Multiorgasmic Guestbook
<< 2001 >>

       Tuesday 02/20/2001 7:28:30am
       G Clarke
       Montreal, Quebec

       This is bumming me out a little. As I'm not the first documented case of male multiple orgasm.
       My only witnesses are those women who were present at the time. I'll admit this doesn't happen each time I have sex, in fact it has happened only about 3 times in me lifetime, but I've experience 4 orgasms, with full ejaculation, with a brief rest period between each orgasm. The time between each was approximately a minute to 2 minutes. There were very clear to me individual orgasms, as each had the intense build up prior to ejaculation, followed by the point of no return feeling, then a final release. The first of such experiences occurred as far back as 1988, and as recently as 1997.
       I've always wondered how it was possible, having studied the biology of sex in college.
       I can also cause myself to ejaculate without stimuli of any sort, just through concentration and breathing. It's difficult but very possible. Much like a nocturnal emission would be through dreaming without actual physical stimulus. The very best orgasm I've ever experienced is one of this nature.

       Tuesday 02/27/2001 8:10:51am
       Private Message 253

       Sunday 03/18/2001 7:58:22pm

       I had a sexual encounter two nights ago where the female was amazed at what I've come to consider quite normal — I am quite easily able to achieve orgasm over and over on the same erection. I haven't really kept track of a record, but I think I could easily orgasm 15-30 times in an hour. The only thing that stops me is generally soreness. Just how rare is this condition?
       I have been this way since I started masturbating, that was at around 12 years of age. I have masturbated fairly infrequently, 1-3 times a week, sometimes with gaps as long as a month, since then.
       I can't say that I have any special technique, but that I just keep on masturbating. I come quite quickly, the first time, and sometimes with as short as 30 seconds of physical stimulation. The second one is the toughest, and requires the most physical stimulation, but after the second, they are quite regular; roughly 30 seconds to 2 minutes apart for as long as stimulation continues. The first one typically discharges the most semen, but little bits continue to come out through the first 5 or so. . . Ok. that's all.

       Sunday 03/18/2001 8:47:18pm

       one more thing: I have never had sexual intercourse (everything but), and I have always been concerned, that, when I do, while using a condom, after I ejaculate in the condom the first time, it will be likely to slip off because of all of the slippery fluid. One thought I've had would be that I would have to switch the condom after the first orgasm, but I'd obviously prefer not to fiddle with it. I have also thought that putting a rubber band around the base of it for extra security would be a good idea. What are your thoughts on using condoms as a true multi-orgasmic male? I'd like to know what others have done. Thanks.
       Research Subject: "Hmmm... well, personally I think after the first orgasm you should remove the condom, pour its contents down your lover's throat, replace it, and take her again while she enjoys savoring your aftertaste."
       Hey... you asked!

       Thursday 03/22/2001 5:11:19pm
       Pierre Becking
       Goettingen, Germany

       This is an ability to be envious of :))
       Though I want to comment on two things:
       — "Truely" being multiorgasmic is not that rare. Being very "horny" at times I can myself experience orgasm, ejaculation, not lose my erection and "go on". This works only for vaginal intercourse. Of a friend of mine I know what he can do this as well. This works for me for two orgasms with ejaculation.
       — No, we are not talking "Mini orgasms" when holding back the ejaculation with the PC muscle. Those are full blown, intense orgasms that are even more intense than the usual ejaculatory ones. This I can say from own experience.
       best regards, Pierre

       Friday 03/23/2001 9:53:51am
       Pierre Becking

       Ups... the "double orgasm" variety I found you described earlier in the guestbook... so never mind about that one ;)
       One thing I still wanted to mention about PC controlled non-ejac orgasms: having trained PCs and done this for some time, there is virtually no tension needed to hold back ejaculation; no "forcing oneself" and losing pleasure thereby... at least for me. So this still is a great, revolutionary method for all us zillion men who don't have this divine gift of real multi orgasm.

       Wednesday 05/16/2001 10:02:55am
       Maurice Bergen

       hm... interesting.... not one single entry or reply in months...
       hope the subject or your site hasn't literally jerked himself off to death there..... :))
       Not yet... no. But thank you for your concern.

       Sunday 05/20/2001 11:13:33am
       Floyd Smith
       Colorado Springs, Colorado

       This is to Ed with the condom problem.
       Let it be known to all that condoms CAN be reused. (By the same person of course.) All you need to do is shake the fuck out of it.
       Much more fun havin' her suck the load out each time. ;)

       Monday 05/21/2001 1:43:34pm
       Mike Remblor

       Either that, Maurice, or he found out that jacking off all day doesn't look as good on a resume as he thought; to date, he's amounted to nothing more than a sideshow freak for porn mags, and now he's forced into marketing cum-sweeteners (I won't ask how he knows it works). Still he says that SOMEDAY there will be research funds pouring in and we'll all become human fountains.
       Note to your multi guy: aside from sexual compulsives, no one gives a rat's ass! Maybe you just can't get it right the first time like normal men.
       Mike can't seem to make up his mind. First he mocks this site and the unlimited male sexual capacity it reports as only being of interest to "sexual compulsives" (btw... how's therapy goin', Mike?), then slams us for not yet being able to give him this same supposedly "compulsive" ability.
       As for Semenex, the "cum-sweetener", it's hardly a burden marketing such an innovative and popular product. As for how we know it works, what's the mystery? Our lovers tell us so. Of course this presupposes you have a sex partner, Mike. Perhaps the lack of same in your case is what has you so clueless. Or might it be the other way around.

       Tuesday 06/12/2001 11:29:30am

       I too have multiorgasms. They are always during prolonged masturbation sessions. I will usually have them after long sessions of stimulation to my penis. When I finally do have an orgasm I am able to have a couple orgasms at a time. I am always so amazed when this happens. I thought your information was informative and helpful. Thanks for showing I am not alone.
       This double-orgasm phenomenon is by far the most common form of natural male multiorgasm w/o MRP and usually is experienced during unusually high arousal or, as in your case, arousal built up over an extended period of time and usually accompanied by stimulation that results in frequent approaches to orgasm then backing away only to again approach, and in this manner, build the arousal even further. The desired result being that when orgasm is finally allowed to occur, it is generally much stronger and much more fulfilling, sometimes resulting in the male's ability to jump over MRP and re-enter the pre-orgasmic phase (Plateau) with no "down"time or rest period needed.

       Thursday 06/21/2001 9:00:43am

       Is it more fulfilling for the test subject when this happens, or just when he does it his usual way?
       Not sure what you mean by "when this happens" as opposed to "his usual way."
       If you are referring to the study, itself, there was nothing fulfilling about sex in a laboratory setting. While the Research Subject did experience the number of orgasms documented, it was far below that normally experienced, both in numbers and in overall pleasure and fulfillment. Understandably, it was not fun being by himself and having to follow rigorous verbal reporting procedures throughout the study while attached to medical monitoring equipment and without a partner. Thus, yes, I'm sure he most certainly does prefer sex the "usual way"... with a partner and without the laboratory setting. ;)
       Hope that answered your question.

       Wednesday 06/27/2001 6:46:45pm

       Your quote from below:
       "This double-orgasm phenomenon is by far the most common form of natural male multiorgasm w/o MRP and usually is experienced during unusually high arousal or, as in your case, arousal built up over an extended period of time and usually accompanied by stimulation that results in frequent approaches to orgasm then backing away only to again approach, and in this manner, build the arousal even further. The desired result being that when orgasm is finally allowed to occur, it is generally much stronger and much more fulfilling..."
       This is what I meant; is it stronger more fulfilling as well when doing it this way, than if just done normally without any such techniques?? I'm trying to get a picture of whether it applies the same way regardless of whether or not MRP exists.
       Okay... I think I understand your question, now. And yes, it's always fun to build almost to orgasm and back off, then build up to it again a few times before actually experiencing orgasm and ejaculation. Such "teasing" of yourself does tend to heighten the pleasure when you finally do let yourself cum. And I'm sure normal men (w/ MRP) experience this as well.

       Friday 07/13/2001 11:56:10pm

       Very interesting. I have experienced this ability to avoid the "rest" period between orgasms only half a dozen times in my memory. What seems to be important in achieving this state is a totally open, engaged attitude towards ones sexuality.
       The dynamics of sexuality in general in our society have made this openness virtually impossible to achieve for most of us at all. A few fortunate souls have truely sex-positive experiences once or twice in their lives yet the problem isn't so much that the body needs the rest, as it is our individual isolation from others that prevents us from wanting any interaction with partners afterwards.
       I have to say here that I am impressed with the authors ability to focus on this inner reality well enough to perform as shown without a partner. I submit that this is most probably due to his prior experience with his own ability to remain engaged with his partner(s) throughout orgasm.
       But many things in our lives prevent us from feeling the trust, faith and spiritual connection with our partners that is needed to achieve this state. Even with partners with whom one feels spiritually connected, totally trusts and about whom there are no questions of jealousy or possessiveness, difficulties arise due to the influences of societal attitude about live in general and sexuality in particular that it is a wonder most partners can enjoy sex at all. It is only due to the extreme reward we feel, whether it is having one or multiple orgasms, that we continue to pursue it at all.
       The real reasons for this exhaustion on the part of men is the way we are conditioned to think about sex, male orgasm in particular. It is the goal, the "brass ring" in and of itself. We invest tremendous energy in this goal. When we achieve it, we are spent, as a racer is when he crosses the finish line. Without good reason, generally, we have engaged in sex with another for the achievement of this goal, and without further good reason, it is way too much effort to overcome the physical exhaustion that accompanies it.
       In order to avoid this, one must be committed to the idea of mutual satisfaction MORE than one is interested in the orgasm itself. This does in no way imply that one won't enjoy the orgasm; quite the contrary. Allowing ones orgasm to engulf one while continuing ones efforts to be there for ones partner is the penultimate sexual experience.
       Personally, I am sure that many men have experienced this at least once or twice in their lives and all other sexual experiences have been lessened by the memory.
       The real final solution to this "rest" problem is a real and open approach to sexuality and truth and honesty in our lives in general as well. We have to build trust and distinctly human bonds with others if we are to be able to connect with anyone sexually in a healthy enough way for males to achieve this state. A recognition of the physiological realities of sexuality will not, of itself, rid society of the repression that has built up around the entire subject.
       To address the problem at it's root, each person will have to truely care about everyone else. Start with those closest to you, and work on caring about the neighbors, the people you work with, others you only see once in a while, etc.
       The side effects to our society do not need to be mentioned here as they are all too obvious. But there is where the greatest resistance to such an approach will come from.
       I can here the cries now:
       "What? You just want everyone to love one another? You mean if someone wants to have sex, no body should get jealous or anything? You mean end hate? War? OH NO!"
       Think people, such a simple thing. Start by just caring about one another. Become close to as many people as your life gives you time for. Where appropriate, enjoy the company of others intimately, without possessiveness or jealousy. Care for those close to you. Care for strangers. How can you expect anyone to care about you if you don't?
       In love, Gandalf the Grey Wanderer
       Interesting viewpoint, and worth considering by everyone.
       Of course where MRP is concerned, there's a lot more going on with it than can be overcome just through a positive mental/emotional attitude. Of course I agree that sensual involvement is certainly tied to emotional involvement, even in men. And where both can be heightened, arousal is heightened also, which can have significant effect on reducing MRP in most men.
       However only further scientific study has any hope of actually succeeding in identifying and possibly overcoming the psycho-physiological causes of MRP.
       Speaking of which, I'll use this opportunity to announce that two separate universities have just this past week contacted us interested in sponsoring and conducting the research into MRP championed by this site for these past five years. We'll keep you all posted.

       Thursday 08/23/2001 6:14:36pm
       John Olmos

       So any news so far?
       By "news," I will assume you are referring to the mention I made in reply to the previous guestbook entry that two universities had expressed interest in sponsoring research. If so, all I can report is that it is still under investigation by them. One of the universities, in particular, seems truly serious and is currently investigating sponsorship and funding options. I will of course update this site as soon as we have something specific to announce. Thanks for your inquiry.

       Thursday 10/04/2001 6:56:03am

       And to think that this all started because I wanted to research the meaning of Rephaim! Very enlightening information. Will be keeping my fingers crossed that more men will be able to experience what women have been capable of for ages.
       Thank you for your remarks, "puddin." I hope you found your Rephaim questions answered. Only at this site is the truth concerning them and their "Nosferatu" legacy revealed.

       Thursday 10/04/2001 2:22:33pm

       It is definitely true that learning how to isolate, strengthen, and contract the P.C. muscle does not create multiple orgasms in men. What is not true however, is that it INHIBITS sexual pleasure — as is mentioned in quotes on your pages. Even hinting at this does men a great disservice.
       Quite the contrary — learning how to contract the P.C. muscle during orgasm has lead me to MUCH MORE INTENSE AND PLEASURABLE ORGASMS than I had before learning this technique.
       You use the word "technique" in a negative way, yet the results of this technique are FAR from negative.
       If this muscle is well conditioned, and you really "clamp down," the orgasm is incredible, and the ejaculate really SHOOTS out far! After a while there really is no "effort" involved — it becomes something you do naturally each time you orgasm.
       I am Gay, and I have been with a few other guys who know how to do this — but the vast majority do not. Many men I have been with comment on the intensity of my orgasms and how far I "squirt," while they "just dribble."
       I have also read many letters from straight men in magazines like "Playboy" or "Men's Health" complaining that they just dribble ejaculate while some porn stars seem to "shoot across the room." These guys want to know the secret, and they are never given the right answer.
       Obviously some porn stars (and some non porn stars like myself) have discovered that the secret to experiencing more intense orgasms (albeit single ones) and to ejaculating more forcefully, lies in a well conditioned P.C. muscle.
       While your research on multiple orgasms is interesting, it is out of reach for almost every single male — making the whole subject a bit useless (I hope you don't take that personally).
       However, the technique I discuss — a way to increase male sexual pleasure tremendously — is attainable for almost every man. Therefore, it really should merit much more study, discussion, and coverage.
       This site has never portrayed the strengthening and contracting of the PC muscle as somehow inhibitive of sexual pleasure. This site has, however, correctly stated that the aborting of orgasm via PC muscle usage does inhibit sexual pleasure. This has been independently verified through the previous scientific research of Dr. Prakash Kothari ( Thus, while PC muscle techniques can be useful for men with MRP in providing them an important option to the "one-orgasm-per-erection" dilemma, natural uninterrupted orgasms requiring no cognitive techniques cannot help but be more pleasurable and rewarding.
       The intensity of pleasure experienced is always a very subjective matter. Thus, if your orgasms are found to be more satisfying through the use of such techniques, so much the better for you.
       Of course, until such time as men are able to be rid of the "mandatory" Male Refractory Period (MRP), they will never have opportunity to compare and see for themselves. Hence the focus and purpose of this website in engendering and fomenting further interest and, hopefully someday soon, further research.

       Saturday 10/06/2001 9:23:33pm

       >the aborting of orgasm via PC muscle usage does inhibit sexual pleasure. This has been independently verified via such orgasm-interrupting techniques
       Here is where you are confused about my comments: I am NOT "aborting" or "interrupting" anything. The technique is NOT FOR DELAYING EJACULATION OR ORGASM! Contracting the P.C. muscles AT THE MOMENT OF ORGASM results in a much more intense orgasm. Period.
       As the only "PC-muscle technique" defined and discussed at this site refers to that employed in interrupting orgasm and prohibiting natural ejaculation, your objection to this site's treatment of same makes little sense.
       If the technique you use does not interrupt ejaculation, as you claim, then this site's remarks do not relate to you at all.

       Monday 10/08/2001 2:19:06pm

       Fantastic resource of information! Keep it up.
       I don't know if anyone else has raised this point yet, I haven't read the guestbook all the way through.
       However, you seem to define MRP in terms of a time that a man is unable to have another erection or orgasm. My experience, however, is that it's much much more than this. The MRP is no less than an altered state of consciousness.
       I experience this myself. But does this make me weird? I don't think it does, because it's not just my own experience. It's also validated by talking to other men about it, and to sexually experienced heterosexual women. Also, the reaction that other men have had to sex with me seems to fit in with my casual observations.
       I could go into more detail, but in general, I feel more physically sensitive to touch of a non-erotic nature during a phase of MRP, and I'm also more emotionally sensitive. I become much more conscious of my surroundings, and am less able to concentrate on one thing (such as a book or TV screen). Furthermore, any repressed fears or inadequacies that I have in the back of my mind, but don't worry too much about, tend to come to the surface during a period of MRP. These fears can be about anything, and are not necessarily sexual anxieties.
       I believe that this altered state of consciousness that I get with MRP can actually be pleasant! But it can also be very unpleasant. It depends largely on whether my partner understands what I'm going through at the time, although my own thoughts and feelings and other factors can affect it too.
       I fancy women. My collection of porn features mostly women. However, my experience of sex with men has been far far more enjoyable than my experience of sex with women. Especially older men. Not because I'm less likely to have an orgasm with women, but because I feel better about it during that half-hour period just after orgasm — it feels so good as to make a lasting impression on me. It's only now that I have been able to put this into words for the first time, but that's why I say that the experience of MRP is not always bad, sometimes it really can be quite pleasant.
       It is my belief that a lot of what passes for conventional sexual morality and family values is actually the result of a bad MRP experience of a religious / philosophical thinker, or newspaper / magazine columnist.
       But I'd like to see some more proper scientific research into what causes this altered state of consciousness, or if there are any other side-effects of it that I haven't been able to put into words yet. Does anyone know if anyone has done any research into it?
       Or am I really the only man in the world who experiences this? And do none of you have the faintest idea what I'm on about? (which I doubt somehow — I'd like someone to comment on it either way) ...
       (See remarks to next entry, above.)

       Monday 10/08/2001 3:31:01pm

       I've just rethought some of my ideas about this now. Perhaps some of the positive things that I associate with MRP are actually a result the endorphins released in the brain by orgasm itself, rather than a side effect of MRP, thereby implying that if you can kill off the MRP, then these pleasant experiences might still exist.
       But I don't know, I can't tell them apart yet. It still seems that the women I've had sex with haven't understood this as well as men, though. I guess that women also experience this endorphin release when they have an orgasm, but they don't experience the refractory period. You'd have thought, though, that this would mean that they were able to understand some aspects of it, though .... but no, I find that's not the case when compared with my other (best) male partners.
       Clearly this can't be said of repressed fears surfacing just after orgasm. Women just don't understand that at all!
       The other things I experience that I forgot to mention is a general lowering of intellectual skills, such as having a sense of humor, or being able to appreciate irony.
       I've linked to a page in another forum (actually nothing to do with sex — it's actually a telco/ISP forum!) where someone posted a joke which sparked me off onto looking into this subject a bit more deeply, along with popular cultural references, for example, to films like Scream and Girl Interrupted. I'm glad they did, now! It really seems to be changing my life.
       This husband and wife are staying in a hotel, and after a romantic evening wining and dining they go off to bed.
       However, as soon as they settled down, the man leans over and whispers softly, "Hey snuggle boopy boops, your lickle hubby wubby isn't quite ready for bye-byes yet."
       The wife takes the hint and says, "OK, but I have to use the bathroom first."
       So off she goes but on her way back she trips over a piece of carpet and lands flat on her face. Her husband jumps up and exclaims in a concerned tone "Oh my little honey bunny, is your nosey-wosey all right?"
       No harm is done, so she jumps into bed and they have mad passionate sex for three hours. Afterwards, the wife goes off to the bathroom again, but on her way she trips over the same piece of carpet and again lands flat on her face on the floor.
       Her husband looks over and grunts "Clumsy bytch."

       I'd be glad to know your opinions on all this, and if there is anyone has done research into it or published literature about it at all.
       Bingo, "Squidgy"! You've correctly identified and separated two completely different phenomena occurring simultaneously.
       And you correctly include in this entry the fact that the wonderful feelings you previously attributed to MRP are, in fact, the results not of MRP but of the endorphins released at orgasm. These pleasurable post-orgasmic feelings have also been called "afterglow" for this very reason. This is a separate state entirely from MRP, though understandably occurring simultaneously. All true multiorgasmics also experience these wonderful endorphin-related feelings, though without experiencing MRP. The difference is that without MRP subsequent orgasms are immediately achievable, each additional orgasm releasing more and more endorphins quickly resulting in a heightened state of euphoria which biochemically is surprisingly similar to the same euphoria or "high" experienced with opiate narcotics. Of course, sex is one hell of a lot healthier and infinitely more fun.
       Oh, and btw... The URL you include perfectly illustrates in exaggerated fashion the stereotypical results that MRP has on most men in that following orgasm they lose all desire for the woman.

       Tuesday 10/09/2001 1:47:20pm

       >If the technique you use does not interrupt ejaculation, as you claim, then this site's remarks do not relate to you at all.
       OK. Have it your way.
       But the facts still remain.
       Having a well conditioned P.C. muscle, and contracting that muscle DURING ORGASM will bring a much, much, more intense orgasm. This is something almost everyman can take advantage of.
       Even though your site is about male MULTIPLE orgasms, it still is about MALE ORGASMS, and anything that can help your visitors have better, more intense orgasms is worth mentioning. Let me rephrase that . . . worth shouting from the hilltops!
       Evidently, very, very few can do what your research guy does. But for the other 150 million men out there it's certainly worth learning how to have earthshaking single orgasms — every time — until medical science conquers this "male refractory period," and we can all have multiples.
       Don't you agree.
       I cannot agree with what has not yet been adequately described.
       However, as we do not wish to have this guestbook become a message board with continual correspondences on this subject forever ping-ponging back and forth between us, write us direct at if you wish to discuss this further. As what you describe seems somewhat contradictory, if it turns out that such a technique does result in the increased pleasures you claim yet without interfering with natural ejaculation and sacrificing its pleasures, we shall be happy to consider its inclusion at this site.
       P.S. As expected, further email correspondence revealed that the "new" technique referenced was not new after all. The poster was merely squeezing his PC muscle at orgasm, which results in the interrupting of ejaculation. As usual in such cases as this, terminologies were not properly understood — a common occurrence with many due largely to the overwhelmingly confusing and oft-times contradictory terms and pseudo-terms found in "male multiple orgasm" books. It is to just such pseudo-science that this website is so strongly opposed.

       Saturday 10/13/2001 6:08:37pm

       When I was 43 I had sexual intercourse with my 25 year old son. It happened while we were on holiday together in Eilat, Israel. My husband was forced to cut short his holiday due to problems at work leaving me alone with my son in Israel. While we were there my son made a pass at me and we ended up having sex. Interestingly that was the only time I've ever experienced multiple orgasms and orgasms during actual intercourse. Although we had sex on holiday we agreed not to take it further once we returned home. Looking back now I find it fascinating that my only experience of multiple orgasms came about through incest.
       Unusually intense arousal can understandably result in unusually intense orgasmic experiences, including multiple orgasms. In your case it would appear that the "forbidden" sexual situation you described provided just such an experience for you. Of course, the emotional and practical aftermath of such an incestual experience can result in relationship complications much more far-reaching and potentially awkward than the momentary pleasures shared. Hopefully you both considered these carefully, first.

       Saturday 10/27/2001 3:18:02pm

       The phenomenon about which you are advertising is fascinating. I have read the book by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arava, "The multiOrgasmic man". I find it to be useful, however annoying. I do not like the idea of discarding that part of sex that I so much enjoy, the sensation, the thrill, and the sight of a proud gushing stream. The primary reasoning of this tome is that ejaculation should be deferred. The techniques are along the lines of circulating the body's energy. This same energy is probably what enables the subject of your research to do what he does....In the world of the occult one may find examples of gifted individuals. I suppose that if I were to tell you of a certain individual who can cry tears of blood on demand, you would be intrigued. Perhaps not.
       This individual describes the ability as merely "a gift from God".
       Nevertheless I am hoping that some secret may be revealed as to how your subject is able to accomplish his feat.
       I have heard of a "school" taught by a native American somewhere in the southwestern United States that will teach men how to obtain a totally spontaneous orgasm by practicing a special meditation and breathing technique. Although this is not the same as true multiple orgasmic ability, at least it is related.
       Thank you for your kind remarks here. Many share your annoyance at having to sacrifice ejaculation and its pleasures so as to avoid MRP following orgasm. But so far this is the only alternative Nature offers males: either sacrifice part of their orgasms or sacrifice their erections. In either case, MRP requires that pleasure be sacrificed one way or the other. Women are not forced into this choice by virtue of their not possessing a mandatory refractory period that must be endured.
       The purpose of this site is to forward the now-documented fact that MRP may not be as insurmountable as has always been believed; MRP can be naturally overcome, as proved by this study. Exactly how this can be accomplished is what remains to be discovered. As two other universities have expressed interest in continuing research, we continue to keep our fingers crossed.

       Sunday 11/11/2001 12:34:29am
       Mike Wilson
       Los Angeles

       This is what I need. Where do I send a check?
       Would that it were that simple. Were we able to sell some kind of pill that would eliminate MRP from a male's Sexual Response Cycle we would be all too happy to do so. Such a pill would make Viagra look like aspirin by comparison, providing near-unlimited orgasmic potential to men everywhere.
       Unfortunately, while such a pill might be possible, the research needed to discover such has yet to be funded and conducted. We have the one male whose natural physiology holds the key. However without the funds to conduct the necessary research, this fact does no one much good. Thus, unless you were interested in partnering with us by contributing several tens of thousands of dollars (at least) in having such research and product development conducted, there is nothing for which we could or would accept money.
       However, we do thank you for both your interest and your offer.

       Monday 11/19/2001 5:47:20pm
       The Rick

       Found your site listed on Maxim's top websites list. They were right! Keep it up!
       While Maxim preferred to focus on the Research Subject in their rather sensationalist copy promoting this site, we are grateful they found this site worthy of mention while also hopeful that visitors will see that this site's true focus is not on Richard Brent but instead on the importance of continued research into the Male Refractory Period. Only through such research can this near-universal male sexual limitation be investigated and hopefully eradicated, and the possible potentials for both male and female sexual fulfillment be achieved.
       Thank you for your entry and your remarks. They are very appreciated.

       Tuesday 12/11/2001 1:29:14pm
       Private Message 279

       Sunday 12/23/2001 7:12:01pm

       I've been checking back on this site for several years, but it seems to have stagnated. Apparently, no one in the field of sex research is interested in following up Beverly Whipple's study of you. Has she, too, lost all interest? If so, we need to ask why. Perhaps the only way to stimulate interest in MMO research is to get a celebrity (Sting, Woody Harrelson, Bob Dole?!) to publicize your case and its ramifications. Otherwise, this opportunity will pass.
       BTW, I once corresponded with a sex researcher who thought that your Subject's "condition" might be due to a lesion on a part of the brain regulating sexual response. Such lesions have caused multiple orgasms in lower mammal forms. Has anyone ever raised this possibility in their study of you?
       Well first off, thanks for checkin' back with us from time to time. To answer your question re: Dr. Whipple, she has made it abundantly clear that she is only interested in conducting future research on women. With the exception of our study, all previous research done by her has focused on female sexual response. She only did our study more out of professional curiosity due to its unique and unprecedented nature. As for celebrity endorsement, while this might help sell athletic shoes or cellphones, it would do nothing to help forward scientific research. Unfortunately, the latter takes time.
       As mentioned previously here, two universities in Indiana have expressed interest in conducting further research. The most promising of the two has promised an answer back after Christmas. So we'll keep everyone posted at the site.
       As for the suggestion that brain lesions might be the cause, I find such a theory extremely unlikely. Additionally, I can find no mention anywhere of any such study(ies) as you claim exist. Should you be able to provide any references for same, we would be very appreciative.

       Wednesday 12/26/2001 3:49:11pm
       Rayner Garner

       I have read your fascinating account before but see that you have added more information, which I enjoyed reading.
       It is a tragedy that so much research on sexuality is confined to Western subjects. When I read some years ago that male's potency declined from the age of seventeen onwards and women from forty I was puzzled.
       This odd disparity was cleared up for me when I went to carry out research on male sexuality in the Pacific Islands and met a Polynesian sexual healer. He explained that most Western men start getting sexually rejected from that age whereas women don't until they are in their forties!
       He explained that rejection is the greatest factor in diminishing potency. The truth of that was demonstrated to me after meeting Pacific Island women who were considerably more sexually assertive than most Western women of my acquaintance.
       I have been carrying out research on training Western men and women to have sexual pleasure and have found that the ability to have multiorgasmic responses with ejaculation is identical to that of many Pacific Island men that I observed.
       We are now seeking research funds to carry out trials which can demonstrate the techniques that I have developed to enable most males to be multiorgasmic with ejaculations with a partner.
       We are also working on filming our research for teaching purposes as working individually with students is very problematic in this culture. Using sexual surrogates is in a "grey area" of the law. The DA's usually don't prosecute unless there is a complaint, but who wants to risk the potential damage to reputation and risk of imprisonment! One can research violence with impunity! What a crazy culture!
       Keep up the good work and I will let you know if and when we succeed in raising the funds required. Perhaps you would be interested in participating?
       Best wishes, Rayner Garner
       Great to see you here again, Mr. Garner.
       Your previous information on Polynesian sexual culture was very intriguing and brought to our attention the existence of such a highly sensual culture, which was included in our investigation of the many ancient cultures that ultimately led in part to the Semenex ( formulation.
       Additionally, we thank you for the study you referenced in your email: "Sex and death: are they related?" (BMJ,1997;315:1641-1644). In linking frequent orgasm to longevity in males, this study goes a long way toward explaining yet another mythical attribute of the "Nosferati": extreme long "life."
       We wish you great success with your research and, should funds become available, your research suggestion sounds interesting. However, we are sure you would find nothing in common between any techniques taught and the natural capacity experienced by subjects such as that of our study. It would, however, make for an intriguing comparative study.

       Wednesday 12/26/2001 8:28:15pm
       Rayner Garner

       Thanks for your response. I should have been clearer in my comments. The techniques that I refered to are ones used to increase intimacy and remove any fears that either partner has on "losing control" and also allowing emotion to be released.
       I have found that these methods really help men to experience "natural" multiple orgasms with ejaculations. I definately do not suggest any form of withholding or limiting ejaculations. As you have written that is not at all necessary. In any case I suspect that for men, particularly over 50 years of age, it is very unwise to withold ejaculate. Not to cool for the prostate.
