Multiorgasmic Guestbook
<< 2003 >>
Wednesday 02/12/2003 9:12:42pm
Mattie Hyde
Woodstock, GA
After reading all this info, I've come to one conclusion. If you want to learn how to have multiple orgasms, remember what it was like to be 14 and you could masturbate over and over and over again and never tire. It's all psychological. Simple.
Friday 02/14/2003 5:15:46pm
Private Message 326
Saturday 03/08/2003 1:17:44pm
Private Message 327
Thursday 03/13/2003 5:27:51am
Dr. You-know who
Technically, the MRP is normally caused by a rush of serotonin from the rostral midbrain to the posterior hypothalamus, where it acts on the 5-HT2 post-synaptic neural receptors to inhibit the production of both nitric oxide, resulting in the loss of erection as well as dopamines, which causes a loss of pleasure and desire (see et al).
This test subject simply has an abnormal blockage or other dysfunction of this pathway; the only way to reproduce it in other men would be some sort of brain surgery or chemical lesioning of this pathway through injection, while pharmaceutical means are unlikely to be capable of this.
This study is interesting since it's the first one involving a human subject, but there have been similar studies involving animal subjects which documented this cause.
Sunday 03/16/2003 11:40:23pm
I sound much like the guy in your study except I can cum 7-12 times in about 5-10 minutes. Am I a candidate for this kind of research? I also feel that I have a trick to it which is in the way I position myself during stimulation. I don't know if this is something I could teach or what. PLEASE HELP
Sunday 05/04/2003 1:40:05am
It is very interesting to know were research subjects circumcised or not.
To be circumcised or uncircumcised may be one of the key moments of such an ability. Please email me if you know it and if possible.
Thursday 07/10/2003 5:06:55pm
I am infinitely grateful for the research that you are doing. In my psychology class, I was told that premature ejaculation was a sexual disorder. When the prof brought it up, the entire class laughed at it. Society has the wrong perception about this "disorder." I think that in order for MRP research to really take off, the attitude of society about the MRP MUST first be changed.
Thank you for your remarks.
This society has much to learn regarding sexuality, most importantly in learning the simple fact that sex is wonderful and never intended to be twisted by our current Society's schizophrenic views that have all of us hiding our sensual natures shamefully from those around us while loving to laugh with Howard Stern as he mocks and degrades women and those with sex-positive attitudes appearing on his show. As long as this culture continues in its damaging love/hate relationship with sexuality and our own bodies, much less that/those of others, we shall never emerge beyond the fifth-grade mentality of the college students in the class you mentioned.
We are very aware that, precisely as a result of the progressive nature of this study and the current sexual immaturity of this culture, further research will probably never see the light of day... at least not for several more decades, if not centuries.
I understand that your study is having funding problems. Have you ever considered setting up some sort of donation bank? I've seen other websites do this through a or another similar site. I'm sure that many people would GLADLY donate to this research project if given the chance to. I've seen sites with far less merit raise tens of thousands of dollars through these donation banks. You should seriously consider setting up one of these donation banks; it could bring in that funding that you need.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Frankly, funding is not the issue. Were genuine interest to be expressed by any legitimate sex researcher(s) in sponsoring the research, the funding could be easily acquired. What is infinitely more damaging to this research is not a lack of funding but instead the currently held attitude by most major sexologists that defeating MRP would be somehow dangerous to Society. Recently one of the most prolific sex researchers in this country wrote us stating (and I quote):
"I'm not sure it would be a great idea to give men the capacity for repeated orgasms. The refractory period is there for a purpose and the disadvantages of eliminating it may be difficult to foresee."
As I hope you can see... it is this attitude, reflected by most major sexologists, that is currently succeeding in stonewalling future research into this perhaps most-important sex research area. And while this wholly unscientific attitude prevails that, in effect, if man were meant to be multiorgasmic he would've been born without MRP, sensual equality and harmony between men and women will never be possible. And had previous researchers felt the same way regarding investigating the principles of flight (after all, by that logic, if man were meant to fly, wouldn't God have given him wings?) aviation and spaceflight would never have been attained. And imagine where we would be as a people and a nation today were such advances never allowed to be developed.
Thank you again.
Wednesday 08/20/2003 11:44:22pm
My boyfriend rarely loses his erection after sex, and immediately following his ejaculation, we go right at it again. This can happen three to four to five times in a row. I also know that he is having full ejaculations, and we are not using any special techniques what so ever.
Congrats! It would appear your boyfriend is one of the few men who, at least to some degree, is not limited by MRP.
Friday 08/22/2003 11:10:46pm
Southeast USA
I was watching Howard Stern when a man reporting to be the Rutgers study participant claimed he was capable of full and multiple orgasms without losing erection. That ability sounded normal to me, until he mentioned he was in the study and that the "ability" as such was unique, or infrequent at least. I was on the internet at the time and I surfed onto this website via a search for the article he quoted.
I began masturbating when I was young, likely around 5, without ejaculate of course. I began masturbating regularly at age 13 and would at times orgasm and ejaculate up to 3 times before I "got bored." I did not discuss this behavior with anyone of course, so I didn't realize the uniqueness. However, when I first had sex with my college girlfriend at age 19, she was more experienced than me, and was impressed with my ability to maintain an erection for up to five hours, and have four orgasms that were "full" orgasms. These "marathons" I had with her lasted until she swore she could take no more and was losing sensation herself. My experience was that I got an erection, during intercourse would ejaculate, continue intercourse without interruption, and repeat. Around the third orgasm, usually, any girlfriend of mine would quit, being either too sore or "too stimulated."
I did realize there was a psychological component. One girlfriend would "talk dirty" during intercourse. Although that was exciting until after the first orgasm, I grew weary of hearing such foul things out of her mouth and I would lose my erection — something very unusual for me. I spoke to her about not saying such things, and she stopped. Sex thereafter was back to having full orgasms with ejaculation (a lot with the first orgasm, then sequentially lower amounts with the subsequent orgasms), no losing of erection, mild decrease of sensation to the corona of the penis, but continued pleasure with each orgasm.
It is interesting that such a thing is so interesting in the literature of sex education. I am a medical student nearly finished with school, so I approach the studies with care. Most likely a bio-psycho-social interplay is necessary for "MMO," and a positive outcome of such research is to help men and couples with sexual dysfunction improve their pleasure of sex, which is a vital component of relationships. Sex and sex industry is a multi-billion dollar industry in America alone, so perusal of research in this field can ultimately pay for itself and also pay for other research in the science of sex.
Yes... the Research Subject did appear on that program. The show you mentioned was in preparation for a video attempt to document live what had previously only been witnessed by the researchers during the Rutgers Study, itself.
The whole purpose of such a video was to finally help bring to Public attention that which the sex research community has forever attempted to keep hidden and buried: the potential for a MRP-free male sexuality. Given the current stone-walling on this key issue by sexologists, only public awareness and interest has any chance of forcing a change to this currently held attitude.
Unfortunately for all involved, the actual video event was a complete fiasco, the producers having foolishly turned the entire video shoot over to a porn director who had no business attempting to stage and direct such a world-record-breaking shoot. As reported elsewhere, rather than permitting the Research Subject the closed set he had been promised for the actual event, instead over 100 people from all over the world were permitted to sit "ringside" on the set as they munched on catered foods and watched the attempt within a few feet of the bed, itself. Rather than limiting the video cameras to only three, as promised by the producers, instead video crews crammed the set and hung from ladders and other scaffolding around the bed. Into this spectator-sport environment the Research Subject was led and told to start performing as a very drunk Nikita Denise was suddenly thrown against him and attempted to bully her way onto him sexually. It went downhill from there very quickly.
As stated by many Adult-industry professionals there, even the most seasoned male pornstar would have found it extremely intimidating to attempt performance under such circumstances. For the Research Subject, who had never performed publicly before and who had been promised a completely closed set to all except a small camera crew, the director and producers, it was simply impossible.
Thereafter, after having violated all conditions and promises made, the producers used their access to the Media to make the Research Subject the scapegoat for the entire event's failure.
However, while rarely mentioned except on this Howard Stern appearance, there was a test video shot two months earlier during which the Research Subject was videotaped having a total of 8 ejaculations during a 6-hour shoot with a female performer who herself required several rests throughout the day-long shoot. Had it not been for her needed rest periods, his capacity would have been even better exhibited. Thus, footage of this ability does exist and may soon be aired during an upcoming British television series produced by Shine, Ltd. called "The Unofficial World Records of Sex". The series is scheduled to begin airing this November in the UK.
It is hoped that at some point in the future, a sequel to the failed video attempt might be properly produced and filmed for the enjoyment and fascination of the world at large. Then perhaps the Public will finally be able to witness first-hand the potentials for human sexuality once the male is finally freed from the near-universal male sexual limitation imposed upon men via the Male Refractory Period (MRP).
And yes... as stated elsewhere at this site... your point is well taken that MRP can be influenced to an extent by both early experience and gained proficiency in achieving orgasm(s) and in higher states of arousal.
Thank you for your inquiry and your remarks.
Tuesday 08/26/2003 8:24:43pm
Great site !!!
Thank you !!!
So... now can we go to your website and post an ad for our site, too?
Tuesday 09/02/2003 3:10:12am
A considerable amount of information provided on your site proves a few entries on our site regarding the male orgasm process. Thanks for the great resource on male sexuality.
We're glad to be of help.
We have often found that so many truths regarding male sexuality, in particular where male orgasm and MRP are concerned, are not accurately reported or simply not reported at all by mainstream male sexology. This we continue to find perplexing and not a little troubling.
Monday 09/29/2003 3:36:34am
Metro Boston
I am someone who has masturbated for sexual pleasure for almost 35 years and has had a shared sex life for a considerable period of this. About seven years I heard a woman I was interested in describing Tantra. I had some previous negative experience with other men who boasted about how Tantra made them better than anyone else with women. Hearing a woman I liked speak favorably of it however I felt motivated and started delving into the subject in bookstores. The books I read there then sufficiently interested me to take up exercises. It took me six months of observant masturbating and exercising but I finally experienced very mild orgasms without ejaculation. It turned out that I had a basic misunderstanding. I had tried masturbating until preejaculation and tried to make myself orgasm without ejaculating. I eventually learned what it is all about, it is relaxing into the stimulus. As with a radio you first get faint signals then you work at increasing the kind of stimulus that gave it to you. Using breathwork with the stimulus and relaxation can increase the intensity of these nonejaculatory orgasms. They are not the same as ejaculatory orgasms but it is possible to get orgasms orgasm after orgasm. This does not preclude also getting ejaculatory orgasms. I can get three ejaculations in five hours but I can ALSO (not instead) get an average of fifty or sixty per hour non-ejaculatory.
While all orgasm options to the stereotypical "one-orgasm-then-rest" male sexual response scenario are of value, learned non-ejaculatory techniques are not the subject of this website. While there are a multitude of tantric websites out there teaching their 4,000-year-old techniques that force a man to sacrifice quality (of pleasure) for quantity (of aborted orgasms), our website champions instead the highly unorthodox and (to many in the sex-research community) heretical view that men should focus on finding the cure to MRP rather than continuing to treat the symptoms. Thus, while appreciated, your views might find more relevancy at any of the many aforementioned Tantric websites.
Sunday 10/05/2003 11:16:36pm
I never knew this was such a Circus Act, to be able to have several orgasms complete with sperm, one after the other. I have been able to do this since the age of 14/15. I have, with the same single erection achieved orgasm and ejactulant for 5 times over the course of 30-45 min. I have done this with my wife, but only 3 orgasms.
After reading your article I will be interested in finding out what my limits really are. One thing that is essential for this is arousal, the more turned on I am the more x's I can go. My sperm volume is similar to the test subject graph you show. I once did this multiple orgasm feat while watching a XXX film and was able to keep on going, with the same erection, with each different scene in the movie. The only reason I stopped was the ejactulant was getting very small and I thought I could do damage to myself.
While your concern is understandable, the Research Subject of the Rutgers study frequently enjoys fully ejaculatory multiple orgasms far into the double digits and far past semen depletion and has never experienced any negative effects. There is no reason to our knowledge to suppose other equally orgasmically capable men would experience any negative effects, either.
I was 10 when I first masturbated, a girl in my class showed me what to do (don't ask me how she new). There obviously was no ejactulant but from that day on I was the masturbating KING. I believe I finally had ejactulant at the age of 14
I masturbate or have sex at least 6x week. Oh by the way I can shoot milk out of my tear ducts after inhaling it through my nose, maybe that's it!!!!
We seriously doubt there is any connection whatsoever. ;)
Couple of Questions have you guys heard of the pill "Ogoplex" and its connection with the term The Ropes. Is there any truth to this or is another Snake Oil?
We cannot offer a knowledgeable opinion on this or any other sexual-enhancement product. However as almost all of these are highly dubious at best, we strongly recommend a very healthy dose of skepticism, first.
Can you do damage to yourself, multiple orgasming? Cheers
Again, the Research Subject is now in his mid-40's and has never experienced any negative health or sexually related effects to his naturally multiorgasmic capacity or lifestyle.
Tuesday 10/21/2003 1:34:37am
Private Message 339
Wednesday 10/22/2003 1:30:46pm
Joe momma
Orgasm is an energetic experience.
Ejaculation is a reflex. It's not bad, but does cause MRP.
Your nervous system can be sensitized and trained to have energetic orgasms like women do.
Check out
Say "hello" to Jack Johnston, everyone... the owner and founder of his own variation on the same 4,000-year-old ejaculatory-control techniques taught by countless others. Jack, however, does put a unique spin on this millennias'-old business by using sounds to help distract and thus avoid ejaculatory orgasm: the goal of all these profit-making systems, techniques, programs, courses, books, tapes, etc..
We are well aware of your website, Jack, and its products, and now so also are all visiting our own website to whom you have actively attempted to solicit.
What you teach is almost identical to the same system taught in the books "One-Hour Orgasm" and "E.S.O.", which boils down to teaching men to ride the edge of orgasm without going over into orgasm and ejaculation and redefining "orgasm" to mean the little pleasure peaks experienced when on that orgasmic edge, thus supposedly experiencing "multiple orgasms" without actually orgasming and ejaculating.
This basic sexual methodology (Jack's "sound" gimmick is unnecessary) is an ancient one and has been commonly discovered and practiced by men for millennia the world over and without needing to purchase Jack's help *gasp!*
While this ancient technique is fairly common and is a wonderful means of heightening arousal often resulting in a much more powerfully pleasurable orgasm when finally permitted, this is not at all the same as multiple orgasms and is most certainly not how women experience them. Thus, Jack, you cannot claim that your system trains men to "...have energetic orgasms like women do" without blatantly misrepresenting the facts and defrauding your customers.
The fact is that you "train" men to avoid entirely the highly pleasurable orgasmic contractions experienced by both sexes during orgasm, thus denying men half the orgasmic pleasures experienced by women during orgasm. And while for men these contractions cause ejaculation, which triggers the Male Refractory Period (MRP), women don't experience a mandatory "refractory period" following any number of orgasms and thus do not have to deny themselves these pleasurable contractions but are able to enjoy them fully and proceed immediately on to the next orgasm.
This is precisely what true multiorgasmic men also experience as they also do not suffer from MRP following any number of multiple orgasms. Thus again... the importance to all of us that MRP be researched and ultimately eradicated as a sexual dysfunction. Only then can men know the true potentials for sexual ecstacy available only to those who know what it is to rise higher and higher with each orgasm into true multiorgasmic euphoria: a pleasure "high" entirely unknown to all except those without MRP.
This is how women experience multiple orgasms, Jack. Or weren't you aware of this?
Monday 11/03/2003 1:02:53am
I have heard that the popular E.D. drug Viagra causes a man to become erect for several hours. By virtue of causing a man to have an erection for this period, does it also by extension suppress the refractory response in between orgasms?
If so, why do we need more research on MRP when we already have a more or less safe pharmaceutical solution, and if not, why not?
Viagra does not and has never been claimed by its manufacturer (Pfizer) to circumvent or otherwise eliminate MRP. Viagra assists men with erectile dysfunction in achieving and maintaining erection. That's it. This is the extent of Viagra's claims and purpose.
Science cannot begin to develop a "pharmaceutical solution" for MRP until the sex research community first commissions studies into MRP and its causes. Understandably no solution to MRP can be attempted until we first understand what causes MRP in the first place. Unfortunately, to date there still has not been a single study conducted into MRP and its causes. Instead, and as discussed throughout this website and guestbook, the sex research community continues to do all in its power to stone-wall and oppose any and all such research.
Not even our own Rutgers study proving the existence of a natural MRP-free male sexuality has had any effect on this inexplicable professional prejudice and the Male Refractory Period continues to remain every bit the mystery and the universal male sexual limitation it always has been and apparently will continue to be for a very long time to come.
Wednesday 11/12/2003 11:43:27am
Midwest US
Yours is a very interesting site.
I am curious who you are/whom you represent and why you've invested in this site.
We represent a private interest dedicated to the dissemination of information regarding the true potentials possible in male sexual fulfillment, our primary aim being to foment interest in research into the psycho-physiologic triggers of the Male Refractory Period (MRP) and how same might be ultimately circumvented or eradicated thus resolving forever the sexual dichotomies inherent to heterosexual relationships.
I also have some questions about some of my own experiences.
I'm a male, late 40s, sexually active since 20 with various partners. Although I had a long dry spell in my 30s to mid-40s as far as partnered sex, I would experience when masturbating both of the following:
1) Multiple ejaculatory orgasms, usually in a context of hyper-heightened sexual stimulus, such as watching erotic movies. A refractory period, if it existed, was generally limited to a short period of time.
2) Experiences of intense arousal accompanied by full-body massive waves of pleasure with no ejaculation. Although the nature of the sensation was fundamentally different than an ejaculatory orgasm, I came to calling those "dry orgasms". They were generally unpredictable and were not something I made much attempt to "develop" using Tantric or Taoist techniques.
For a 10-month period from 2001 through mid-2002, I was involved in a partnered sexual relationship, with opportunities to be with my partner about every 3 weeks or so, usually for a day at a time. During the course of that relationship I purchased and read "The Multi-Orgasmic Male" and attempted to align its techniques with my experiences in #2 above, with moderate success.
In one 12-hour period with my lover in this relationship I was able to generate 3 ejaculatory orgasms, although generally fewer during our times together.
That relationship ended, followed by another dry spell for partnered sex of about 14 months.
Recently I have found a new sexual partner, who is very skilled at lovemaking and who is also personally appealing. I have found, however, that I have a great deal of difficulty ejaculating even once when we have sex. I tend to reach the edge of climax, then involuntarily my bodies retreats from ejaculation; over the course of several sexual encounters, I have only ejaculated 3 times, two as a result of her orally stimulating me, once by my own hand after lengthy intercourse.
I have NOT been consciously trying to invoke the Taoist techniques during these encounters.
I have, however, experienced the sort of pleasure-waves described in 1) above, again without trying consciously to invoke them.
I would like to be able to ejaculate more readily with my new partner.
I suspect my difficulty in ejaculating is a result of more recently sensitizing my penis primarily to the firm grip and rapid stroke of my hand while masturbating. I have refrained from masturbating in the last several weeks in hopes — so far without success — of making my penis more receptive to varied forms of stimulation including conventional intercourse.
I would appreciate your thoughts and comments on any of this.
While we do not claim at all to be sex advisors here, we do have one possible suggestion for you.
Given your apparent and relatively recent interest in and incursion into the area of non-ejaculatory orgasm (either via self-taught or literature-taught techniques), you have apparently added a few cognitive decisions that need to be made at the moment prior to orgasm: "To ejaculate... or not to ejaculate (and if the latter, by what method)? THAT is the question..."
Thus it might be that, at the crucial moment, you mentally... hesitate... if only for a second. This causes distraction and perhaps indecision that can be all it takes to sabotage the moment and pull you back from orgasm. (Something similar to this happens to many of us when trying to "force" urination for a urinalysis: the more we think about it, the more difficult it is to do.)
If this is what might be happening, then our advice is to disregard what these male "multi-orgasmic" books have taught you and instead re-learn to trust your body's own natural desires and responses. Realize that your body knows what it wants and how best to achieve it. All you need to do is to simply stop sabotaging your own pleasure through over-thinking the situation (again... contrary to what the books you've read have taught you) and enjoy all the pleasures that Nature has naturally programmed into your sexual response cycle.
During sexual activity, when you decide you are ready to orgasm... go for it and just let it happen. No thinking... no deciding what KIND of orgasm you think you should try for... just let it cum and let yourself get washed away in the waves of pleasure of natural orgasm! Allow yourself to succumb to the "ride" and let it carry you where and how it will. Your only "job" is simply to enjoy it.
We hope this proves helpful.
Monday 11/17/2003 8:29:23am
I discovered recently I am able to get very pleasurable and powerful involuntary rhythmic contractions in my penis, it feels like an orgasm. I discovered this after smoking marijuana then watching a porn movie, it felt as if I was starring in the actual movie.
After finding out marijuana is actually bad for your sex drive, I decided not to depend on it so much for sexual pleasure. I eventually learned how to get this same pleasure without the marijuana, by totally relaxing all my muscles and controlling and altering my state of mind. Also, I realised when massaging my nipples it amazingly doubles the pleasure and strength of the contractions.
I think I could be on my way to full ejaculation since I have many years of practice as I am only 20 years old. I am able to produce a hell of a lot of clear seminal fluid and this one time a small amount squirted out as my urethral bulb was violently contracting. I find it hard not to hesitate sometimes, but every time I practise I feel I get closer and closer, millimetres away from ejaculation. However, after a long time it can get frustrating and I obviously have to finish the job off by hand, resulting in M.R.P.
I think if I achieve ejaculation this special way it will not result in M.R.P.
Any advise or comments would be appreciated.
You are the first to mention these involuntary spasms that occur when riding the edge of the orgasm without going over. And yes... they are wonderfully arousing and pleasurable, and make the ultimate plunge into orgasm all that much more wonderful. And yes, if you are able to ride that edge without going over into orgasm, you will produce quite a bit of clear pre-ejaculatory fluid (emanating from the Cowper's Gland).
Monday 12/01/2003 10:31:36pm
I'm 41 yr old female. I have never known a lover to experienced a refractory period. Most of my sexual experience is with men in their late 30's though. I thought it (MRP) was something of a myth. In order to make the male slow down, which I learn with my H.S. sweetheart, is to get him off as quickly as possible in the first few minutes when we're alone, then settle in for a nice long play time. They always became erect again or never lost it. And no, they couldn't be faking, cause I would use my hand or mouth for that first time out and the ejaculate was present. The "steam" of the action was never let down for a second after they ejaculated. Maybe there is something with the time frame, not letting up after orgasm that keeps us going to round two. I think male orgasms are the most perfect experiences in the world, I'd never implore techniques to prevent it, I want to "drive" him to it! Which might lead to my absolute lustful response when his orgasm takes place. He's suppose to have "landed" and here I go taking off with vigor like never before. Maybe I overwhelmed them by my reaction, and there mind doesn't get a chance to settle down for the "nap" response.
Anyway, I think enthusiasm is the difference and a love for maleness (that would be everything that makes men men.)
So apparently it is your own sensual enthusiasm and love of men that most helps encourage and literally arouse your lovers orgasm after orgasm.
If so, for many you would seem an ideal female lover.