 1982;
Morris 1954 |
Turkey | Meleagris gallopavo | F | Hale 1955; Hale & Schein 1962 |
Chicken | Gallus gallus | F | Guhl 1948 |
Pigeon | Columba livia | M,F | Craig 1909; Whitman 1919 |
Budgerigar | Melopsittacus undulatus | M,F | Brockway 1967; Kavanau 1987 |