Multiorgasmic Guestbook
<< 1999 >>
Monday 01/04/1999 8:01:09pm
Awesome website guys...this is just too hot...
Thanks, Mary! There are those women who find such a capacity intimidating, and then — thank heaven — there are those like you.
(Personally, I'd take the latter over the former — again, and again, and...) *wink*
Sunday 01/10/1999 8:32:31am
I want to suck your big fat juicy willy, mmmmmmm, tasty. Then I want to lick your ballbag and sniff your bum and lick it until it bleeds. Then I want to, oops I just came all over my keyboard.
That quickly? Aw, poor lil' guy. How you ever gonna impress your little butthole buddies that way? Two words of advice: — ejaculatory control.
Wednesday 01/13/1999 7:18:00am
Frank Lenzen
"There is great variability in the length of the refractory period from male to male, and also within the same male. While an erection may be partially or fully maintained during the refractory period, the interval between orgasms may last from a few minutes to a few hours."
As Quoted from your own page, I believe the results of your experiment are only a confirmation of the variability in the length of the refractory period and the maintenance of erection and not a revolutionary discovery.
I'm sure the subject's refractory period will in time become longer and the duration of the erection during it diminish if he keeps ejaculating like that. What a waste of semen.
I do have to say that I was moved by the enthusiasm by which these "results" were made public.
Wishing you success with further investigations, Frank.
Thank you for your remarks, Frank.
The quote you used is relevant of course, and were not more information available to us regarding the male refractory period (MRP), we might be inclined to agree with you. However, as almost no one, no matter how orgasmic, goes immediately from one orgasm to the next without some time interval in between, a distinction must be made between the time interval between legitimate multiple orgasms (e.g., those documented in female studies, say), and that experienced as a result of the MRP. Otherwise, were there no distinction possible, any time interval exceeding, say, a minute between orgasms would disqualify almost all women from being considered multiorgasmic. Given this, how can MRP be distinguished from the normal small time intervals common between almost all female multiple orgasms (yes, sometimes lasting as much as a few minutes)? The fact is that MRP possesses one additional defining characteristic. Besides the time interval involved, and unlike that experienced by multiorgasmic females, the MRP causes all biological indicators of arousal (e.g., pulse, blood pressure, pupil dilation, breathing, etc.) to return to their pre-arousal state. This is the key physiological difference separating our male Subject from other men simply exhibiting short MRPs following such natural orgasms/ejaculations. Only in the case of our study have such key biological readings between orgasms not returned to their baseline state even after five orgasms, but instead continued to maintain their elevated state throughout the six orgasms. In fact, in the case of heart rate, in particular, the elevated readings continued to increase throughout the entire study. Due to this evidence coupled with the ejaculatory volume data, we know that full ejaculation occurred, yet no refractory period followed. Please remember that, so as to comply with publication requirements, the actual study is not yet available for examination, but soon will be at this site. Be patient, and when all the data is made available, your questions should all be answered.
Your comment "What a waste of semen" seems to suggest that you are of the Taoist bent that ejaculation is somehow damaging or debilitating to the male. If so, let me assure you most emphatically that this myth is nothing more than primitive superstition occasioned by the ancillary physiological effects of the MRP. Anciently, these effects were erroneously interpreted as having depletory long-term spiritual and physical consequences, thus vilifying ejaculation. However, there is not a shred of scientific empirical evidence in support of this ancient supposition. This is not simply my opinion, nor is it based on subjective observation. The following is a quote from a review done by the sexologists at of the book, "The Multi-orgasmic Male" (Chia & Arava, 1996):
"They (the authors) also don't show that getting tired (post ejaculation) affects *long-term* health. What the authors do instead is to continually repeat that ejaculation is bad for health because 'ancient Taoist masters said it was.'
Unless you're already inclined to Taoism, you're unlikely to find these arguments about ejaculation to be very convincing."
(You are welcome to read the entire review at the "Voluntary techniques" — /techniques.htm — page of this website.)
And finally, as regards your suggestion that, with time, the interval between orgasms will become longer, and the duration of erection become shorter, what can I say? It has remained unchanged from age four to age forty (almost). Once research begins anew, following publication, this will be further validated. Thank you again.
Monday 01/18/1999 10:02:09am
CONGRATULATIONS on the publication! I am thrilled it has finally happened for you!
Thank you for your very kind words, Teresa! I am thrilled by it, as well! Now we can finally begin to explore the avenues needed to acquire funding and continue the research. I'll keep you all posted, of course.
Wednesday 01/20/1999 3:15:58pm
Congratulations on the publication of your study! The article said your Subject was married — will the "Mrs." ever comment on his abilities? You seemed to hint in an earlier post that your Subject had not yet found a multiorgasmic woman who could keep up with him. Does this cause problems of sexual frustration? (Forgive me if these questions are too personal). BTW, Mr. #185 was disgusting.
Thank you! I'm pretty jazzed about it, myself. :)
Actually, she already has in a popular magazine. She was interviewed about a year and a half ago and her comments and observations were printed in an article on couples who love sex.
Wednesday 01/20/1999 7:11:38pm
Jim (La-Ni)
Congratulations! Finally published. I have been logging in, almost daily, to get an update. WOW, this is the new millennium for both males and females. Big Time Jim
Thank you very much! Glad to know you've been one of our regulars, and so glad you enjoyed the study. And yes, as when Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier — thus marking the beginning of the supersonic jet age — so also am I hopeful that this study will mark the beginning of what will ultimately be a new age for human sexuality.
Thursday 01/21/1999 8:05:51pm
Private Message 190
Thursday 02/04/1999 11:24:30pm
First of all, I hope you are aware that this is truly the greatest web site there is. When I found it I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Finally a place for intelligent conversation about such an interesting topic. I really love the female input, wish there was more of it. Thank God for Teresa. Anyway, at first thought the idea of finding a "cure" for MRP is certainly exciting enough, especially for males, but upon further thought I think the discovery of such a cure would be a true nightmare for society. Men with unlimited sexual capacity??? Men with the ability to pleasure women with no end in sight??? Men with the ability to masturbate for hours on end??? NOT GOOD. Why??? Because their is a difference between sexual capacity, and physical sexual desire. Mother nature had to put some kind of a time limit on the amount of time one can engage in sexual activity, this burden fell on men. If men could fuck all day, they would. Believe me they would. Especially those who are suddenly given this ability by way of a magic pill or medicine. One minute they are limited to one orgasm a session, and the next?? The next minute they can cum all night. Imagine the effects this would have on society. Imagine the effects this would have on marriage as we know it. Would men have the mental discipline to control their sexual urges? NO!! They can barely handle that task now. Women simply don't have to deal with the almost unbearable physical urges men have to ejaculate. To some extent MRP is a blessing. It's funny really. Women have an unlimited ability to cum, and yet many don't really realize, or care. They would rather have a union of souls or whatever. All men want to do is fuck, usually for no other reason but to experience the great pleasure we call orgasm, and yet we have to settle for a very limited ability to do so. Sometimes it seems like neither sex has it better off. While a cure for MRP seems great at first thought, I fail to see how the Male species could deal with having an unlimited sexual capacity. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Guys — if you could masturbate for 3 straight hours, would you?? Yes, probably. I often wonder what kind of life I'd lead if my already overly large sex drive had all restraints removed. To be honest it kind of scares me a little.
First off, thank you so much for your glowing opinion of this site. It is very much appreciated.
Just as the Research Subject's wife stated above (#192), she too has been troubled by these same nightmarish contemplations. The Research Subject also related to me an experience regarding this very question:
"Not too long ago the thought of these ominous possibilities almost ended my search to try and find a legitimate research team to document this capacity, and thus initiate this research, fearing the negative effects on marriage and Society you mention. However, back then, in sharing some of these conflicts with a close friend, she said something to me that calmed my fears quite a bit and put things more into perspective. As she put it, 'You can't let all the possible negatives of a new discovery outweigh all the positives. Had our ancestors felt that way, we'd still be living in caves and eating raw meat.' "
In present-day Society, your concerns are valid. Of course, in present-day Society we face obliteration at almost any moment. In present-day Society, men make war continually, whether inside their homes, on the streets, or on the battlefield representing their leaders. In present-day Society, crime is rampant and selfishness in all its ugliest of forms is made manifest amongst and against us. In present-day Society, over 50% of marriages fail, public education continues to teach political agendae over academics, teen pregnancy and STD incidence continue to skyrocket, and fewer of us entering adulthood do so having been raised in a loving, unbroken home. To almost anyone's view, in present-day Society, the world is already a very scary, nightmarish place.
May I be so bold, so heretical, so politically-incorrect as to suggest, however delicately, that perhaps present-day Society, Itself, as presently constituted, is heading in the wrong direction where its view of male sexuality is concerned, and thus dangerously exacerbating its already-now-volatile characteristics. Perhaps Society is fast becoming the true nightmare, and that perhaps it is time to re-evaluate the direction in which it is headed. After all, if we continue to do what we have always done, we shall continue to get what we've always gotten. As has been proposed by many sociologists and criminologists, it may be that male sexual dysfunction (i.e., impotence, premature ejaculation, and performance anxiety) is a contributor in much of violent crime. As they theorize, and has been evidenced in many case studies, what certain men cannot do sexually with a penis results in being acted out violently with a knife or a gun. I would imagine that for most men, being constantly driven to sex, 24-7, to degrees far beyond that which most women experience, yet capable of having but a single orgasm per sexual experience would understandably frustrate the HELL out of them. No, this is certainly not offered as an excuse for such loathsome criminal behavior. However, how many of men's frustrations in life, in general, might be related to this dichotomy of great sexual desire pitted against great sexual limitation? Rather like continually having a voracious appetite, yet only being allowed a single bite per meal. And while I'm not suggesting that violence is the inevitable reaction to pent up male sexual frustration, I am suggesting that it might be one of them. And while better-balanced individuals with more intelligence and character would react without violence, yet still such reactions would inevitably prove harmful to themselves and/or their relationships.
And again, were males able to "indulge" to their appetite's content, they might at first over-indulge, yet they might also soon realize that, being finally capable of fully expressing and fulfilling their sexual desires, a calmer, more content, less-aggressive outlook on life and love, and their relationships with both, might just be the result. Perhaps it is time for Society to take these factors into consideration. Perhaps Society might be better served in considering the potentials of this research, rather than ignoring those potentials for fear that any alteration to societal mores MUST be a bad thing. I propose that Society, as is, is already a "bad thing," and getting worse rather than better.
Perhaps the essential sexual/emotional differences between the sexes lie at the root of Human aggression and dissatisfaction, in general, and are thus one of the fundamental "cracks" weakening the foundation of present-day Society. And perhaps, filling in these cracks by having men and women approach one another as more sexually and sensually equal might also result in filling in many of the other "cracks" threatening our Society, and thus, the World. Now, am I attempting to propose that an end to the Male Refractory Period (MRP) will solve all of mankind's problems, or eliminate male violence? No, of course not. However, it seems only reasonable to me to presume that were both genders to share more in common, and were men capable of giving full expression to their more sexual (and thus, emotional) natures, Society would be more positively benefitted, ultimately. I say "ultimately" because, obviously there would be a major "re-adjustment" period for all of Society. That re-adjustment might result in negative events, just as we experienced during the adjustment to the Nuclear Age. However, it is my opinion that just as with that most destructive of forces, we too would survive and ultimately derive more benefit from such sexual — and thus, emotional — capacities than we would detriment.
Friday 02/05/1999 6:19:01am
I enjoyed your comments, Dan (#191). They are very valid and interestingly enough — are the same questions I have posed over the years. You see, I am "the wife". Yes, John (#188) I do exist. As of now — I have known my husband for nearly 16 yrs — and been married to him for 15. And from that alone, WITHOUT any research tests — I can validate his unlimited capacity. You pose very good questions, Dan. Ones that many people would tend to overlook being dazzled by the possibility of unlimited sexual capacity. It would definitely have an effect on society and "me thinks" no one knows how the final results would actually be. My husband not only possesses the natural ability to "cum as often" and "hold an erection" for as long as he might wish, desire. But he also possesses an ability that few men WITHOUT such an ability could even fathom. He has great capacity of control sexually and an unlimited emotional capacity as well. He knows the gift he has been given and handles it responsibly. He is a treasure to me in more ways then sexual. We have a very close, well-rounded relationship. (No, didn't say perfect — that would be too boring, anyway!) Though there is a part of me that would wish for any couple this sexual capacity as well as the sort of relationship we have, I also know the burden this "capacity" could place on the man as well as for the woman. Sort of like being placed in a VERY fast race car and having NO idea how to use it — and soon as you try, you get engulfed in the rush of the speed of it and lose sight of the road......and crash and burn. So yes — there are those who would not be able to handle it. But what of those that COULD handle it? What of those men that would be able to not only handle such an ability — but would greatly benefit from it personally and in their relationships. Might it bring an overall calming effect to society? Giving more satisfaction to the man and resulting in more for the woman, as well? Or would it completely throw society into a downhill spiral — a "Sodom and Gomorrah" — world where only sex matters? (Which in many ways, it is nearly like that now — "sex" is everywhere and in everything of our culture. And, almost never reflected in a positive way.) Who knows.....I would like to hope for the former. It could mean happier men and happier woman, which would lead to happier kids — happier society as a whole — and thus, less violence — less war. (OK, ok, my dream world!) Good day all!
Pssst!, great site honey :)
Thank you, darling woman. ;)
Saturday 02/06/1999 9:29:07am
Wow! Not only are the site changes excellent your answer to Dan and the research subject's wife's response were incredible. Anyone failing to comprehend your mutual spirit and devotion to the betterment of mankind through this research should take a hard look at their own humanity. I shudder to consider what the world would be like without your kind of courage. Thank you!
P.s. Dan — are you the same "Dan" that emailed me a few weeks back concerning female orgasm?
Well, thank you for your comments on the site. It will continue to see improvement over the next few weeks as I add to it. Soon, we will even have a survey to take, a message board, and perhaps even a few products of interest for everyone.
Thank you as well for your remarks in reference to my reply to Dan. It did have the distinction of being a very LONG answer, however the questions were poignant ones and deserved a full reply.
Friday 02/26/1999 3:45:00pm
This is mostly in response to Dan (191), he said that women have the unlimited capacity for orgasm, while men have the unlimited desire for sex. Granted it is generally accepted as the norm, but it is not always the case, and this might be something he's not aware of, especially if he hasn't spent some intimate time with a pregnant woman. For about a two week period in the first month of pregnancy, shorter or longer for different women, the sex drive is so strong, it's nearly unbearable. Every woman that I've talked to about this says the same thing. They want it now, and it they want it nearly nonstop. While the intensity of that desire diminishes somewhat after that first hormonal surge subsides, throughout the entire pregnancy, the desire is greater than before.
The other comment he made is that men don't have the same emotional attachment that women have.
If the man and woman truely love each other on a level other than sexual/physical, then the emotional attachment felt during sex can be just as strong. I truely feel sorry for Dan if he hasn't experienced that.
Why do you think it's called making love?
Friday 02/26/1999 7:53:53pm
Amy (#194), I don't know about "every" woman developing an insatiable appetite for sex in the earliest stage of her pregnancy. My wife certainly didn't during her two pregnancies. I've read pretty widely in the sex research literature and never come across any discussion of this phenomenon. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but the frequency probably doesn't rise to the level of statistical significance.
Tuesday 03/09/1999 9:06:14pm
There was mention of a line of jewelry depicting the male multiorgasmic symbol! Will this be available in the near future? as I am interested in a key ring or something. Please advise. Thanx
I haven't said anything more about the jewelry as I don't yet have it ready to go. However, the molds are being created as we speak, and production should begin by April. The pendant will be out first, then the keyring thereafter. We'll be adding the appropriate pages for surveys and products soon, so please keep returning from time to time. And thanks for the inquiry.
The pendant will be available in antiqued pewter, and later possibly in silver and/or gold (which will of course be much more expensive). The symbol will be about the size of a quarter (3 cm — to be exact). Should you, or anyone, have any suggestions regarding the pendant or keyring, please let me know.
Wednesday 03/31/1999 7:00:51pm
San Diego
In quickly reviewing the many responses in your guestbook, I came across discussions regarding possible medical engineering techniques (drugs) for eliminating the MRP. In my case, MMO started at age 33 at a moderate level, and gradually increased over time until present (age 49). Now, I hardly ever have only one orgasm when having intercourse with my regular partner, and typically have 2 to 5 often excruciatingly intense ones within a few minutes. By techniques other than intercourse with a loving partner giving the right kind of stimulation, I simply can't do this.
For me, MMO is a learned behavior that I've cultivated. As several of your guests have noted, having good communication (verbal and nonverbal) is essential, as is being perfectly mentally relaxed, open, and in tune with one's partner. I believe that a solution to the MRP, if it can be considered a problem, is possible via a psychological route. As for the engineering solutions ... well, I wonder about their long-term deleterious effects. And as for the philosophy of holding back ejaculation, I find it ridiculous and laughable in may case, but perhaps it is beneficial for some.
Your experience with MMO certainly sounds like a most positive one, and your views are certainly worth considering. I would be curious as to exactly what it is you experience. With so many different definitions of what exactly is meant by the term "male multiple orgasm," it cannot be assumed that by mere use of this term we are both talking about the same thing. However, the fact that you do not consider attractive the option of holding back ejaculation does indicate that maybe you are indeed referring to natural, or as I term it, true male multiple orgasms.
Finally, I have reviewed the guestbook and my entries and cannot find anywhere where I have advocated the use of drugs (those medically engineered or otherwise) as the solution to the MRP dilemma. What I have advocated, and still do, is the need for in-depth research to discover and hopefully unlock the secrets behind the cause(s) of MRP. Whether the solution will require the invention of a new drug cannot be determined at this early stage. However I personally doubt that merely a psychological approach is sufficient to counter MRP. Were this the case, it would be reasonable to expect the existence of reports, studies, etc., through the centuries of other males who by possessing a similar mindset as yourself were/are able to experience natural multiple orgasm with full, natural ejaculation, and without needing to use any cognitive techniques to interfere or interrupt the male sexual response cycle. After all, the ejaculatory-control techniques have been recorded and passed down through the ages for over 2,000 years.
Tuesday 04/27/1999 5:55:01am
What is happening? Any "new" news? The continual changes and upgrades to this site are impressive.
Thank you! Actually, no. No new changes, yet. Been way too busy, still. I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday 05/05/1999 5:57:20pm
Angel Madge
Nice place! I like to learn more and more things about sex. I think is a very good way to satisfy your woman and at the same time have a great time!
Nobody knows everything and the wiser you are about sex the crazier you get your girl.
Good luck!
May the force be with you
Hmmm, wonder which "force" that might be. hehehe Thank you for your comments. I agree fully.
Wednesday 05/19/1999 4:58:22pm
Hello, I enjoyed your site. I have to say that I am one person who doesn't go down after ejaculation. I think that it is more of a mental thing. I could make my girlfriend cum all night long if she would let me. I have made her have 8 orgasms (could have been more lost count) in a 45 minute time frame. It turns me on more to see her have an orgasm than for me too. Don't get me wrong I like to cum too but it is more gratifying to me to see her. I would like to make love to her all night to see how many time she would come. I think that she would be too weak to move the next day! I try to make our sexual experiences better than the last each time. Thanks for letting me comment.
Thank you. Congrats on your capacity, as well. I think you may be right, to an extent. I think a lot of it might very well be mental... as in degree of arousal. Keep on cummin'!
Tuesday 05/25/1999 10:20:08am
Chicago Burbs
For me, being multi-orgasmic might have been inevitable, given my insatiable sex drive, but it wasn't until I met the right woman that I realized my potential. I've always been highly sexually charged, and having the ability to have sex for a couple of hours non-stop. But I didn't realize that I was multi-orgasmic until I met the woman who is the love of my life. We have a relationship and sex-life that is incredibly passionate and intimate. Every time we make love I cum an average of 3 times. Her inspiration has led me to feats such as cumming 8 times (yes, I said EIGHT) within an hour, and our most recent record over the last weekend of my having an orgasm 24 times in only 20 hours. When we contemplate these feats of sexuality we look into each others eyes with delight and disbelief. I don't think I could have attained this potential without the right woman.
It's obvious you are a very fortunate man in having such a lovely, and loving, woman. Keep on showin' her that "appreciation" as often as you both enjoy, and I wish you both the best... however, it would seem you both have already found it. :)
Saturday 06/12/1999 5:46:38pm
San Diego
Jeff's (202) response should be encouraging to all men. It tells that the conventional wisdom about male sexuality need not limit anyone's performance. I also agree with him that the right partner is all important. I'd also like to point out that myths about age — especially the one about males reaching their physical/sexual prime in their late teens, aren't necessarily true. At 49, I seem to be able to do about half what he describes himself as doing (i.e., climaxing 10-12 times over an evening through next morning period). There has to be some point where physical performance declines with age, but there's no reason it should happen in the 20s, 30s, or 40s, assuming good health. Of course, if you are led to believe you will fade, then you will certainly fade.
I wish there was a more active and frequent discussion in this forum/guestbook.
Friday 07/09/1999 7:35:33am
I have enjoyed this site immeasurably but wonder if there are any other web sites discussing male sexuality. There are a number on female sexuality but they don't let me talk about their sexuality. (Feminist bias: They believe that our culture is obsessed with male sexuality when, in fact, there is little frank discussion of it.)
How I wish that there were, John. While there are plenty of porn-related sites out there that certainly appeal to men, there are few sites on male sexuality and even fewer on male sexual potential — except for the many tantric-related sites. And while these tantric sex sites do provide valuable information on sexual potential, they unfortunately subscribe to the millennias'-old belief that men can only achieve greater erotic potential through the employment of ejaculation-control techniques. This diminishes men rather than accomplishing them in that it attempts to vilify ejaculation as both harmful and detrimental to sexual performance and sexual pleasure.
What to my mind is truly unfathomable is why it is that so few in the sexological community seem to be the least interested in exploring the true male sexual potential. Instead, all (save for this site) happily accept and conform their own teachings to the ancient Taoist superstitions concerning ejaculation and the male refractory period (or post-ejaculatory interval, as it is also called) that such full ejaculation is said to cause. And while full ejaculation does tend to result in such a refractory period, it should be obvious to all visiting this site, reading the published study herein contained, as well as the many guestbook entries from other men claiming similar sexual capacity, that the true male sexual potential is much greater than these so-called sexologists would have us believe.
This unprecedented study was conducted almost five years ago and publically presented to the professional sexological community at international conventions in 1996 and 1997. This website has been up and running for almost three years, and the study has been published and available to the professional scientific community since January of this year. And yet despite this, to date not a single inquiry has been made by anyone in the scientific sexological community regarding future research or further investigation of any kind. The actual researchers of the study itself have since gone back to their original research into — you guessed it — female sexuality and female sexual potential, and have expressed no further interest in pursuing further investigation in this area despite the astounding results of this study. And while I am very thankful to them for their efforts in seeking the necessary funding for this initial study, and their time and energy in both conducting the study and in co-authoring it with me, I admit some frustration at the continuing indifference apparent following its supposedly "physiologically impossible" results. So John, what can I say except that I fully agree with you.
Monday 07/12/1999 12:11:08am
Thanks for your response. I am sorry to hear that researchers are not interested in your amazing case study, though I am not surprised.
I posted a similar query on an active discussion group called "Clit Board" but they censor all mention of male sexuality (they actually remove posts that ask questions related to male sexuality or even male-female sexuality).
One of the editors gave a snide response that our culture is only concerned with male sexuality, so women need outlets, research, encouragement, etc. A good example of what several authors have called the "feminization of American society." The process is so complete that most people cannot even imagine viewing such subjects from a man's point of view.
You've come a long way, baby....
LOL! I hear that!
Well, thankfully it would appear not all feminist-based groups are as strident in their militancy. As a guest to the Chatroom was kind enough to inform me yesterday, Playgirl magazine (August 1999) did a feature article about our study on natural technique-free multi-o's, and the multiorgasmic techniques used by others. So, at least there are some women out there who are still more interested in male sexuality than they are in feminist politics.
Hmmm... sensual feminism — now there's a wonderful concept! Make love, not war — right Ms. Steinem? ;)
Wednesday 07/21/1999 7:53:33am
Wow... after those last few entries, I have to add my comments, from a female perspective. I have followed this site and the research with great interest for some time. I for one think it is a grave injustice for males and females that no one seems interested in taking this preliminary study further! Being a MO woman with a degree of satisfaction in my own sexuality, I get sick of the feminist politics of it all! Too bad other sites want to discourage open discussion of men and women... someone feeling threatened? Perhaps a revitalization of discussion will happen here, as in the past! I still applaud the guts it took to seek a legitimate research team and put yourself under the microscope with hopes of answers that could benefit others! Do not lose may be around the corner yet!
So nice to receive an entry from you again, Teresa. Thank you for such wonderfully encouraging words. At times I feel like simply gathering together a select group of MO women like you, grabbing a few video cameras, condensing a few days worth of sexual ecstacy into a few hours of the most incredible true MO sex ever filmed... much less imagined... marketing it worldwide, and then see if the world remains as indifferent to the potentials! Hmmm... tempting! ;)
Thursday 07/22/1999 9:57:54am
What a delicious, tempting idea indeed! =)
Hmmm... now where'd I put the video camera and actress releases? ;)
Thursday 08/05/1999 1:35:31pm
Nashua, NH
I was reading through the old guestbook articles, and there were several posts about the "Pandora's Box" that MMO could potentially open.
I have to disagree.
I think that if all men were free of the MRP, that, largely, there would be less pressure to have sex often because sex would be eminently more fulfilling to each and every man.
Would guys masturbate more often? Perhaps.
There are limits to the flesh, that affect both men and women. I think that's enough to rely on. I don't know about you, but I've had a few "masturbationfests" in my time, in which I attempted to pack several of my usual MRP-infested sessions into a short time. The novelty quickly wore off.
Nothing facilitates a short MRP for me than the arousal I find with a partner who is attractive to me, attracted to me, and with whom I have a fulfilling intimate emotional relationship.
My $0.02 :)
Hmmm... well, as for the increased sex, as a result? Well, probably, yes! Is that so bad? However, with men's and women's sexual responses more in sync, only those with low libidos would have a problem with this... and if that's the problem, then they shouldn't be worrying about it anyway; no multi-guy would be interested in them anyway! hehehe
On this issue, my own view on this is that men's emotional attitudes toward women, and their subsequent treatment of them would improve by quite a bit. I strongly feel that men treat women in accordance with their sexual treatment of them. In other words, they have a "wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am" attitude towards women as a result of their sexual response, which is much the same as most men's emotional attitudes toward them. Were men able to still find women desirable sexually after orgasm, rather than to find they basically have lost interest in them due to MRP, they would mirror this emotionally. In other words, their desire, and thus their emotion for women would remain after the "conquest" (this word, itself, bespeaks how men view women sexually... and thus, emotionally as well). As for the increased sex, as a result? Well, probably, yes! Is that so bad? However, with men's and women's sexual responses more in sync, only those with low libidos would have a problem with this... and if that's the problem, then they shouldn't be worrying about it anyway; no multi-guy would be interested in them anyway! hehehe
Thanx for your two-cents, Hogarth!
Sunday 08/15/1999 10:34:21pm
Once again I would like to thank the good people who are doing this study and trying to help all of us MO deprived men out there <hehe>.. It took me about a week to even find a male sexuality related site on the internet.. Plus most of the stuff you read on here is pure trash, from "sexperts" to tantric yuppie 50 year olds.. I've had enough.. I have heard comments on the message board and other places from "wham-bam thank you ma'am" types of guys, and yes it doesn't surprise me.. But I am not that type. I wish for this MRP thing to go away, even though mine is shorter than most guys, because I want to be on a level playing field with my girlfriend.. I want us to both be able to satisfy each other equally, for a lengthily amount of time. I'm sick of holding my orgasm! :) I would just like to thank you good people for finally making an effort to solve this peculiar problem. Kudos to you and best of luck, I'll be buying your pills if you make it!
Regards, Jay.
Congratulations, Jay!!!
Welcome to the small but growing number of men who are beginning to free themselves from the brainwashing and indoctrination heaped upon them by Taoists and Tantrics (and most recently, all the profiteering "sexperts") for millennia.
If men are ever to be capable of escaping the bonds of MRP, it is indisputable that first they must have good solid evidence to believe that it is a limitation they can escape. This study is the first to provide indisputable evidence that such is possible, and that for at least one man such is indeed the case and has been for him for almost 40 years. This study was not a fluke, nor were its unprecedented findings at all unusual to the research subject, but served only as a necessary documentation in a laboratory setting of a natural sexual capacity which this research subject has experienced all his life.
It is our hope that with the proper sponsorship, the secrets which his sexual physiology possesses might someday be revealed for the benefit of all, men and women alike.
Tuesday 08/17/1999 4:05:56pm
robert bieganski
Las Vegas area
I have been trying to find an answer to pre-climax fluid under a microscope. Looks like thousands of well organized branches, and some perfect squares and rectangles. What is it and what does it do? It is not in the semen at all.
Well, that's because the pre-cum fluid is not produced in the seminal vesicles as is the bulk of the seminal fluid. Pre-cum is a special secretion of the Cowper's Gland and thus its consistency and composition is different.
Monday 09/13/1999 11:59:17am
Does medical science know what physiological processes actually cause the MRP?
In a word, no.
I have yet to find a single study on the Male Refractory Period (MRP), at all. Isn't that incredible?! With all the research that has been conducted on male sexuality and the related fields of andrology, urology, and reproductive biology, no one has ever bothered to ask, "Why MRP?" Newton could ask, "why did that apple fall." Einstein could ask, "Why does light bend?" Even Clinton could ask, "Why didn't I make her wash that damned dress?!" Yet science has never bothered to investigate why it is that natural ejaculation triggers MRP. We know no more about MRP now than we did 4,000 years ago.
Let's hope this study finally wakes the research community up, and prompts those funding it to consider the potentials — and finally go, "hmmm...!"
Wednesday 09/15/1999 4:55:30am
Congratulations for your study and this very interesting website! I'm planning to write a book on male sexuality and especially on MMO. So I would like to quote from the study and from your answers in the guestbook. May I do this?
Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much. I've been trying to keep it somewhat interesting. And now that the site is in the process of a complete facelift, I hope it will be even more so.
As for your questions regarding the use of the site material for a book... I generally don't have a problem with that, so long as the book does not have the study as its focus. I'm writing the book on that! It doesn't seem that it would, given your description of it, but just want to be certain. As long as the study is part of an overall book on male sexuality, I'm fine with that. And, as the material on the site is protected by copyright, it is appropriate that you asked. Thanx. Oh! And please let me know if the book is published! I'd love to get a copy!
Saturday 10/16/1999 7:32:53am
And I thought I was alone with this trouble !! I would love to be able to hang in there with my partner.. Or at least not have the feeling of wanting to roll over and go to sleep !! I have with some hard efforts been able to control myself on occasions . But that also seems to take away greatly from love making .. A feeling of not being fully into the moment. Or more like a feeling of just working as a living breathing dildo .. Keeping the ability to have an extended love making and not just sex would be great !! Its about time for a study of this kind, and in the age of Viagra We should be near to finding the answers .. I hope !!!!! I guess I just want to do more for my partner than just the norm ..
Wednesday 10/20/1999 6:18:00am
Private Message 214
Saturday 10/30/1999 1:24:05pm
I have always been fascinated with this subject, especially how multiple orgasms effect semen quantity. Specifically, entry #43 is interesting in that he spells out the actual amounts, although I agree some of them seem a bit high. 10ml is indeed high, but not unheard of. As for my experiences, I am not a true multiple orgasmer, but I do seem to have the capability of frequent ejaculations with little refractory time. When I was 21 I managed 4 complete ejaculations in 15 minutes, but I can't remember if I lost my erections. Today, at age 40 I can still manage two or three full ejaculations within 10 or 15 minutes, but with a very short refractory. Like entry #43, my semen volume runs somewhat high, I regularly ejaculate 6-7ml, but unlike many I can usually do almost the same volume a half hour or 45 minutes later, instead of decreasing. In reading through replies I also noticed no talk of precum. How does this play into multiple orgasms, do most have it? I don't know if it because I have high semen volume, but I also precum quite a bit, up to 1ml at a time.
I'll let the Research Subject answer this one:
"My own experience is that after the first ejaculation, the semen volume decreases quite significantly. The second ejaculation (second orgasm) is usually of decent volume, yet usually only about half that of the first. After about five orgasms only the smallest amount of semen is expelled.
One important distinction however: there is no direct connection or correlation in my experience between the amount of ejaculate expelled and the intensity of the orgasm. Arousal and physical stimulation — without using techniques to stop orgasm/ejaculation — are the best determinants of the intensity of orgasmic pleasure."
Sunday 11/07/1999 9:41:48am
Dr. Jane Wiscoe (MSRI, Inc.)
Princeteon, Cornell U.
Hello, I'm an assistant professor of reproductive physiology, and think I can answer some questions here; it seems that the male refractory period is caused by the neurotransmitter serotonin acting on 5HT-2 receptors in the hypothamalamus upon being released from the midbrain upon ejaculation. This study seems to imply some sort of blockage of this release, but the lack of actual data such as MRI studies leaves this open to speculation.
However, it's clear that any attempt to block the MRP would likely have to also block this release.
Can't you guys think of anything else? LOL
I would be most interested in reading the study/ies that reference this conclusion. Should such studies have been conducted, I have not heard of them and would greatly appreciate a citation I may investigate.
I fully agree that MRI studies would be greatly beneficial in better understanding what physiological process(es) is/are involved. Thus, again, the need for further research. Given your stated status at "Princeton, Cornell U", any suggestions?
As for your last comment, this site addresses a subject of great concern for men. Thus, yes, there is quite a bit of interest in it. Be thankful that, as a woman, you are not sexually limited by a Male Refractory Period (MRP)
Monday 11/08/1999 10:39:22am
Dr. Jane Wiscoe
Princeton, Cornell
I'm only a consulting assistant working occasionally at the universities; right now I'm involved in an international zoological preservation effort.
Offhand, I might offer the names of Almquist and Hale, since I understand they did some extensive male physiological research, but mostly on bovines. As you've no doubt discovered, human research data is difficult to come by in this field. Other studies include DS Lorraine in the Dec. 1997 Journal of Neuroscience, pages 9361-6, which documented postejaculatory increases in extracellular serotonin in the lateral hypothalamic area. You might even try looking in the reproductive physiology department at the biosciences division right there at Rutgers; I understand they've done some animal studies there.
And yes, I am very multi, thank you — when, that is, I can find the good sort of bloke who has it upstairs as well as downstairs (and you'd be quite surprised how hard that is to find, no matter WHAT you look like, or even if you're under 30! LOL
Thank you very much for this information. I'll try to find these articles you have referenced. As you acknowledge as well, unfortunately none of these are human studies. Wonderful that you are also multi! As a multiorgasmic woman, I would love to hear your opinion were you to have the choice of choosing between a male with MRP (the norm), and one without MRP. How might this affect — in your opinion —, both positively and negatively, the various facets of a relationship: sexual (obviously) as well as emotional?
Monday 11/08/1999 4:35:58pm
Dr. Jane Wiscoe
Princeton, Cornell U
Well, like I said, it would be nice to have be able to find a man who had stamina to match his intellect. If you know anybody who has both, I'd love to meet him! LOL
— Jane
Well, I'm sure with a statement like that, you'll be getting plenty of offers. And while I don't know of anyone fitting that bill (hmmm... stamina AND intelligence?! hehehe), I'll keep my eyes open for ya.
Tuesday 11/09/1999 2:10:53pm
Dr. Jane Wiscoe
Well I'm quite used to the offers, it's the delivery that most seem to fall short on!
Nice meeting you!
Well, sexually interested men can have a lot in common with salesmen and politicians in that often the "sales pitches" overstate the actual "goods", as do their "campaign promises," their true intents — once "elected."
Saturday 11/20/1999 0:45:42am
So, is there any chance that funding and research will continue?
The more people there are asking that question, the greater the chances for finding funding sources.
Wednesday 12/01/1999 7:11:23pm
Dallas, Texas
I think that if men don't do this for themselves then at least learn the skill for our women. I need all the information I can get to learn this technique. Please send me the information. ASAP.
Thank YOU
I think you might wish to take a second look at the site. Great effort has been taken to differentiate this site from all the other "multiorgasmic" technique-driven sites, books, studies, etc., out there. There are no techniques that men can learn that will give them this natural multiorgasmic ability. The defeat of MRP is going to take more than mere exercises, diets, or techniques. It's going to take more investigation and more research to discover what exactly triggers MRP from a physiological standpoint. Then, by comparing this process with those males, who like myself, lack the same, I am hopeful that it will prove possible to isolate and hopefully reproduce this capacity in "normal" males. Then and only then will men and women finally be able to explore and share our true sexual and emotional potentials — together.
Thursday 12/16/1999 10:53:27pm
Hi, I am a 21 year old male and I can have these multiple natural orgasms. I thought I was alone with this issue, and it seems nobody believes me. Like others have stated there is a dramatic decrease in semen volume after each orgasm. The most orgasms I have ever had in a short period of time (5 minutes after the first ejaculation) is 4.
I have never tried to see how many I could have in a longer period of time because I never realized how uncommon this was. It is very easy for me to have a second orgasm within one minute of the first.
Sounds like you are one of the very few, also. When were you first aware of having this ability?
Thursday 12/23/1999 8:04:10pm
I've learned that extensive sexual activity following a single ejaculation can cause temporary prostate problems in normal men (as can withholding ejaculation ala "tantrics" etc), leading to frequent urination during the night. I believe this is a side-effect of MRP, since it forces the prostate to work when it is not ready; does this person experience any such effects? If not, then it would lend credence to this hypothesis.
While I'm not exactly sure what this theory is, or how it might relate to natural, fully ejaculatory orgasms, in my case there have been no prostate-related difficulties thus far. Despite our research Subject's experiencing, on average, between 5-10 orgasms daily (or perhaps rather, because of it), he continues to have a perfectly functioning prostate. Frankly, it is my own theory that it is due to this constant "sexercise" that his prostate remains healthy and strong.
Thursday 12/23/1999 10:24:50pm
Male Scientific Research Institute, Inc.
MSRI (Male Sexual Research Institute)
Research on an MMO treatment has begun!
Surf to the website for more info and a market survey.
Sounds intriguing. While this site gives no indication of any actual research being presently conducted, there does appear an important marketing survey and information regarding MRP in general, which I am sure will be of much use in preparing a preliminary proposal for possible future research use. Of course it stands to reason that if this organization is legit, they would need to study men like me whose sexual physiologies are naturally devoid of MRP if they hope to achieve success in their research.
Given the information, terminology, and philosophy of the MSRI website, it would appear to have been created as a result of this website, here. Of course, I welcome any and all assistance in creating and fomenting interest in this very important subject. Rock on, MSRI!
Monday 12/27/1999 1:51:24am
I have read all about the male multiple orgasm w/o ejaculating, but in all of those books I read that they are more intense than regular orgasms. Now I don't know what to think.
Until research can discover how men can experience full orgasm without also succumbing to MRP, the question of which is more pleasurable is pretty academic for all men with MRP since they cannot personally experience natural multiple orgasms.
So for now, experiment with the two options currently available. Try single orgasm with ejaculation and mini-orgasms without ejaculation, and see which works best for you. Once the third alternative is finally researched and hopefully made available to men, then the truth of which is better will become obvious.