Chapter V
<< It Takes Practice—and Exercise >>
Every day. Once you start a program aimed at your becoming multi-orgasmic, you'll be doing pelvic exercises and contractions every day. It's easy to understand why this is necessary. There are several muscle groups in the pelvis. If all of them are used, you can stop the flow of urine, even if it is strong.

Important Pelvic Muscles

The bulbocavernosus helps to control urination and assists during erections. This muscle encases the penile base. A second muscle also helpful in producing an erection is known as the ischiocavernosus. Also important are the transverse perineal muscles. Maintaining good pelvic health through exercise of these muscles aids greatly in obtaining and maintaining erections and assisting in multi-orgasmic function.

Separately, each set of muscles has a slightly different function. The levator ani muscle is the one that you tighten to stop the flow of urine. In people who are out of shape physically, this muscle often weakens, resulting in poor bladder control. But a weak levator ani muscle can also result in constipation. We recommend exercises of this muscle to improve sexual control. As the muscle grows stronger, erections come more easily, and sexual endurance increases. There are also obvious beneficial side effects that come to a person who follows our regimen. When the "pelvic floor" has been strengthened, bladder and bowel control improves. Good "pelvic health" contributes to better overall wellbeing.

A man wishing to maintain good pelvic health needs to contract his PC muscle about fifty times every day. If he wishes to become multi-orgasmic, he will have to repeat the contraction of this muscle at least a hundred times every day.
One thing to remember: You are going to be exercising a group of muscles. Like any other muscle, they tire quickest when weak. So don't try to start with a hundred contractions the first time you exercise. Begin with a small number, quitting before you tire. Then gradually build up the amount, always being ready to "back off" a bit if you find your muscles getting sore.

Don't let this warning discourage you. Most people who begin this series of exercises find that they can maintain a hundred contractions a day after only a short buildup of less than a week.

A drawing of the pelvic muscles will help you to understand the exercise. If you understand just where the muscles are located and what they do, you will find it easier to exercise effectively.

Can you be sure this will help you? Two examples of clients who gained by exercising their pelvic muscles are Clint and Verne.

Clint came to us because his wife, Beth, refused to have sex with him. "She says there's so much secretion before I even come that it bothers her. She won't even kiss me there anymore, because she says she gets all wet."

When we assured him that there might be nothing abnormal in his abundance of precoital fluid*, he seemed upset. "You've got to help me. My wife is beautiful, and I love her. We've only been married a few months, and my marriage is going down the tubes."
    * The Cowper's glands secrete an alkaline fluid that produces lubrication of the urethra so that sperm can easily move down and out.
    During arousal in the male there may be an oozing of this fluid. Some women find this objectionable. Ejaculation and precoital fluid are part of normal arousal-response patterns, however.

Usually severely weakened pelvic muscles do not appear in a young man who is in top physical condition, so we again warned Clint that there might nothing we could do to help him. But he persisted. He was, obviously, willing to try almost anything to cure himself of what he considered a terrible problem. We suggested then that he begin with fifty contractions of the pelvic muscles every day for the first week, and build up to a hundred each day by the second week.
Fortunately, these muscles are easy to identify. We told him to try, the next time he urinated, to stop the flow. The muscles he used to do this are the very muscles that are to be exercised for sexual control. Clint went home and followed our directions. Two weeks later, when he reported back, he was in far better spirits. His overabundant precoital fluid was under control at last, and his wife was once more willing to accept his sexual advances.

We had no way of knowing whether there had actually been any change in the amount of precoital fluid. The entire problem might have been caused by lack of knowledge. This is, in fact, a major problem. People are often so misinformed or uninformed sexually that they assume that what is happening to them is "abnormal,” when it is, in fact, quite common. For such people, just providing correct information regarding their own body functions often solves their problems.

Verne came in for a different reason. He had a slight loss of urine that had resulted in visits to doctors during most of his life. He had been a bed wetter as a child, and he never really gained control over his pelvic muscles. Even as an adult, he had often suffered embarrassing "accidents."

We suggested that he do fifty pelvic contractions every day as a beginning. He did more, however, and in three days he was no longer "leaking," as he described it.

"All my life I've had problems," he explained. "It feels great to go to the bathroom and not find urine on my underpants."

Now that the problem seemed to be cured, he explained that he had never dated because he was so sure he had an unpleasant odor. "I've changed my underpants as often as three times a day, but I still felt that I smelled."
In Verne's case, we solved his "leaking" problem as well as improved his sex life. He was thirty-four years old, and a virgin at the time he visited us. However, by the end of his two-week therapy, he had no problem with accidental urination. He was able to go several hours without having to find a restroom, and the extra changes of shorts were a thing of the past. With that goal reached, he dared to date women he had avoided before.

Now It’s Your Turn to Exercise

A word of warning: It is best if you scatter your pelvic exercises throughout the day, rather than trying to do a hundred all at once. This way the muscles will build up without tiring.

And one of encouragement: These pelvic exercises can be done any time—on the bus or in your car, at your desk, or as you sit waiting in the dentist's office. You can even do them as you walk.

To identify the "right" muscles, do what we told Clint to do: urinate. While the flow is full, try to close it off. The muscles you will automatically tighten in this attempt are the ones you must exercise. And how do you exercise them? By tightening them—as if you were trying to close off the flow of urine. If you remember to tighten and relax these muscles off and on during the day, you will easily build up to a hundred contractions.

We recommend that you begin by selecting certain key activities as reminders that you must exercise. Begin by always contracting the pelvic muscle as you ride to and from work and as you answer the phone. If you keep this up for a day or two, you will develop a habit that will stay with you. Soon you will always exercise the pelvic muscles whenever you are in a car or talking on the phone.
As with all other motor activities, these exercises will soon become automatic. You won't even realize you're doing them, even though at first you had to think about them to do them right. It's just like braking, shifting gears, or staying in your lane when you're on the highway. When you first learned to drive, each one of those actions required concentrated thought. Now, if you've been driving for any length of time, you do them without thinking.

One bit of advice: There are actually two kinds of exercises. In the first, you tighten the muscles, hold them tense for the count of three seconds, and then relax them. We suggest that you do this exercise about twenty-five times a day at first, in groups of five, spaced throughout the day.

In the second, you tighten and relax quickly, as you would during orgasm. Begin by doing this one twenty-five times a day, too, in groups of five each, also spacing it through the day.

As your muscles grow stronger, you should increase the total number of contractions of both kinds, keeping them equally balanced. You will find that soon you are able to prolong intercourse simply by contracting these muscles just before what is called "ejaculatory inevitability" takes place.

This is the moment just before any semen actually moves into the urethra, but when you are beginning to feel that you will soon "come." Don't get discouraged if you don't immediately achieve this goal. Your muscles must be very strong to control this "natural" occurrence. After all, if you decided to become a long-distance runner, you would hardly expect to run a marathon after a week of practice, would you? So be patient with yourself. And don't give up. Your success depends on how faithful you are in exercising and on how many exercises you do every day. Certainly that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

We've found that it helps if you keep a record of your exercise activities. A chart from our Center you can use, or you can make up your own. Some men simply mark the number of contractions they do in a corner of each square of a weekly calendar. It makes little difference how you keep track of your progress, but we strongly urge that you use some record as a reminder of how close you are to reaching your goal.



Please record the number of times each of the following behavior occurs daily. In order to be precise, it is important that each event be recorded on a daily basis. At the end of each week the data from this time period should be mailed to us, and a new checklist started. Any instance of sexual behavior MAY comprise several of the rows. Select the ONE row that best describes the behavior and check only this row unless other rows are directly related, i.e. 10 and 11. More rows may be checked if they occur during the same day. If erection only occurs when lying on back or is lost when moving from back, please state. If any medication was taken within any twenty-four-hour period, please state kind.

1.Sexual dream (write dream on back)
2.Sexual fantasy (write fantasy on back)
3.Nocturnal emission
4.Morning or other erection, no masturbation, no sex play*
5.Erection with masturbation,* no sex play
6.Masturbation with ejaculation,* no sex play
7.Erection with partner,* sex play
8.Ejaculation with partner, sex play
10.If intercourse occurred, degree of erection on a scale of 0 to 10
11.If intercourse occurred, estimate length of time
12.Pelvic exercises, flicking
13.Tightening and holding       

* List degree of erection on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being a full erection.
Length of time an activity went.

COMMENTS: We would like to know:
       1. Any difference or change you may perceive in a physical, emotional, psychological, or perceptional way, or anything else you feel may be important.
       2. If you have a partner, what differences have you noticed in her?
       Use the other side of this sheet to answer, if necessary.

{42} Incidentally, this use of pelvic muscle exercises to help solve problems of premature ejaculation was mentioned in Sexology magazine as early as 1958. The difficulty was that the exercises were not described carefully, or presented in any systematic manner. Nor were there any suggestions as to the number of contractions that were desirable.

With the advance in understanding of sexual physiology, the importance of these muscles to good pelvic health is now accepted. Twenty-five years after they were first recognized as having value in improving sexual function, the pelvic muscles are at last receiving the attention they deserve.

Get that Circulation Going

We hear a lot these days about the build-up of fat in the arteries. We know it can lead to heart problems and strokes. What many people don't realize is that a build-up of fat in the blood vessels of the pelvic area causes poor circulation, and that can affect sexual response. To put it bluntly, a man with this problem will have difficulty getting an erection.

If he's lucky, he'll just have to get used to waiting longer before he's "hard." If the circulation problem is more severe, he may never get a full erection, no matter how much he is stimulated. Obviously, the most important part of the cure for this condition is an improved diet and medical care designed to reduce the fat particles in the blood. But we've found that the pelvic exercises we advocate also help.
What do they do? First of all, as the muscles of the pelvis are exercised, blood is forced through the capillaries. This stronger flow of blood starts a "clean-up" process, "washing" the fat away. With more room, the blood flows even more quickly and the clean-up continues. The second thing that happens is that the pelvic muscles become more flexible. You might compare a well-toned pelvic muscle to a new rubber band and a "flabby" one to a worn-out rubber band. When a muscle loses its tone, the entire body is affected.

The pelvic muscles support the entire body, like the foundation of a tall building. If they are weak, the entire structure of the body is harmed. If you bring them back into condition through exercise, the entire body benefits. Even the prostate gland, an organ that often suffers as a man ages, can benefit from improved tone in the pelvic muscles. Consider that the muscles that surround the prostate gland contract during orgasm—or would contract if they were as strong as they should be. As you strengthen the pelvic muscles, you will help the prostate gland return to the function for which it was designed.

It's possible that many prostate problems are caused not by actual damage to the prostate, but by weakening of the muscles that surround it. We know that a man who has sex two or three times a week usually has little or no prostate problems. That's because, with regular orgasms, the pelvic muscles contract often and stay in good condition.

Many men, as they grow older, have sex less and less often. The effect is like a chain reaction. Less sex means fewer orgasms. That means the muscles in the lower pelvic region remain idle—and grow flabby. If, on the contrary, the pelvic muscles are regularly used, either in intercourse, masturbation, or while doing PC exercises, they stay in good condition, and the whole body benefits.

Many of our clients and research subjects report on the good aspects of the exercises. Doug, a client, reported: "I always thought I had great erections. But since I've been doing the PC exercises, my penis gets harder—and bigger— than it ever did before. Maybe I'm just more aware now than I used to be—but I don't think that's it."
Brad, a research subject, was impressed with the effect of his exercises on his orgasms. "I always have had fantastic orgasms. But what's happening to me now is crazy. I build and build, and when I come, it's like I'm going to explode!"

So if you've assumed that people with weak muscle structure are the only people who get returns from a regular exercise program for the pelvic muscles, think again. Even if you aren't yet convinced that men can have multiple orgasms, there are some very good reasons for your starting the exercises. And if you suddenly find yourself capable of extended sex play, you've received an extra bonus.

This point must be made at the start. The pelvic exercises should be done consistently. We've already told you how to recognize what must be done. Begin by trying to stop your urine flow. If you can't do it, no matter how hard you try, then you have proof of how weak your PC muscle actually is. But don't despair. As you practice, the muscle will strengthen. So, as a test, we recommend that you periodically repeat the stop urine test. You should show a gradual improvement if you're doing the exercises correctly.

Don't just exercise when you urinate, however. We've already mentioned that no one else need know that you're doing your exercises, so just do them—regularly.

Incidentally, any boy with a flair for experimentation can tell you that when he tenses the muscle in his crotch his penis moves. That shouldn't surprise you. The same muscle used to have the job of wagging the tail, back when we walked on all fours. Then it had an easy task. Things are harder for the PC muscle now, because we stand on our hind legs and throw the muscle out of normal position. But it still does the job. It just has to work harder. And for that, it has to be strong.

You Need a Schedule

Any bodybuilder will tell you that the easiest way to maintain an effective exercise schedule is to tie it in with something you do frequently. We've mentioned doing the exercises in your car. If you travel a lot in your business, that's a good place to start. But if you're desk-bound, making phone calls all day, knock off a few exercises each time you pick up the phone. By the end of the day you'll have met —or exceeded—your planned schedule. Just remember how it goes: Tighten, hold for the count of three—relax. Or do a number of quick tighten-relax ones. They're both important.

For starters, don't overdo. We suggest beginning with ten in the morning, before you get out of bed. Follow that with ten "flicking" exercises. Remember, that's when you tighten and release quickly, over and over again. Your goal for first-of-the-morning exercises is to do twenty of each without feeling too tired.

Why do any of these exercises when you're lying down? That's an easy one to answer. It lets the muscles work without any pressure on them from the weight of the organs in the pelvic cavity.

The next time when you might regularly do another set of the exercises is at lunch. No one will ever know. You might do three of each every time you urinate. That will add a few more repeats by the end of the day. And then, before you go to sleep at night, go through the routine ten more times. With a good foundation like that, you'll find it easy to add a few more to each session. In no time, you'll be doing fifty a day. And you'll build to one hundred without any feeling that you're taxing yourself.
A word of warning; If your pelvic muscles feel sore at all, cut back on the number you do until you've worked through the discomfort. That's what you'd do were your legs to get sore from jogging, or your arms and back from weightlifting. Just don't panic. Some men do when they have any discomfort in the genitalia. Such a man seems very afraid that he'll lose all ability to get erections, or that something terrible is happening to his penis. But nothing is going wrong. Of course, if pain persists it might have no relationship to the exercises you're doing. In that case, a visit to a doctor is in order. Under normal conditions it is safe to treat the pelvic muscles as you do any other muscles in your body; don't worry about the natural reaction that results from too much exercise all at once.

Your final goal is to do about two hundred exercises a day. It sounds formidable, but you can already see that it isn't. Most of your exercising can be accomplished while you're doing something else, so you'll hardly notice the time you spend on it.

It's important for you to understand that the penis itself is not a muscle, nor does it have any muscles in it. The drawing of the penis at flaccid and erect stages explains how erection occurs. It also helps you understand why the pelvic exercises can help erections.

Penis Flaccid and Erect

Incidentally, these exercises are very good for impotent men, since they do increase the blood flow to the penis. According to Dr. Arnold Milman, 22 million men have impotence problems. We're convinced that some of those men would benefit from a regular pelvic exercise program, masturbation, or a combination of both. Many of our clients come to us with erection problems caused by lack of sexual stimulation or inadequate sexual activity, and, of those, 50 percent or more are helped by this simple prescription.

It might surprise you to learn that many women prefer a penis that, though erect, is not stone hard. Why? Because the tissues in the vagina can be delicate, and when it is penetrated by a rock-hard penis a woman may feel discomfort. An erect but flexible penis is less apt to hurt. What we term a "50 percent erection" is certainly adequate for penetration and thrusting.
There are, of course, other types of impotence than that caused by lack of exercise. They won't be helped by our regimen. Psychogenic impotence (impotence caused by fear, tension, or anxiety), as well as impotence caused by medication or illness can't go away just because you exercise a few muscles. But such causes are far rarer than most men think. If you're having erection problems because you don't have sex very often, or because you've grown flabby, you'll see improvement very soon after you start.

Ted, who was fifty-two, came to us because he'd met a ". . . luscious gal, twenty-five, who likes me. We've gone out twice, and gone to bed both times. But I didn't get an erection either time." He expressed surprise that she was still willing to give him another chance, and he didn't want to flub again. He gave us a deadline. They were going to Palm Springs together—in three weeks.

He presented us with quite a problem. His wife was dead, but she had been ill for several years before she died, and in that time he had not masturbated nor had sex with any other woman. What's more, since her death, two years before he came to see us, he had had no interest in sex or dating.

We warned him that we might not be able to help in that short a time. Usually we allow six visits, each a week apart, before we consider the training complete. We told him that he had to work daily at the exercises and masturbate at least two or three times a week.

That bit of instruction almost sent him away. He declared that masturbation was "kid stuff," and that he was too old for such nonsense. But, in spite of his objections, he thought we were his only hope.

He was consistent in following the exercise regimen, especially when we convinced him that it really was up to him to improve his ability to function—that we could only advise.
He went on his weekend after only three sessions with us. The following Monday, he phoned. "I'm not coming back. Don't need to. We screwed our heads off." They had sex on Friday night after they arrived at the hotel, three times on Saturday, and twice on Sunday before they headed for home. He sounded "high" from the experience. "I just called to thank you," he added before he ended the call.

Of course, he did it all. He was motivated, and conscientious about doing his exercises. He had masturbated every day during the three weeks and had worked up to five hundred pelvic contractions every day. He had also had a couple of counseling appointments where he had learned more facts about human sexual functioning. This helped him to feel more relaxed and less apprehensive about the weekend that meant so much to him.

He went to Palm Springs with his body in reasonable physical condition, with pelvic muscles that were accustomed to use (after some years of inactivity), and with a relaxed attitude based on knowledge. His fears of failure were gone. Undoubtedly, he could have benefited from more treatment. But he had accomplished what he wanted to achieve, and he was happy with the results.

This, incidentally, is one of the advantages of this specific set of exercises. You can do them until you reach whatever goal you set for yourself. But you have to do them. It's like dieting. We can give you all kinds of advice, but unless you act on it, nothing will change for you.
